Pushing the Martial Arts: Starting from the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell

Chapter 67 Taking over Zhuhai County, the sword intention is perfected

In the dark cave, the stench is overwhelming.

As Wei Fan and the others walked in, they found bones everywhere.

The cave didn't look big from the outside, but it was extremely vast after walking inside. After walking for a while, the three of them saw several large wooden boxes in a corner of the cave.

Yu Hong ran over and opened two of them one after another. They were full of gold, silver and jewelry.

His eyes were bright. There was no need to turn these things over to the Demon Suppression Division. The rewards from the missions were all his own. Even for things like the Demon Pouch, the Demon Suppression Division had to give them merit in exchange for it.

Money is not useless to warriors. Martial arts elixirs and magical weapons can all be bought with money.

If it was really useless, the demon wouldn't collect it.

He continued to open, and the third one also contained gold and silver jewelry. The fourth one finally opened, and finally it was no longer gold and silver jewelry, but a box of medicinal materials.

There were ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, everything, and most Wei Fan couldn't recognize them at all.

He only saw that even Li Fengyi was not calm, staring at the box.

On top of the four boxes was a small box about half a foot in size. Wei Fan reached for it and opened it gently. There were several secret books inside.

Seeing the secret book, Li Fengyi and Yu Hong were not interested in the gold, silver and jewelry, so they stretched their heads over.

Demons cannot practice human martial arts, but they can refer to it, so it is not surprising that there are secret books.

Wei Fan took out the secret books from the box and found that there were three in total.

One of them says "Biath Condensation Technique", another says "Powerful Vajra Palm", and the last one is called "Powerful Vajra Legs".

The moment he saw the name, he found that Yu Hong had no interest at all, and Li Fengyi also looked disappointed.

Wei Fan looked at the two of them: "What? These are garbage, have you heard of them?"

Yu Hong nodded: "It's all rubbish!"

Li Fengyi shook her head: "Don't listen to him, it's not that these three martial arts are rubbish, it's that they are useless to me and him.

This Breath Condensation Technique is used to restrain the breath. No wonder no one can detect these monsters when they enter the city.

We have all practiced the Breath Condensation Technique and traveled around the world. This Breath Condensation Technique is a must-have for hiding our cultivation.

You probably haven’t practiced cultivation before, but it’s suitable for you.

The Powerful Vajra Palm and Powerful Vajra Legs are both very powerful body-refining martial arts, and they are also very suitable for you.

The Demon Suppressing Division also has it, but now that you can get it outside, you don’t have to spend merit to redeem it. "

She knew Wei Fan fairly well and knew that although Wei Fan was refining his body, he had never seen any martial arts at the body refining level except for the giant bear paw at the horizontal training level.

The Powerful Vajra Palm and Powerful Vajra Legs just make up for Wei Fan's shortcomings in this area.

"Then I'm not welcome!"

Wei Fan put the three secret books close to his body.

A few people searched the cave for a while and found that there was no more good stuff.

"Get off the mountain!"

With the strength of 700,000 kilograms in one arm, Wei Fan grabbed a large box with one hand and walked out of the cave easily. Li Fengyi and Yu Hong also grabbed one each and followed them out.

Zhuhai County County Government!

"Sir, the wound has been treated. Fortunately, no muscles or bones were injured. I will prescribe some medicine and you will recover after a period of rest. Please be careful not to get wet recently."

The doctor stood up and packed the medicine box. A guard came forward to help Li Wenchang get dressed.

"Excuse me, Doctor Wang. Go get the medical fee and send him back home!"

Li Wenchang pushed the guard away and got dressed himself, with a grateful look on his face.

Dr. Wang heard this and shook his head hastily: "No, sir, you were injured by demons for the people of Zhuhai County. It is my blessing to be able to come and treat your wounds. How can I ask you for medical treatment? The villagers will not pay after hearing this." Don’t poke my spine.”

Mr. Li is so kind, those monsters almost killed Mr. Li.

Thinking of this, Doctor Wang couldn't help but feel angry: "Those damn monsters, when the Lord of the Demon Suppression Division comes, I will chop them into pieces. Fortunately, Sir, you are not seriously injured, otherwise we, Zhuhai County The sky is falling."

