Put Out My Fire

Chapter 13 - Payback

It was five years ago. Five years ago when she found herself in this very same place, floating in the pool of water. Amanda could never forget how this was the cave where Trisha, Abasi, and her first met.

Trisha, like any other master of the heart, was the first one to fully mature her powers. That was the day she knew that she was destined to protect the world.

Returning herself to the present, she stared blankly at the water until she heard Trisha call out to her, "Amanda. Amanda."

She looked up to listen to her plea, "Amanda, please. Let's not forget our responsibilities, the fate that the crystals have projected upon us… Please, Amanda, avoid this man. Avoid him at all costs."

It wasn't like she was having romantic feelings for Christopher, Amanda merely felt relieved that for the first time, someone could touch her without getting hurt. She asked herself, 'How could she turn away, the only normal being that could hold her hand?'

Amanda did her best to block Trisha from reading her thoughts. She knew she had to fake it. She let out a heavy sigh and said, "Okay."

All the masters consoled Amanda. Taara even suggested for her to move out from Trinity Bay and stay with her and Brody, but Amanda would rather live alone than to witness her only friends being affectionate with each other.

To relieve them from their worry, she gave assuring words, "Don't worry about me. I can handle this. This is just a phase, and I will get over it. Let's just practice."

For the rest of the day, the masters executed using the crystals of the other. Trisha said, "We will only do this if our partner or one of us is injured and is unable to carry their responsibility. Let me tell you what I and Abasi have discovered so far."

"First, we can only exchange or make use of the other power for a maximum of fifteen minutes," said Trisha.

"I tried to use Trisha's crystal more than - about twenty minutes, but I ended up fainting. My nose bled, and I felt my heart being crushed. Thus, we should remember the time limit of fifteen minutes only, or else. Anything more than that; we don't know exactly the consequences," added Abasi.

Seeing all the masters nod, Trisha proceeded, "Second, you can use the other crystal by calling out to their names, asking them to lend you their strength."

The crystals may seem like a simple glowing gem, but they were a living spirit, each one with a name. The spirits only revealed themselves to the masters upon their request.

The yellow crystal of the heart was a female spirit named Kardia.

The green crystal of time and space was a male spirit named Zaman.

The red crystal of fire was a female spirit named Fiena.

The blue crystal of the water was a male spirit named Mahli.

The brown crystal of the earth was a male spirit named Dunia.

The white crystal of the wind was a female spirit named Angin.

Trisha studied the expressions of all the masters and when she was sure they all understood, she said, "Let me and Abasi show you how it's done." Turning to him, she said, "Abasi, call for my crystal."

Abasi nodded. He glanced at everyone to make sure the masters were looking before focusing his gaze on Trisha.

Slowly, he raised his hand and called for the crystal of the heart. "Kardia, this is the master of the green crystal, calling upon you now. Please lend me your powers."

"Kardia, the spirit of the heart. I allow Abasi to use your powers," Trisha said, hinting to the spirit her permission.

All the masters looked at the changes in Trisha's body. Her second skin began to fade as the yellow crystal appeared on her hand. In just a second, the crystal jumped into Abasi's palm and as soon as his hand clenched into a fist, the yellow crystal was nowhere in sight.

"Do you have it, Abasi?" Amanda asked.

Abasi had his eyes closed and as soon as he opened them, they were glowing in both yellow and green. His second skin became a combination of the said colors. He asked, "Which creature would you like me to call upon? How about all the snakes in this cave - "

"Fuck! I hate snakes!" Exclaimed Taara. "Wait do snakes even have a heart?"

"Only one way to find out," said Abasi before further lightening up his eyes and calling for the replies in the cavern.

Amanda also disliked snakes and seeing them appear everywhere in the cave, she let out her fiery wings to keep them from coming closer. Taara, on the other hand, floated back in the air, screeching in disgusts.

"Okay, we got your point now, Abasi. Please return them to their homes!" Taara pointed out.

Abasi did as requested, asking the reptiles to return to their earlier lairs. He then turned to Trisha and ordered the yellow crystal, "Kardia, the spirit of the heart, return to your true master."

The yellow crystal jumped up in the air, revolving itself before going back into Trisha's palms.

The two masters smiled at each other with content, knowing they had achieved more than the previous masters of their crystals.

"Hey, Abasi! How would you like to be on fire for a change, huh?" Called Amanda. "Let's switch crystals!"

Abasi agreed, and Amanda's lips curved into a naughty grin.

They both called for each other's crystal at the same time, and for a brief moment, their second skins dissolved until they took the form of the other.

The masters were already used to occasionally seeing their bare bodies. There was no malice between them. It was inevitable when changing to their master's form.

When Abasi opened his eyes, they were glowing in red. "Woah! Woah! Hey, Fiena your fire is getting too strong!"

Abasi was in flames, nearly firing up half of the cave. The worst part was, he has yet to learn how to control the power.

"Careful, Abasi you will burn the snakes!" Teased Brody before he laughed.

"Abasi! Let me show you the best way to control the fire!" Yelled Amanda. She closed her eyes and concentrated while saying to herself in silence, 'It's payback time.'

Out of nowhere, Abasi felt his body being sucked in a wormhole. His eyes grew wide, asking, "Amanda! Where are you taking me?"

The next thing he knew, Abasi was falling fast from the sky into the same Anaconda's lair he had earlier sent Amanda to. With his body still on fire, he screamed, "Ahhh! Fuck! Amanda! Bring me back now!"

The anacondas became clearer and clearer in his sight as he fell speedily from the sky. He closed his eyes in anger, unable to let out any phoenix's wings.

In a split second, Abasi reappeared in the cavern and fell into the pool of water.

"Wow, Amanda, you were great!"


Trisha could not help but beam at Amanda. She said, "You are a natural, Amanda.. It was rather quick for you to adapt to using the green crystal."

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