Put Out My Fire

Chapter 115 - A State Of Trance

"Where in the world are they?!"

In an old abandoned house, near the west entrance to Aeros, Keelan had his brows drawn together. He hissed in anger while waiting for Diana. 

His frustration went on for hours and only after the sun had set did Diana arrive. 

Following the creaking of the door, Keelan and his men turned to find the party they had been waiting for. 

"Why are you late, Lady Diana? Where have you been all this time?! I have been waiting for you for hours!" Keeland demanded an answer. 

"Shut up!" Said Diana. "You don't know what we had to go through just to pass the borders! We had to pretend like peasants!"

If it were not from a group of evacuees that came to Aeros, Diana and her team would not have made it through. While Aeros' soldiers initially took them to a refugee center, they fled as soon as they saw an opportunity. 

Some families from other nations have heard that Aeros now had water too. Thus, the neighboring lands who were struggling migrated to Aeros. 

'This ungrateful bitch,' Keelan silently said. How he wished, he could just slap her.

If it were not for Plethora's water supply, Terene would not have seen the need to work with them. Nonetheless, he had already gotten himself involved with Diana, he just needed to follow through until the end of the bargain. 

"We are still on for tomorrow, that's what matters!" Said Diana. "Did you bring what I told you to?"

Keelan rolled his eyes first before nodding. He showed her the weapons his men stole from Aeros' castle.

"Good," Diana said. She walked closer to Keelan and said, "You need to make sure everything goes well and you can really do what you promised to do."

Keelan nodded with a grin on his face. He said, "I am confident, Diana... Trust me, they might already think they got us all figured out... But in truth, we still have an upper hand. Haha! Despite suspecting everything, they still sent Amanda away."

"Foolish, they are! They gave me exactly what I want!" Revealed Keelan. 

He then pulled out one of his charms and attached them to Diana's clothes and said, "Trust me. I have done this many times."

For Aeros to suspect Keelan was initially part of his plan. He thought it was the best way to confuse Christopher at the peak of the moment. Plus, with Amanda out of the picture, they can only worry about Christopher. 

With an evil laughed he said, "Christopher will be in for a surprise!"

"Very well then! Tomorrow is the day we put Christopher into hypnosis and he will not escape," said Diana as she narrowed her eyes, looking straight at Keelan. "Tomorrow, his power becomes mine."

The next day, Cassy flew after Christopher on the northern border to report. She was smirking triumphantly as soon as her feet landed to the ground. She said, "Chris!" She quoted with her fingers and said, "Amanda is creating another trouble in one of the western villages."

"Good! Let's go!"

The siblings blazed to the sky, flapping their wings. They were very eager to put an end to the phony Amanda, but they did not expect that the reported trouble involved a fire! From above, they saw three structures starting to burn and people fleeing from the location in panic. 

Razul who responded first approached the sky and said, "They said Amanda created a fire into those houses!" Turning to Christopher he said, "We need you - we need your water, young master!"

With the power of the blue crystal, the master of water transformed in his second skin. He wasted no time brought out the available water in the village. Christopher easily put out the fire in minutes.

The water practically created a sphere, rotating against the three houses. The water did not stop rinsing the structures from the flames until it died out. 

The villagers were relieved that Christopher saved the day, but they were angered at the actions of Amanda for they knew no it was a fake Amanda. 

"Cassy! Razul, stay here and help the families who were affected. I'm going to look for the fake!" Ordered Christopher. 

"But bro? Can you handle it by yourself?" Cassy asked with a worried expression. 

He frowned and said, "Whoever is behind this, is not at par with me. Trust me, he doesn't know who he is messing with." He flew up in the air, regardless.

It took about half an hour for him to find the person taking the shape of Amanda, heading towards an old abandoned home, far from the village's boundary. 

"There you are," he muttered before blazing in the direction of the running culprit.

If their suspicion was right, this person can only be Keelan. He immediately called him as he was closing in, "Keelan! I got you now! No need to deny it!"

