Put Out My Fire

Chapter 111 - Two Sides Of Amanda

"What do you mean by circus?!" Christopher's father asked in anger. The creased on his forehead was clear as he raised to question Keelan's judgment. 

Stunned by the reaction of Theo, Keelan leaned back and gulped at his own spit. He said, "I - I did not mean that - I was - "

"I thought the purpose of you coming here was to learn how we defeated the Oscorians and the Plethorans?! We are trying to show you exactly how we defeated them and you mock us!" Said Theo.

It was because Keelan only had a glimpse of what Amanda could do that he did not think highly about the fire. Healers could make the same with their magic, and he assumed it was the same. 

"Father, it's okay. This is what I and Amanda brought to you about... others not fully understanding our abilities. Let him be," told Christopher and then he asked a favor of him, "Can I speak to you in private, father."

Amanda and Christopher believed it was not worth their time explaining to Keelan, given his reaction. In fact, when Keelan was given the tour to the borders, he did not pay much attention to what Christopher was saying, instead; he was eyeing Amanda. 

While Christopher toned down his father's anger, Keelan awkwardly apologized to Amanda. He moved closer to her and said, "My apologies, Amanda. I did not - "

"It's okay. I am not interested in your reasons," responded Amanda. 

"I just don't see how manipulating a fire that small was enough to conquer the Oscorians," said Keelan. 

"I could show you a better and greater fire, but I would need Christopher to be by my side always... He controls the strength of my fire," told Amanda. 'Otherwise, I might burn the dining area down.'

However, with Amanda's words, Keelan once again created an assumption. He perceived that Amanda was powerless without Christopher. He concluded that Christopher was the source of the power, and that perfectly coincided with Diana's tale. 

From behind the great doors to the dining area, Christopher explained to his father that he and Amanda were suspicious of Keelan's actions. He said, "I agree with you, father, I think he has other intentions coming here... And that is exactly why maybe it is best not to show everything to him... not just yet."

"I would much prefer that he is scared out of his wits now and that he would run off to Terene!" Said Theo with both his hands on his waist. 

"But then again, father, we won't know what are his intentions. For now, let's be more observant," told Christopher. 

When Christopher returned, Amanda was getting irritated by Keelan's interviews. It would seem as though Keelan had thrown her a pond of questions. 

"Keelan, I think Amanda is tired," Cassy said, trying to make an excuse for Amanda not to say more. When Cassy saw her brother, she shrugged. 

Christopher excused Amanda outright, bidding goodbye to everyone in the dining area. 

Although Amanda had left, Keelan's face was amused. He was certain now, he could finally copy Amanda's voice. 

In the succeeding days, Christopher's call of duty happened on earth. After all, the earth was often faced with tropical storms, whatnot. They had longed for the aid of the master of water, and his time finally came to control the waters of the earth. 

From one flooded town to another, may it be a result of heavy rains or storm surges, Christopher had to control the rising water. In the excess of it, water was thrown to Pelagy. 

Most often, Amanda came with him and it was exactly during those times that Keelan took advantage of the missing masters. 

Keelan heard Christopher and Amanda were out on a mission, but he knew not where or what exactly they were doing. The only thing that was clear to him was that Amanda was nowhere to be found. 

One day, while the masters were out again, the soldiers saw Christopher's betrothed walking along the halls of the castle. 

Razul, who stood watch by the halls with his men, fell confused. He was certain that Amanda and Christopher left for the earth.

"What is Amanda doing here?" He asked himself. 

"Yes, I thought she and the young master left," told one soldier. 

"Well, sometimes she does ask to stay behind. Maybe she did not come with him at all," said Razul.

Calling out to her, Razul said, "Amanda - "

"How dare you address me so lightly soldier, am I not the future wife of your young master?!" Amanda asked, raising her voice at her. 

With a Grimace on Razul's face, he gulped. It was because of Amanda's recent companionship that he had forgotten to address her as a miss, but even then, as of recently, Amanda insisted to simply call her by her name. 

Still, Razul bowed his head and said, "My apologies, Miss Amanda - "

"Miss Amanda?!" She opposed, raising her voice. She instantly slapped Razul by the face, and it utterly shocked the soldiers who stood guard by the halls. "Call me Lady Amanda!"

"Yes, Lady Amanda," said Razul. 

"Were you discussing me earlier? I heard you call my name!" She said. 

"Ah, we were just wondering how you are back so soon and not with the young master," said Razul. "You are always together."

She scoffed and said, "I have a life of my own! Don't I not? Anyway, I came back early to rest."

The other soldiers echoed the same as she walked passed them, heading for Christopher's quarters. 

"Ah, Lady Amanda, where are you going?" Razul asked, bemused at the lady before him. He could not help but wonder why she was acting so differently. 

She turned around with her mouth twitching and said, "I - I am going to my room."

The soldiers looked at each other and said, "Lady Amanda, your room is in the other direction." They all pointed to the opposite hallway and said, "That way."

"Oh, right? I was just... testing you," said Amanda. Turning to Razul, she said, "Walk me to my room. I want... to make sure I am protected!"

On that same day, there were other two sightings of Amanda, and each time, she reflected a proud temperament, getting angry at servants and soldiers from within the castle.

As the sun was setting, many witnessed Amanda walking towards the guest room where Keelan was assigned to rest. As she made her way, she gave threats to those who saw her. 

To a servant, she said, "Tell Christopher about this and I will burn you to the ground!"

To the soldiers, she said, "I will have you exiled if you even dare to hint that I am having an affair with Keelan, the future ruler of Terene."

On another occasion, Amanda came early into the kitchen to help make breakfast for Christopher. She initiated preparing the ingredients when one servant said, "Ummm, Lady Amanda. What are you doing? Let me cook for you. What did you want for today?"

"Lady, Amanda?" Amanda asked, chuckling. "Amanda is fine. I have told everyone this many times."

She walked to the kitchen and began dicing the vegetables and said, "Chris is so tired from yesterday, I want to make him a good breakfast."

The servant looked at Amanda oddly and said, "I see, Lady Ama - "

"Amanda, only please," Amanda corrected again.

After she cooked a casserole for Christopher, she said, "Hmmm... He'll love this." Looking at the servants before her, she said, "I made enough for some to share. Please leave some for Cassy and for Master Theo."

"Do - do you want to leave some for Sir Keelan as well?" One servant asked reluctantly. 

Amanda was left to sneer and said, "What?! No! That man disgusts me!"

The bewildering turn of events did not stop there. 

True enough, Christopher sometimes left for the earth on his own, leaving his woman, but everyone in the castle witnessed two sides of Amanda; a kind and compassionate Amanda and a spoiled, hot-tempered Amanda who seemed to suggest to be having an affair with Keelan. 

It came to a point that the news reached Cassy, with Razul reporting the oddness of Amanda's behavior. 

The two were in the courtyard, practicing on her sword. Hearing this, Cassy said, "That's not Amanda at all and you know it!"

"I - I would say the same thing, but I am telling you, the Lady Amanda treated me that way, just the other day," revealed Razul. 

Razul looked around before telling, "There are even talks that - that Lady Amanda is having an affair with Keelan - "

"No, Amanda would never do that." She put a hand on Razul's shoulder and said, "I perfectly recall the masters of the earth say that they were fated together. Their feelings for each other will not wither."

Learning of this, Cassy thought to confront Amanda. She knew that Christopher was on earth, fulfilling his duties, and today, Amanda opted to help check on the water irrigation from the northern villages. 

However, in a split second, she frowned. Keelan came with the party that traveled to the north.. Still, she shook her head as she prepared to leave and muttered, "This is just impossible."

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