Put Out My Fire

Chapter 17 - Officially, Lonely No More

"I am really screwed. I might really lose my job this time," said Amanda. She was being bitter at that point. If Christopher had not been there at her landing site, she might have still made it, storming back underwater to her home.

"If that is all you are worried about, I can give you a job," Christopher offered while assessing where they were.

"Why were you even there to begin with? If you weren't there I - "

"You what? What would you have done?" He asked, stopping his walk and putting his hands on his freakishly very lean waist.

She stopped herself, realizing she was about to give away more of herself.

While internally deliberating, her eyes found his abdomen for a second before she answered, "For - forget it. It's over and done with."

"Can I make a phone call when we reach your house?" She asked while going back to walking the path. Seeing how the sun was up, it was obvious that it was already noon. Given her current state, it was obvious she won't be making it to work that day.

"Of course," he said.

Both of them walked for another twenty minutes before reaching Christopher's home. They were both barefoot and both withholding the truth of how they ended up in the cliffs of Trinity Bay. In an effort to avoid the topic, they rarely questioned the other about their strange appearance back at the rocky coast.

Opening the main door of the house, Martin was once again caught by surprise. His young master and the same lady who had given him warmth nearly a week ago were... together once more.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise," said Martin. "Please come in before the neighbors think oddly of the two you."

Entering the living room, Christopher directed her to the phone. "There, you can call Andrew."

She nodded and made her way to a small table stand that accommodated the house's landline. She naturally received scolding her from the boss, Andrew. Fortunately, she was given another chance.

Christopher insisted that she bathe and get changed. He had prepared his sister's clothes and a pair of shoes for her.

Since she was already there and she had, in fact, stayed in the same house before, she agreed. Besides, it was either that or walk to her home barefoot.

After getting dressed, Amanda walked down to the living room and found Christopher having a serious discussion with Martin.

Martin coughed, seeing her come down the stairs, and Christopher turned to greet her, "Hi. Let's have brunch first before I take you home."

"That's not necessary," she said.

"I insist. Besides, it's already ready," said Christopher, offering his hand at her.

Her eyes beamed at him before saying, "I can walk myself."

While having their late breakfast, Amanda asked, "So why haven't I seen your sister? Cassy was it?"

"Yes, Cassy. She is in our home. Our other home," he said. "The time she came here, I insisted that she visit since I - I wanted her to meet you."

A mischievous grin was plastered on his face before he resumed to eat the meat on his plate.

"So... where is your home exactly?" She probed further.

He coughed, saying, "Oh... here and there. We have many homes. Her favorite is in Ontario."

"Really?! Why in the world are you here in Trinity Bay? There is nothing here," she interrogated with her brow raised.

Recalling the last time she saw his sister and his friends, she said, "Wait. Last week, when I met your sister. How did she leave Trinity Bay? As far as I know, there is no boat out of the island until the weekend."

"Oh, we... we can rent a private boat. That's how we." He frowned before resuming his thoughts, "How we usually get around sometimes."

Amanda took a moment to sit back and study his expression. His words were breaking off, and he seemed to be thinking too hard on his answers.

Still, she determined, it was better off not to pry, considering she was living a secret life. It was best to be on her way as soon as possible. Otherwise, she feared, he may become equally curious about her.

"I'm done. That was a beautiful meal," she said, putting down her fork. "Martin does a good job at cooking."

"Yes, he does," Christopher said with a smile.

"There is absolutely no reason for him to dine at the restaurant," she pointed out.

"That was, my way of addressing your prayers," he said, referring back to their first encounter. "Shall I take you home, now?"

"No." She shook her head and said, "You don't have to."

While she tried to deny him the opportunity to send her home, Christopher insisted, reminding her again that it was an hour walk from his home to the south beach.

On the road, Christopher asked her the basics about her life. He found out that Amanda was an orphan and had been traveling here and there, seemingly finding her place.

"Woah, must be tough to be alone." He then grinned and said, "Thank goodness, you did not find a boyfriend."

Amanda's eyes shifted to him, unsure of how to react. 'How could I? I can't even touch a man.'

"But, don't worry. I am here now. I will be your company. You are officially lonely, no more!" He said right before pulling up on the side of the road.

'Lonely no more? Is he planning to follow me around? If I go back to the north pole, he would die there.' She scoffed and said, "What makes you think I want you around?"

She quickly got out of the car and said, "Thank you. Thank you for driving me and thank you for letting me borrow your sister's clothes."

Christopher also abruptly got out of the car and acted to follow her.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a frown. "Didn't we agreed you would not follow me?"

"Well, you see, Amanda. I need to get my sister's clothes back. So I'll walk you to your house and get back the clothes," he said before giving a very... very big naughty grin. His eyes were crinkling as he said this.. He was obviously looking forward to knowing exactly where she lived.

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