Put Out My Fire

Chapter 137 - The Dragon Star

There once was a bright red star in the galaxy, named after its life source; The Dragon Star.

Bright as the sun, this star was no paradise. It offered the same harsh environment as the planet Venus, only that no clouds covered its skies. It allowed the star to become a habitual place to live in. 

The same star was equal in diameter compared to the moon of the earth, but this was the chosen home of the Red Dragon, the powerful beast that breathed of fire. 

The Red Dragon was a serpent-like creature with wings and incredibly gigantic! Through his power, the red dragon created his own beings, similar to the human form.

After many centuries of living as the god of his own creation, The Red Dragon fell in love with one of his creations; the princess of the dragon star named Aurora.

To be with her, he transformed himself into the same being he had designed and became princess Aurora's husband. 

The Red Dragon did this without revealing his true identity as their god and their creator. 

After years of being married to The Red Dragon, the princess became impatient to produce an heir, for the community of the dragon star was looking forward to the coming ruler of their land. 

The truth was, The Red Dragon could not allow the princess to get pregnant, for he was still preparing her body to carry his child. He feared that the princess was not strong enough to bear a child of power.

Unfortunately, the princess had other plans. She slept with another man and fell pregnant in no time.

Princess Aurora proudly announced her pregnancy, thinking that her husband would never know the difference as they remained intimate, despite her betrayal. Sadly, she assumed wrong. 

Rage filled the heart of The Red Dragon that he revealed himself to his people.

Once was a fortress, home of the royalty of his creatures, easily became ruins in a matter of minutes as the princess' husband became the beast that he truly was.

Out of anger, The Red Dragon cursed his own creations and said, "No longer will you bore any male children in the land! Eventually, this star will die along with your lineage! Only if any of your kind will magically fight the odds and bear a boy, will you have the chance to bring back the dragon star to its original esteem!"

At first, the princess and the people of the red dragon star did not believe the curse, but it slowly manifested in the years that followed. Not one of their women bore a boy!

It took a hundred years for the people of the dragon star to reduce in number until they realized the magnitude of the curse.

With whatever magic and innovative they had left, the dwellers of the dragon star thought to save the remaining future of their people. 

There were five new babies during that time, all of them were females. Each of them was placed in a protective capsule and sent to the galaxy. 

They did not know if there was any hope, but they could at least try. Their children would have the chance to build families elsewhere, where they could procreate. 

Base on what Agatha had seen, only one capsule made it to a living planet. The child had no idea of her own lineage and was adopted by a family on earth. It granted her the chance, however, to procreate.

Still the same, the next dragon star descent, living on earth only bore a female child, and the same was true for the next until Amanda was born.

Circumstances happened, and Amanda was orphaned at a young age and like the others, she knew nothing of her true origin. 

Aside from Amanda's good heart, this was the reason for Fiena's choice of her, making her the master of fire. The spirit of fire easily sensed how Amanda's accord was close to fire. 

Little did the Fiena knew, that Amanda was a descendant of the dragon star. 

From inside Theo's chambers, Agatha was still in a trancelike state, seeing this visual tale. In the next part of her vision, she saw how The Venusian Sword chose Amanda.

The powerful golden blade determined that Amanda would bear the child capable of awakening The Flaming Red Dragon that had been asleep for two centuries since the betrayal of the princess he once loved. 

It was thanks to the Venusian Sword and to Christopher's lineage that Amanda defied the odds of bearing another female amongst the dragon star descent. 

Awakening from the vision, Agatha struggled to say, "Amanda... you are. You are -"

Seeing the startled reaction of Agatha, Amanda asked, "Yes, mother... What's wrong?"

"Your family is an origin of the dragon star!" told Agatha. "Oh, my goodness! My grandson is the first male lineage in two hundred years!"

"Mother, what is that you are saying?" Christopher asked with a frown. 

Theo and Cassy looked at each other, puzzled, before they asked the same. 

Agatha had to reveal to her family what she had discovered and after her narrative, everyone threw in questions at the white witch. 

"So, I - I may still have ancestors out there?" Amanda asked. She hoped for a second, but Agatha's answer easily killed her aspiration.

"Not likely, unable to reproduce, there re no more living creatures in the red dragon star," told Agatha with a sad expression. 

"It's one of the reasons why you were chosen to be a fire master, but I feel no more power coming from The Red Dragon in you. However, your son - my grandson can awaken the power that resides in the dragon star - The Red Dragon itself," told Agatha. 

With her eyes gleaming, Agatha added, "It's the reason why The Venusian sword chose you."

"So, mother, I enabled Amanda to bear a son?" Christopher asked.

Agatha nodded and said, "I suppose and of course, the sword."

"Wait. Wow! Why is power suddenly coming our way? I never thought so much magic exists!" Remarked Cassy.

While Theo and his family knew about other worlds and how power could be acquired from it, they did not consider that there was such strength greater than their healers could wield.

"Everything is coming into place. Fate found its way to make this happen, because someone, something so evil, is coming our way and especially changing the past. That's the only explaination I could think of," told Agatha. 

"My parents told me once that to return to the past and change the outcome is a dangerous path. It should never be done. The future will instead play a trick on one whoever does."

"I personally think this is due to the coming enemy you have, Amanda and Chris... Well, now that I am here, he is also my enemy, for I saw in the future, the same person who is trying to take the Venusian sword came after me and killed my entire clan," revealed Agatha. 

"What enemy? Chris?" Theo asked, bemused. "Is this the same that you have mentioned? But you spoke very lightly of this enemy and I honestly thought it was just a simpleton!"

Panic struck Theo's eyes. For whoever this enemy was, he was powerful enough to eradicate his wife's clan of white witches in the future!

Meanwhile, Amanda and Christopher were both shocked after learning Agatha knew about their coming enemy. Since their discovery of Khalid, they had tried to keep the information of the future masters just within themselves. 

"Mother, how did you know this?" Amanda asked. 

"I saw this too. I can see the future and sometimes the past in the presence of the concerned person. The truth is, base on the actual present, this villain was not supposed to travel back in time. He went through a drastic resort to ensure that his slayer would not have the power to kill him," answered Agatha. "And that's why everything is changing."

"To tell you the truth, you and Christopher maintaining to be masters was not supposed to happen. My grandson was supposed to be concealed and found sufficient time to become stronger," told Agatha. 

"Christopher never awakened to be the master of water, and Amanda abandoned her duties as the masters of fire, but this present is different from what was supposed to be. Even my grandson is supposed to be magically born when Amanda turned forty-eight, still with the help of the Venusian Sword," Agatha said, turning to Christopher. 

"It was still my grandson who slew the enemy at the young age of thirteen," Agatha said, concluding the future that might as well be different in this present time. 

It took a lot of telling on Agatha's part. She had to repeat the story again and again for everything to grasp the dark and coming future that they all need to be prepared for. 

"Wait. Slow down." Cassy turned to Amanda and Christopher to clarify everything. She asked, "You have an enemy - a highly capable enemy, and you decided to keep it from us!"

Amanda and Christopher looked at each other before the master of water spoke. "Yes, and that's why we have been going to other worlds and seeking power. In the process, we stumbled into a sea serpent that told me about mother."

"We are sorry we kept the full details from you. We did not know how to break it to you," told Amanda. "For now, we are simply planning for the enemy's arrival."

"Amanda, Chris, there is something else... Someone really dark and evil is behind this, changing your enemy's perspective of things.. We are not dealing with just one rival, but two," revealed Agatha.

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