Put Out My Fire

Chapter 129 - I Can Serve You

The waves were loudly crashing against the beastly sea serpent in the middle of nowhere. If it were not for the deafening voice of this creature, only the endless splashing of flood could be widely heard. 

From above, the humongous snake creature stayed afloat, now showing off its entire body, forming into several curves and stretching over six hundred feet. 

The masters were nothing compared to its massive frame. Taara, Brody, and Abasi remained adrift in the air while Christopher remained standing on the bridge of the serpent's nose.

The maters of water was still trying to digest the possibility of having the blood of someone from the moon. His brows were drawn together as he caressed his chin. 

"No, both my parents are from Pelagy." He looked up to the serpent and said, "I don't believe my parents came from the moon. Besides? Which moon? Is it in this realm or in another?"

There were plenty of moons around the universe, but in their galaxy, there were only three. Solaris shared the same moon as Pelagy, while the other was the moon that orbited the earth. The third moon was in the furthest end of the galaxy, one which the masters had not yet explored, not even Abasi. 

Not that it mattered which moon to Christopher, but he was utterly curious at that point. 

"It doesn't matter which moon, for the moons are our origin," revealed the serpent. It was as if the serpent smelled Christopher's scent again, taking a deep breath. "Yes, you have the blood of someone from the moon."

"If the answer matters to you, can I get back to you on that and ask my father if he came from the moon - or my mother for that matter," told Christopher. 

"Nevermind, I am uninterested now. You can return to wherever it is that you came from," told the serpent. 

"No!" The masters said in unison. 

"Please, no!" Added Christopher. "We need your help."

"Please, protector of Solaris. You are one of them, aren't you?" Abasi asked. With Taara's help, he lowered himself to the sea serpent and said, "We really need your help."

"I would not call myself a protector of Solaris. That is just a tale. Some calling us spirits, huh! That was just a coverup for our curse!" Told the sea serpent. 

The masters were looking at each other when the creature said, "What is it that you need help with?"

"Godly serpent - "

"Akurra, that is my name. I am one of the five serpents that roamed this world. All of them are my brothers," revealed the serpent. "You are all lucky for it was I whom you came across. My brothers are not too kind."

"Akurra, can I land my feet on you and stand next to my friend?" Abasi asked, slowly descending to his face. 

"You have permission," responded the sea serpent. 

Shortly after landing his feet, Abasi asked, "I'll go straight to the point. One of us from the future has collected powers, perhaps, and most likely even killed for it. He became hungry for power and eternal youth and will be coming for us."

He first studied the reaction of the serpent before adding, "It's because one of us holds the Venusian Sword - "

"From Venus?" The serpent asked.

"Yes, the same galaxy as the earth. We are masters of the earth, you see. We are its protectors," responded Abasi. "I'm surprised you know - "

"I told you! Our origin is from the moon! Two of my brothers are from the moon that earth sees at night while two of my half brothers are from another moon," he revealed. 

"Wait - wait. Can we sidetrack and cover that part? How is it that you are from the moon?" Christopher asked, thoroughly confused. 

Akurra shook his head, making Abasi land on his ass. Christopher, on the other hand, took a leap and used his wings. 

"Because I am reminded of my home thanks to this moon-blooded, flying creature, I will tell you our past," shared the serpent. "Listen carefully, I don't like repeating myself."

"We are all ears," said Taara. The rest of the masters echoed the same. 

"It was more than three hundred years ago. Each moon had one moon serpent, living in its core. My mother was one of them. I came from the moon, shared with by the earth."

"Before I was born, my mother was alone. The serpent from the second moon was a male serpent. He used his power to visit the other moons. He impregnated my mother and produced three serpents - me and my two brothers."

"Unfortunately, my father was not satisfied with my mother. He went to the other moon and made small serpents again."

"Woah," reacted Chris. 

"Hey! Don't give me that glare, you moon-blooded, flying creature!" Akurra warned Christopher. "We are technically snakes. An uncommitted relationship is more common than you think."

The masters, "..."

"Yes, in your language, my father was a man whore," said the Akurra. Seeing the popping eyes of the masters, the serpent objected, "What? I never liked my father."

"My father continued to cross from one moon to the other and while that happened, we, his children, grew in size. Unfortunately, came with this was the overwhelming water that flooded the moons where his children lived."

"At the same time, my father observed how his own moon was slowly dying."

"We were the life force of the moon. My father should have never left his moon from the start and he never should have made children!"

"We attract and create water! Have you ever wondered why the ocean rises on a full moon? It's because of us! When our powers shine so bright, especially at night, we create water."

"Anyway, as we grew, the moon where we lived and that of my half brothers was being filled with water. The living beings in the moon were dying, trying to find a dry place to live in."

Recalling the past, the giant sea serpent became wistful as he told, "We killed our own people and it was my father's fault for not holding in his desires!"

"With the help of the white witches of our moon, they found this empty planet with no life force and decided that this will be the new home for all the moon serpent's children."

"For more than two hundred years, my brothers and I have not seen our mother. We have been living here since, filling Solaris with water."

"As the years passed, because of the overwhelming water of this world, living organisms began to grow and mutated to what is now."

"As for my mother? She felt guilty for the lives that were lost and she devoted her life to the white witches, giving them part of her power as she sleeps from the core of the moon."

"For two hundred years, my mother had been sleeping on the moon. It has been... so long."

Returning its gaze to Christopher, the serpent said, "So you see. I would know that you have a blood of a moon creature because my mother is the moon serpent. One of your parents is lying about their descent. That can only be the explanation."

"The scent in you is even stronger than I recall. You must come from a very powerful clan of the moon."

Needless to say, Christopher was shocked. The entire tale was startling altogether. First, the serpent was more than two hundred years old. Now, he just found out that he may be a half-alien of Pelagy.

"Christopher, we can figure that out later. What mates most is the reason why we came here," said Abasi. 

"Right. Please, carry on with what you said," instructed the sea serpent. "You said someone from the future had turned himself powerful, coming back to time to secure The Venusian Sword."

"Yes, who happens to be in the possession on one of us," told Abasi. 

"My wife. The sword is in my wife," interrupted Christopher. "And he wants to take it for it is said to be - "

"The only weapon that can kill an immortal," the serpent finished for them. "I know that tale well."

"It is not just immortals that sword could kill. It could take the life of anything so powerful and so sizeable. It can definitely kill me too."

"The Venusian sword was one of the last resort to save the moon in the past. If we did not find this world where we can live in, the people of the moon would have sought for this sword and slay us with its blade."

The masters were silent. For some reason, they pitted the monstrous sea creature. 

"Damn, you have a fine story there," said Christopher. "That'll make a good movie."

Abasi, "..."

"Humorous again," said Akurra. "And so? What was it that you need from me?"

"We need to borrow your strength. Only temporarily. We determined if we could become stronger, then we can defeat the future evil that is coming for us," told Abasi. 

"Since you hold the power of water, Akurra. Would you be so kind and lend me your strength?" Christopher asked, this time returning his stance on the serpent's nose. "I also hold the power of water. My name is Christopher."

"Tell you what? Christopher. If you are who I think you are, then you should be able to summon me to your will," said Akurra. "I can do better than lend you my strength.... I can serve you."

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