Li Wenchang showed a sad look on his face: "If it weren't for the several heads of government and the masters of the Suppressing Demon Division who fought to save me, I wouldn't have been able to come back. They are the gods of my Zhuhai County. I will definitely go to the book of the Suppressing Demon Division, please A real master will come to avenge them."

Doctor Wang was immediately in awe when he heard that it was Dutou and the masters of the Suppression Division who worked hard to save Li Wenchang.

He was about to praise a few masters from the Dutou and the Demon-Suppressing Division, but suddenly he heard a joking voice in his ears: "It's time for you to finish this, you miserable brat!"

Doctor Wang looked back and saw two young men appearing here at some unknown time, looking at Li Wenchang with smiles but not smiles.

"Who dares to break into the county government office privately!"

The police officers present at the scene reacted, drew their sabers and pointed them at Wei Fan and Yu Hong, each of them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"If you don't want to die, don't do anything. We are from the Demon Suppression Division. You'd better see what this is."

Yu Hong took out a sign and threw it to one of the catchers. The catcher looked at it, his expression immediately relaxed, and he hurriedly handed it over and said, "I'm sorry to see you, sir."

Wei Fan paced and walked towards Li Wenchang, whose expression had changed drastically.

"You...haven't you already..."

Looking at Wei Fan who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Li Wenchang felt a chill coming out of him, and he was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

"You want to say that we have been eaten by demons, but it's a pity that their teeth are too weak to chew us, so we killed them all!"

Li Wenchang's body was shaking.

Wei Fan stepped forward and kicked him off the seat, then sat on him.

Under the influence of the wound, Li Wenchang could not help but scream.

"You colluded with demons and harmed the people of the Demon Suppression Division, Li Wenchang, you wait for your head to be chopped off!"

Li Wenchang's face was ashen, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks, forgetting even the pain.

Doctor Wang was already dumbfounded.

The man who suddenly appeared was from the legendary Demon Suppression Division.

And their respected county magistrate Li Wenchang turned out to be an official who colluded with demons.

"Tie him up!"

Wei Fan pointed at Li Wenchang, but the constables and yamen runners seemed to have not recovered from their shock.

Wei Fan frowned and looked at the yamen runners and constables: "Don't you understand? Tie him up, now Zhuhai County is under our control!"


The first constable who saw Yu Hong's token reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to tie up Li Wenchang, and then several yamen runners also reacted and stepped forward to help.


The gate of the county government was opened, and Li Fengyi appeared with a group of soldiers.

"Surround them, don't let any of them go!"

She waved her hand, and the soldiers dispersed to the sides, immediately surrounding the entire county government office.

She didn't appear with Wei Fan and Yu Hong, because she was going to mobilize troops.

The waist badge of the Demon Suppression Division is not for display. In an emergency, troops can be mobilized from the local area, and even a county town can be directly taken over.

"Both of them, tied up!"

Wei Fan scanned the yamen runners and found two more problematic police chiefs, who were also tied up on the spot.

He looked at Li Wenchang: "As for those who are still problematic, you'd better tell the truth. I don't have time to check if there are any problems one by one. You can't afford to waste my time!"

This move stunned Li Wenchang and the two arrested police chiefs, and the three of them immediately confessed the people who still had problems.

In fact, there were not many, only one clerk and one police chief had problems.

The few police chiefs who had no problems immediately took the initiative to stand up and arrest these two people.

By nightfall, the problems in Zhuhai County were almost solved. Wei Fan and his men directly beheaded those who had problems and confiscated their houses.

Only Li Wenchang, as the county magistrate, could not be beheaded with a single word. He had to be taken back to Sucheng to be convicted and dealt with by the higher-ups.

If he had not participated in poisoning Wei Fan and his men, marrying a fox demon as a concubine would at most mean that he would be stripped of his official position and imprisoned for a few years. If he had connections with the higher-ups, he would not even have to go to jail.

Now the matter was being investigated by the Demon Suppression Division, and his head was in jeopardy.

The whole Zhuhai County was in an uproar. Few people thought that Li Wenchang would collude with demons.

