Put Out My Fire

Chapter 162 - Orion's Future Queen

From inside a mansion study, Orion was sitting in front of his table, pleased with the document in his hand. His men performed well, following his specific instructions to acquire shares from BNX International. Moreover, he prepared gold bars from Aeros for that evening. 

It wasn't a special day, but a party was held at the Bardins to celebrate both the birthdays of Victor Bardin's daughters, Anna and Esmée Bardin.

Orion meant to finally be known to Esmée that evening, and he was dressed to kill. 

While the party was said to be for both Victor's daughter, Orion knew the truth. They never wanted to celebrate Esmée's birthday. She turned twenty-two last month. He scoffed, saying, "How can you celebrate my queen's birthday a month after?!"

Orion already self-declared Esmée to be his future wife and queen. There was nothing he would not do to make it happen. 

Esmée Bardin grew up to be a beautiful and a down to earth young lady. She had recently accomplished her degree in business management and had started to work for her father. 

Orion had men commissioned from the earth, surveying Esmée over the past ten years. He even bought the mansion across the Bardins. 

As far as his investigation went, Victor Bardin was using Esmée for her brilliant mind. He constantly surrounded her with security, keeping her where she needed to be; in his prison, but he always failed to acknowledge her. 

Thankfully, Aeros had so much gold. Orion turned himself into a billionaire in the course of ten years that he began outlining his plans. That and a little help with magic. He utilized well the fact that he had a witch for a grandmother. 

He knew how Esmée was hoping for her father's attention. She earnestly hoped that Victor Bardin would treat her like a real daughter one day, and not just a property to make use of. 

Little was known of Esmée's mother, a mere province girl who fell in love with Victor Bardin and was made to believe he was a single lad. Esmée's mother would have kept her to herself, if not for an illness that led to her death. 

Following a knock on the door, one of Orion's men said, "Sir, it's time to go the Bardins."

The mansion of the Bardins was a vast one, in fact, the biggest one in the neighborhood. The receiving area served as the main venue for the party where many people gathered. 

Esmée Bardin was merely standing in one corner, drinking juice with her best friend, Katy. Whereas, her family had been going around, welcoming the guests. Clearly, she was not treated as one of their own. 

"How can you survive this, Esmée? You are already a grown woman. You should leave this family," recommended Katy. 

Esmée merely took a deep breath and said, "I - I wish it were that easy. My father does not want me to leave."

Just as she was thinking this, the doors of their mansion swung open. Two men in black uniform purposely walked in, pushing forcefully the doors. Everyone turned to see not only the security, but the handsome young man with dark blond hair, wearing a customized suit. 

He was tall, well shaped, with broad shoulders and a gorgeous face. His eyes were the best features of him, gleaming in blue. It was Orion, entering grandiosely at the Bardin's estate. 

He easily caught everyone's attention, including Victor Barin and his wife, Amelia Bardin. 

"Who is that?" Anna, Esmée's sister, asked her brother and parents. She immediately flushed, seeing the alluring Orion, making his way inside their home. 

One of the Bardin's security found his way to Victor and told, "Sir, this is your neighbor from across. He goes by the name, Orion. From what I know, this man is very rich despite being young."

Orion scanned the entire venue and when he found Esmée, he waited until their eyes locked for a moment. He then gave her a fainted smile. He saw how she gulped at the sight of him and wondered if she found him attractive.

'She has got to like me. How could se not?' He convinced himself. However, that will have to wait. He needed to do what he needed to do.

He went directly to the Bardin family, who stood in awe in his presence. 

"Mr. Orion - "

They waited for a last name, and Orion gladly gave them one. It was a last name his mother came up with during the recent changes to Aeros' structure. He said, "Einar."

"My name is Orion Einar," told Orion, extending his hand to Victor. 

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Einar. We are happy you accepted our invitation," said Victor. 

"I would not miss it for the world," said Orion. 

Victor introduced his family, and his daughter, Anna easily gave Orion a flirtatious grin. He ignored her completely, focusing only of his goal for the night. He said, "Mr. Bardin. I will not waste anytime and get straight to the point. It was I who mysteriously bought five percent of the company shares for BNX International, and I would be happy to give it back to you for a fair trade."

"Can I speak with you and your family privately," asked Orion. 

After Victor granted his request, they made their way to a private sitting area and Orion's men followed, carrying two suitcases with them. 

As soon as they settled inside the room, Orion said, "Mr. Bardin, your family seems to be... incomplete."

"This is all of us - "

"You have... another daughter," Orion pointed out. 

Clearing his throat, Victor said, "She does not need to be here."

"I'm afraid she does, Mr. Bardin," told Orion. 

Victor Bardin was taken aback by Orion's character. He seemed awfully young, but he could not understand why he was intimidated by Orion. It would seem to him that he could not deny the young man of his requests. 

He asked his son to call for Esmée and they returned after just five minutes of waiting. 

Orion stole a glance at the beautiful Esmée. Her face looked like a doll and her lips lightly glossed. He could not help but slightly smirk upon her appearance. 

"Well, Mr. Einar, we are all here," said Amelia, Victor's wife. "What is this all about?"

Orion merely raised his hand, signalling his men. Both walked in front of him and lay on the table two suitcases. They opened each one and revealed the contents of the case. 

Their eyes widened in suprise, seeing the cases were filled with gold bars and one of which contained the document, proving the recent purchase of BNX shares. 

Orion gave Victor time to analyze the document and mesmerized at the sight of gold. Everyone from the Bardins were in awe. Their eyes twinkling in excitement. Even Esmée was amazed seeing so many gold for the first time. 

"You can have to gold checked later on," said Orion. "For now, I just want to show you what I am willing to pay in exchange for what I want."

Victor and his wife looked at each other for some time. His children were also curious as to what Orion wanted. 

After some time, Victor finally asked, "What is it that you want, Mr. Einar?"

"I want to marry your daughter," he said outright.

The Bardins were shocked again. They immediately glanced at Anna, assuming it was her Orion wanted to marry. 

Anna, on the other hand, blushed. She said, "Ummm.. Gosh, Orion. It's - it's very flattering, but that's not how to win a girl."

"Well, first. I want to get to know your daughter. Of course, I understand that I have to take her out, but I don't want any conflicts or reluctancy coming from your end, hence, I gave this offer," said Orion without looking at Anna. 

He simply glanced for a second at Esmée, who was equally confused. 

Ordering to take back the gold, Orion added, "But I want to make it clear, that I will and I have no doubt that It is your daughter and only your daughter that I want to marry."

"Should you send over your daughter to me, living in my house for a month as a start, I will give you partial of the gold." He shrugged and added, "Consider it as a bridewealth."

"Well, this is just a shock to us all and really, my daughter Anna has many things - "

"I am not interested in whoever, is that." Orion said, pointing at Anna. He turned to Esmée and said, "The daughter that I want to marry is Esmée."

Orion stood up immediately and said, "I will wait for your decision."

He turned to Esmée, whose face was equally flushed from the recent revelation. He offered his hand and thankfully, Esmée gave her's. Orion pecked on Esmée's hand and said, "It's so nice to meet you again, my future queen."

Orion gave Esmée a charming smile and said, "I'll see you again soon."

Waves of jealousy easily filled Anna's eyes, seeing how such a handsome and wealthy man was eyeing Esmée to be his wife. Moreover, it seemed as though they had already met!

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