Put Out My Fire

Chapter 104 - A Sudden Earthquake

While the master of fire and the master of water went straight to perform a crucial part of the power growth back on earth, Trisha was left with the most difficult job. 

In the night's dusk above the skies of Liverpool city, Trisha was still working on speaking to the hearts of those in Liverpool city. 

Taara and Brody had returned to their home to rest. Only she and Absi remained to do the cleanup. That was always their job. 

She sighed and said, "I had the most difficult task."

Gazing below the city. She was torn about how to explain this to the community. She asked herself, 'What would be a believable, natural catastrophe that could explain this?'

While Brody brought down the stone walls around the monster earlier, turning it back into dust, there was a huge wreck in the middle of the city. Two buildings had part of its structure, utterly broken down. 

It was something that could not be taken for granted. She contemplated that maybe it was time for the people on earth to know the real truth. 

"The people are not ready for the truth, Trisha. Let's give them more time," Suggested Abasi. "Let this be an earthquake. They will have no choice but to believe your words, anyway."

Abasi recalled the times when the powers of the spirits were visible to humankind. They ended up fearing the powers. 

"Plus, in today's advancement, there are those wealthy men who will make heroes of themselves or maybe make it a goal to hunt us down, just to find an explanation for our supernatural abilities," Added Abasi. "I don't know if the earth will ever be ready."

"You watch too much x-men movies," said Trisha before rolling her eyes.

"Still, it's true. We - humans - when they can't explain it, they will go through so many lengths to find the right reasons and even acquire it," added Abasi. 

She sighed, realizing the truth. She repeatedly nodded and so she proceeded to speak, blinding the people of the truth of what happened that night.

The winds were blowing against their faces. Both she and Abasi stayed afloat in the sky, ready to create another truth, one that the people of Liverpool could readily accept. 

She raised both her hands. Her entire body glowed in the light of her crystal. The yellow rays were so strong that it blinded the entire city.

After determining that she had covered all the living beings who witnessed the commotion, she spoke. 

"People of Liverpool, hear my words, for this is the truth." She took a deep breath before resuming her thoughts, "Your city was struck by a sudden earthquake, powerful enough to bring down two of your tallest towers. The town was shaken and some of you had to temporarily relocate outside the borders... You saw nothing unusual, but you merely ran for your lives to safety."

Trisha repeated her words again and again allowed each living being in the city to recite the same lines. They were like zombies following her every statement. 

"Good," she said. "Now, you may attend to the destruction in the city. For many of you, return to your rest."

After feeling assured that their work was done, both the masters disappeared from the skies of the city, and back was the night sky around it. 

The people of Liverpool slowly awoke from their trance, confused at what had happened, but they only had one memory of hours that had passed. 

"The earthquake is over!"

"Thank God!"

"How did I get here? I don't remember!"

"We were in a panic, but we are safe! That is what matters!"

"We are safe now!"

While some could not understand how they were moved from one location to another, they only had one memory of what transpired that night. They all survived an earthquake. 

Trisha and Abasi returned to their home in Egypt utterly tired. 

They bathed and rested in their bed, but remained awake. They both pondered over what had been happening over the recent months. 

Both masters could not deny that the number of monsters and horrors that were appearing on earth was getting too dangerous, not to mention bigger. 

Abasi recalled how the masters of the future told this was a doing by an unknown enemy. Someone who could control time and space. They said that in their future, the rest of the masters have died and only Khalid and Cassandra survived, fighting against this secret enemy.

While he knew it is in the future and that they may not be part of it at all, however, the problem was slowly beginning to build up in their time. He said, "We also hold responsibility for the future of this world."

Trisha was staring blankly at the ceiling. She remained silent for seconds before she finally spoke, "Yes. In the near future, when our crystals would find another host, we would have children or our own."

She turned to Abasi and said, "We - we can't let our children suffer in the future. We must determine what happened and who is this being, playing with time and space, bringing in evil in our world."

"What does he or she want? And for what? Whoever is this enemy."

It had been months since Khalid, and Cassandra returned. They were the masters of time and space as well as the heart in the next thirty-five years.

Trisha and Abasi, along with the other four masters, had fourteen years left to carry out their responsibilities. Since the chaos has already begun in their time, the next two generations of masters will have a lot on their plate. 

When Trisha and Abasi reported to the future masters that the Venusian sword was nowhere to be found, they had not returned to the past since. 

They do not have anyone else to help solve the mystery. They had to rely on themselves now.

Another half an hour passed, and they remained awake. Abasi said, "I'll go to Venus."

"What?" Trisha asked. 

"I'll go to Venus and find out about the sword," he said. "And when I return, I will work on practicing on my time traveling."

"The future masters did say, it was our generation of masters that began to break the limits of our powers..." Taking a deep breath, he said, "There is no time to waste.. We must find out soon."

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