When he saw the figure enter the abandoned house, Christopher followed. While inside, he kept calling out, "Keelan, I know it's you! It has to be you!"

"Chris? Chris? Is that you?" A form of Amanda appeared, crying in tears. "Chris, I'm sorry. I'm losing control of myself. I don't know what is happening!"

With a frowned, Christopher spoke in his head, "You are not Amanda. I perfectly instructed her to remain in Trinity Bay."

"Chris, please help me," said the person who was trying so hard to look pitiful. 

Confident that this was not Amanda, Christopher took out the sword that hung on his hip and advanced. 

The clashing of the blades could instantly be heard, and Keelan's transformation quickly came on and off. Keelan was left with no choice but to fight back, also taking out his blade. 

As they fought, Keelan shifted to being Amanda and just being Keelan. He was exposed outright while trying to defend himself from Christopher's fearless attacks. 

Just as Christopher expected, Keelan's soldiers came out from their hiding. They also attempted to attack him. To his surprise, however, there were more than just four back-up, coming from Keelan's side!

Left with no choice, Christopher used the blue crystal, creating a shield of water around him. Right after doing so, he let out the crystal in his hand. 

He determined the best and easiest way to bring them down was to control the water in their bodies.

Just the thought of it made Christopher's aura turned savage. 

Keelan and Diana's men were taken aback, seeing the shield of water. It was the first time they had seen Christopher display his powers. 

The soldiers turned frightened, but Keelan said, "Attack! It's just fucking water!"

To their dismay, no matter how they thrust their swords against the sphere of water, the force of the rotation was just too strong. Their blades were thrown away in an instance. 

Repeatedly, they picked up their weapons and tried to penetrate, only to give up!

Just as the soldiers planned to flee, they felt their bodies trembling. They started to sweat heavily and weakened. 

Keelan was the same, on his knees and getting soaked. He ended up prematurely advancing their plans, "Stop! Stop! I have the real Amanda! She is unconscious from behind the debris behind you!"

Christopher halted his attack for a second, only to emphasize, "You think you can fool -"

"Don't believe me? I will go and get her right now!" Keelan hastily ran to the direction. He dragged a body from behind the rubbish and said, "See! This is Amanda! She came out from the castle two hours ago and I put her under a spell!"

It utterly confused Christopher. He earlier saw Keelan shift from looking like Amanda to another form. Apparently, there was a second fake?

"I'll give her back! Just - just please stop!" In a split second, Keelan pushed the body to Christopher's direction, leaving him no time to analyze the situation.

He brought down his protection of water and held the woman in his arms. Wether or not, this Amanda was real, he could not risk it. He just had to be sure. 

He shook the lifeless body and was about to call out through his head when he heard the woman call to him, "Chris. "

He saw the woman open her eyes and looked directly into his own. She held out an amulet and begun chanting a few words, "Biquat taewidhatih , anzur fi eayni , wa'aqae fi halat min altanwim almaghnatisii (With the power of this amulet, I see in my eyes, thy is in a state of hypnosis)."

"Aslaf Muktra ، 'adeukum, kawnukum sayid hadhih altamimati (Ancestors of Muktra, I call on you, being the holder of this amulet). 

Seeing Christopher no longer reacted, the figure in front of him understood the chanting had affected him. She smiled and resumed the mantra, putting the master of water into a state of trance. 

"Now, down on your knees," the woman ordered. 

Only after Christopher kneeled down, did the woman finally revealed herself. 

With a smile on her face, she turned to Keelan and said, "You can put me back now to my original form."

Her body turned back to the way it was. The person acting as Amanda this time was Diana. She not only had the strange amulet that had the power of hypnosis, but she had one other charm attached to her clothes. 

It was thanks to Keelan's habit of collecting powerful charms that they were able to put Christopher in a state of trance. 

Seeing Christopher in such a pathetic state, Diana laughed loudly, delighted by their success! 

After calming her excitement, she said, "Now for the best part. I'm going to take your power away from you!"

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