Put Out My Fire

Chapter 152 - The Last Fight (V)

"Masters, now that Chris had returned as the soul slayer, we must help him!" Abasi told in the heads of each and every master of the earth. 

"He won't be able to slay all of them at the same time, so we need to continue temporary fighting against these evil souls! We will only deliver a reasonable amount to Chris's way, one that is manageable in his fighting capacity," Abasi added, and all the masters confirmed.

"Amanda and I will do our best to weaken Khalid so Orion can have the chance to take him down," told Abasi. 

"Right! Here I go! Haaaahhhh!" Taara once again, raised herself in mid-air, thrusting her shuriken blade and combining it with the strength of her wind. 

Aside from that, Taara also commanded wind storms in another direction, keeping the rest of the escapees from hell to approach Christopher all at the same time. 

In another group, Brody turned the soils into the form of soft concrete. He then easily dried the mixture up, trapping the souls altogether. With his body of steel and after creating a blade of his own, Brody then charged at the enemies, turning them back into ashes!

Meanwhile, Christopher started to slay the evil souls. 

Holding firmly to a two-meter blade, it was very easy for him to reach the souls with one swing. Two to three translucent forms, smelling of hell, would come at him, but they were no match to Christopher's wings. 

His speed and his ability to maneuver his body, swinging it upward when needed, made it difficult for the evil souls to reach. 

With one swoosh, each soul wound up being cut into half and gradually, their bodies burned in blue flames until their form turned into smoke!

Little by little, the numbers of the enemies had reduced! It was all thanks to the awakening of Christopher as the soul slayer. 

Meanwhile, Khalid was forced to move further and further away from the battlegrounds, thanks to Amanda's fierce advances. Now that she had both water and fire as her tool of weapon, she was able to counter, controlling the same element that was thrown at her. 

When Khalid would spring up water to her direction, she easily willed it back to the land. On Khalid's last attempt to use water, Amanda created mist out of the combination of water and fire. 

Khalid was blinded for seconds that Amanda surged, creating a blade of fire. 

Amanda's advances came so suddenly that he was sent drifting fifty meters away from their original space. 

The three of them landed on the ground, and Amanda continued to create fog. 

Khalid laughed out loud, saying, "Impressive. I never thought of creating steam vapor before."

He created layers of shield around him, for he could not see anything. Only smoke surrounded him. Trying to find where Amanda would appear before him, he said, "It's no use though. I have protection around me. You can never bring me down!"

Khalid kept looking around for seconds more, but he could not find Amanda. He became impatient and thought to shift to another space when he suddenly saw a familiar image. 

His heart suddenly raised for he thought he saw Cassandra. He muttered, "Cassandra? No. Impossible."

The fog came in and out, but the figure two meters away from him seemed to be Cassandra, the future master of the heart. 

He could not hear any voice, but she seemed to be in pain. He could not tell which clothes she was wearing because of the fog, but it looked like she was on fire!

The picture slowly became clearer to him and he noticed how Cassandra was burning!

He frowned, seeing how Cassandra's lips formed into words of help. He muttered, "No, this cannot be?"

While Khalid doubted what he saw for a second, he lowered his guard and took down his layers of protection. Right at that very moment, he heard a loud roaring sound from behind him!

"Hiyaaahh!" It was Amanda, ready with her blade of fire. "Fiena! Hear me! You must not help Khalid! Flee his body!"

Khalid evaded, but Amanda still hit him perfectly in the side of his stomach. Khalid immediately bled and partly burned. However, in response to Amanda's attack, he also created a blade of steel, using the power of the earth. 

Amanda quickly turned to escape, but the blade slashed against her back, paining her tremendously. Then, in a split second, Amanda disappeared, obviously being taken by Abasi into another wormhole. 

Khalid turned to find the image of Cassandra, but to his dismay, the same figure slowly shifted to the form of Abasi. He then noticed how Abasi was holding a charm and was chanting a few words.

It was then when he realized it was another kind of magic, allowed Abasi to transform, looking like Cassandra. He could only hiss in regret, having fallen for the trap. 

He coughed as he grunted in pain, feeling the wound on his stomach. 

Wasting no time, he immediately put himself into another protection and brought out the brown crystal. He commanded for himself to be heald. 

However, seconds passed and the brown crystal did not do as commanded. It made Khalid scream in anger! He hissed before mumbling, "Fine! I can use the powers I have taken!"

Khalid had assembled all the charms and magic sources in one place of his home, and he could easily bring it to wherever he was, using the power of time and space. 

Some of the powers he had used to provide him with immortality had been used when he attacked the gates of hell with Hades. He has yet to collect new powers, but they decided to go after the wielder of the deadly swords first. 

He brought out a seed that was flashing in white light. His body trembled as he swallowed it down. Right after taking it down, his body soon became bright! He screamed loudly as the light seemed to come out of his body!

"Aaahhhhhhh! Ahhhhh!" His yells were so deafening!

Amanda, on the other hand, tried to strike at his layers of protection, even if she was injured, she forced her body to attack. She kept thrusting her fiery blades, but no matter how hard she tried, its protection was powerful. 

Following Khalid's loud scream, a wave of light circled around him and it ran in the outer direction of his body. The same light forced Abasi's and Amanda's body to fly away from Khalid's. 

At the same time, the mist that Amanda made fully disappeared. It would seem to them that the same white light that came out of Khalid's body eradicated all hazards that stood his way. 

To the shock of Amanda and Abasi, Khalid's body seemed to have grown. His frame was bigger and the wound from his stomach had disappeared. His hair turned yellow and his eyes were completely white!

"Hahaha! This is your fault now! I was planning to use that seed of life for a greater battle, but you left me with no choice! Now, I am even stronger and vigorous!" Khalid laughed some more before declaring, "Now, you have no chance whatsoever!"

"We'll see about that!" Khalid turned up to the sky and was shocked to see Taara. 

He sneered and took the chance to look past the masters. He saw that only half of the evil souls stood their ground. Now, only Brody was repeatedly turning them into ashes while Christopher slowly eradicated the souls. 

Khalid also saw how Hades had joined the battle, trying to get through Christopher. He also saw how the young boy who carried the golden blade was helping Christopher as well. 

While the Venusian Sword could not kill the souls, but the boy acted to delay the attacks towards the soul slayer. 

"It won't take long, your evil souls will be wiped out! And all of us can fight you, for good!" Added Taara. 

"No matter how many times you heal, Khalid! We will kill you again and again until you have nothing left to give you health and life!" Abasi swore with his eyes narrowing. 

Khalid hissed in anger. If all the masters would gather before them and use their powers, chances are they would almost be even, knowing the fact that they have also gained more strength than what history had told. 

His frace grimaced, thinking how tiring these masters were, and it angered him how they were so difficult to kill!

Then, an idea crept into his head. His earlier frown turned into a devilish grin. He muttered, "Then, I shall call on... Eimuth!"

With the power of time and space, he brought out from the future, a dagger that had a monster carved on its handle, and without delay, he cut through his blood and let the red fluid stain the same dagger. 

"Watch and see, masters, and the people of this land! My pet will bring an end to your lives today!" Khalid announced before strongly thrusting to the skies, the same dagger that he earlier held. 

He threw it so vigorously that it reached the cloudy skies of Aeros! Only after seeing it disappeared in his line of sight, did Khalid said, "Come to me, Eimuth! Let us cause destruction here in this land of Pelagy!"

Seeing what appeared in the skies, the people of Aeros speculated their end.

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