Wei Fan and his men ignored these things and told people to keep an eye on Li Wenchang. After dinner, Wei Fan returned to his room.

[Baichuan Gong (first level of opening acupoints)]

[Liuli Baoti (sixth level of body refining)]

[Soul-destroying Demon-killing Sword·First Style (Perfect)]

[Current skill: 1526 years]

After 1,500 years of skill, he became rich again.

Wei Fan stared at the panel from top to bottom. There were many martial arts that could be added, but the most important one to add now was Baichuan Gong.

After a few days of gestation, and with the body training reaching the sixth level, Baichuan Gong could continue to increase its power.

[One month of power, you opened up the 41st acupoint and broke through the second level of Baichuan Gong]

[Eleven years of power, the 41st acupoint was filled with true qi, you began to open up the 42nd acupoint]

[Eight hundred and eight years of power, the 120th acupoint was filled with true qi, and the third level of Baichuan Gong was perfected]

[Baichuan Gong (third level of opening acupoints)]

[Current power: 718 years]

Wei Fan stopped and did not continue to add power to Baichuan Gong, because he once again had that kind of scene where the true qi was faintly out of control.

The third level of opening acupoints was perfected. This time he opened up eighty acupoints in one breath, adding eight hundred years of true qi.

Now, as long as the supreme true qi in his body circulates, it is like a wild horse running out of reins, rushing around everywhere, and he can hardly control it.

"Adding the 100 years in Dantian, I now have 1,300 years of true qi!"

1,300 years of true qi!

You should know that even a little genius like Wei Hongying, when the ninth level of the acupuncture is perfect, the scale of true qi is only more than 1,100 years.

This is a very scary number.

It is normal that the meridians cannot bear so much true qi in a short period of time, and they have to adapt slowly.

"The true qi is a little out of control, it should be related to my mind!"

The problem with the meridians is a small matter, it will be fine in a few days, the serious problem is that he can't control the true qi.

1,300 years of true qi is too majestic, and it can't be controlled without a strong mind.

If it weren't for his small success in sword intent and his stronger mind than ordinary people, the true qi would have been out of control long ago.

He talked with Li Fengyi, and other people would actually face his situation, but not many.

Because in the process of cultivation, the mind of ordinary people naturally grows, and the speed of the mind growing exceeds the speed of the increase of true qi.

Because he has a panel, the increase of true qi at a time is hundreds of years or even seven or eight hundred years, and the mind can't keep up with the speed of the true qi.

"It seems that I have to improve my sword intention!"

The improvement of sword intention also means the improvement of mind. Sword intention is originally a form of spiritual power.

Many people's minds are not as strong as Wei Fan's, but their minds are scattered. People who comprehend sword intention are equivalent to condensing this scattered sand into iron and turning it into a weapon.

He looked at the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword!

To improve sword intention, you have to rely on this sword method with only the first style.

"It shouldn't take much skill to break through sword intention."

He remembered that it took him sixty years of practice to get started with the sword intent, and then he spent another hundred years to add various sword techniques, and then the sword intent reached the minor success stage.

It took him another hundred years to comprehend and perfect the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword, and his sword intent was condensed a little in the process.

The panel began to flicker. He was a little afraid to add other martial arts without solving the problem of losing control of the true qi.

[With one year of practice, your Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has already been perfected, but your power has increased dramatically, and your mind is not strong enough to control the true qi. I hope to break through the mastery of the sword intent with the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword and strengthen your mind]

[With two years of practice, you control the qi with your mind, combine the qi with the sword, and combine the person and the sword. When the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword is activated, you can mobilize the true qi of forty-two acupoints]

Wei Fan's eyes lit up.

He added power just to strengthen his mind, but he didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain.

The first perfect Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword, the sword intent could only activate the true qi in forty acupoints.

To be honest, although he has opened up 120 acupoints, the martial arts he has mastered can only activate the true qi in 40 acupoints to fight the enemy. Seeing that the true qi has doubled, but the attack has not changed much, he plans to add some martial arts to bring out the true qi in the 120 acupoints.

However, the power of those martial arts is not comparable to that of the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword. It is naturally the best that the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword can have such an improvement.

[Twenty years of skill, even if the sword intent has not been broken through, you insist on practicing the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword. Now that the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword is out, you can activate the true qi in 60 acupoints]

[Fifty years of skill, years of practicing the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword, you finally took the last step. You are the sword and the sword is the man. Your sword intent has broken through and mastered, and you can activate the true qi in 80 acupoints]

The sword intent has broken through!

In an instant, Wei Fan felt as if he was a sharp sword, and every part of his body could emit sword intent.

The Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword he had comprehended originally also relied on the sword intention to activate the acupoints.

Not only was the problem of losing control of the true qi solved, but the number of acupoints that the sword intention could activate also increased to eighty.

He did not stop and continued to add power!

[With eighty years of power, your sword intention has become more condensed, and the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has become more incredible, and can activate the true qi of ninety acupoints]

[With one hundred and twenty years of power, the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has been practiced to perfection by you, and the sword intention activates the true qi of one hundred and twenty acupoints]

The Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword has finally been able to activate one hundred and twenty acupoints and the true qi in the Dantian at one time, which means that the sword intention is still far from being perfect.

[With one hundred and eighty years of power, with persistence, you use the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword to control the sword with your mind, transform the sword with your spirit, and achieve the sword intention]

[Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword·First Style (Perfect)]

[Current power: 538 years]

The sword intention is perfect!

Wei Fan opened his eyes, his gaze was as sharp as a knife, as if it could shoot out knife light.

"Control the knife with your mind!"

He had a thought in his mind, and the Lengyue Knife on the table came out of its sheath with a clang, and automatically jumped into his hand.

With a knife in his hand, his temperament was even more different, and a terrifying knife intent seemed to want to cut the house in half.

Wei Fan hurriedly restrained his knife intent and sheathed the Lengyue Knife.

"Is it considered controlling an object with your mind?"

He looked at the teacup on the table, but found that he could not use his knife intent to make the teacup fly into his hand.

His knife intent could only control the knife, not anything other than the knife.

"Only more than 500 years of skill!"

Looking at the panel, Wei Fan couldn't help but smack his lips. He felt that he had a lot of skill before, but he didn't expect that it took almost a thousand years of skill to add two martial arts.

And the martial arts he wanted to add were Tiangang Burning Blood Knife, Tiger Roar Dragon Roar Golden Bell Cover.

He also planned to add the powerful Vajra Leg and the powerful Vajra Palm. After returning to the Demon Suppression Division to get the Ice Soul, he had to add it to the Glazed Treasure Body.

This calculation showed that this amount of power was not enough!

"We can talk about the others later, but the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover and the Tiangang Burning Blood Sword must be added!"

Needless to say, the power of the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover, if he didn't have the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover today, he wouldn't be able to kill all the monsters, and it would be good if he could kill one-tenth of them.

It only takes a few breaths for the giant bear to entangle him, and all the monsters will run away.

And the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover has always been his last trump card, and he can't be stingy with his power.

As for the Tiangang Burning Blood Sword, it is the only martial art in his hand that can exert all his true energy except the Soul-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword.

The sword intent cannot be used all the time, it consumes too much mind, and there must be some ordinary means to assist the sword intent.

And the sword intent can also be added to the Tiangang Burning Blood Sword, and the two do not conflict.

The Tiangang Tiangang Burning Blood Blade doesn't require much skill. It only took thirty years of skill to complete the second and third styles.

"I also need to add the Breath Containment Technique!"

Now that his sword intent is fully developed, his whole person is sharp and sharp, and his breath must be restrained.

It's not that he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. If the sword intent is not restrained, people who have not comprehended the sword intent will find it difficult to talk to him. If you get close to him, you will feel a sense of horror that your mind is torn apart. Even those with weak minds will be directly torn apart by his sword intent.

It took five years of skill to complete the Breath Containment Technique, and finally he returned to his previous state.

[Current skill: 503 years]

After taking a look at the panel, Wei Fan began to add the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover.

The Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover had already been fully developed before, and a total of 750 years of skill was added.

He estimated that he would need to add another 250 years of skill, a total of 1,000 years, before the Tiger Roaring Dragon Roaring Golden Bell Cover would be complete.

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