Put Out My Fire

Chapter 20 - Request For A Date

"This is not the way to my house!" Amanda protested, seeing them lead to another driveway where they were barely any cars or houses around.

"I know. Have you forgotten? I slept at your house. Even with my eyes closed, I could easily find my way there," Christopher teased, winking at Amanda.

She sighed at the man beside him. She could only hope none of the masters would call upon her that night.

While driving, Christopher suddenly blew against one of his hand before saying, "It's chilling tonight." He cleared his throat and directed his right hand to her. He said, "Do - do you mind warming it a little."

Amanda rolled her eyes at his effort. She could tell this was nothing but intentional. His lips weren't quite pale, not like before when he was really cold. "Your lips are still pinkish. You aren't really cold."

"What? Did you say my lips are kissable?" He said before smirking, putting his hand back on the steering wheel.

Her mouth fell agape at his suggestion, literally implying something else. She sighed again and said, "You are unbelievable. I like it better when you feel cold. You much more behave."

Christopher was silent for a second before he said, "Okay then. Kindly hold my hand and I will behave myself."

Amanda quickly shifted her gaze to the car window. She felt her face heat up naturally. She knew part of her face was turning red and she could not allow him to see it. She raised her left hand and grabbed his own instead.

While she was upset that she gave in to his request, the idea of holding someone's hand still amazed her. Moreover, holding a man's firm palm.

"It's not good to drive with one hand," she said.

"We are almost there."

After two minutes, Christopher let go of her hand, getting off on the pavement to an elevated land. He said, "Let's walk up there."

He first turned off the engine before heading to the back. He popped the trunk of his car and took out a picnic blanket.

"We are hiking in the middle of the night," she complained, but seeing Christopher extend his hand at her, she still took it and let him guide her into the small hill.

There were no houses around where they stood. It was acres and acres of land, grasses, and trees. She wondered why he brought her there.

Christopher set the picnic blanket at the topmost art of the hill, where there was very little tress nearing them. He urged her to lie down with him. He said, "Let's watch the lights."

"Lights? The sky is partly cloudy. Only the moon is alive and there are trees obstructing the view of the sky!" she observed. Still, he did not move and remained settling on the blanket.

"We are not leaving until you lay down here with me," he said. He rested on both his hands, putting it below his head.

Amanda shook her head and lay next to him. "Well, I might as well get some sleep."

"You do that. Let's just sleep for some time," answered Christopher. He turned to see Amanda shut her eyes and did so until it was time.

Not a moment too soon, Amanda heard Christopher say, "It's ten. It's time for the lights."

While Amanda's eyes were still closed, she thought she sensed flashes of light, seeping against her eyes-lids. Suddenly, she jumped out of fear. She foresaw her fire sprung out of her without realizing it.

"Chris! Stay away from me!" She screamed while getting up.

"Amanda! What's wrong?" Christopher called for her, making sure to get a good grip on her wrist.

"It's fire - it's - " She stopped herself. Her mouth fell open, looking around. She realized it was not her fire but little beetles. Bioluminescent insects completely surrounded them.

Amanda's eyes grew wide and soon her jaw-dropping expression turned into a smile. "Wow. Wow."

From yards away, she could see the little creatures glowing alternately in between trees and plants.

"Amanda, rest back down," urged Christopher, pulling her to the blanket.

Amanda first squat on the blanket. Her head roamed around the night. The squeaking sound now became more apparent to her after clearly knowing they were just around them. It wasn't her first experience to see fireflies but, it may very well be the first time she sat and appreciated them. Moreover, there were practically hundreds of them.

"It's beautiful," she complimented before finally laying down with Cristopher.

She rested on his arm, yet she did not mind it at all. The lovely yellow lights made her forget that being this close to someone was out of the ordinary.

"They are beautiful... Just like you and me," Christopher said, chuckling altogether by his own compliment.

"Of course. You are really silly, you know that?" remarked Amanda.

The two lingered to appreciate the fireflies that flashed in the night for nearly an hour before Amanda finally said, "Thank you. Thank you for letting me experience this."

In the dark, Christopher could only shape her face, but it was enough for him to admire her smiles and charm. He said, "You are welcome and because I made you happy, you owe me another date."

"What? What date? This isn't a date!" She protested, now getting up. She thought it was fortunate that the surroundings were dull. Once again her face was blushing thoroughly. "Let's go. I want to go home."

"Wait! Amanda!" He called for her as he started walking back without him.

The two drove to Amanda's home in silence. She was trying not to give away as much of her exploding emotions, especially since she could not explain it herself.

Amanda did not escape from Christopher. Since he already knew exactly where she lived, he naturally brought her home.

The minute, she stood by her door, she turned on the lights from the outside. She looked back at him and saw him yawning.

Christopher stretched his arms up in the air and said, "So tired. I feel like I can't go home by myself."

She ended up scoffing and said, "Nice try. Go home. Enough bothering me already."

"Can I - can I take you to Karoo island tomorrow?" He asked while walking straight up in front of her. "One full day on a date with me and I promise. If you really don't like me after that, I will leave you alone."

Her mouth parted. After practically spending an entire night and day with him, she recognized being friends with him may not be so bad, but leaving her alone entirely was a different story.

"Leave me alone?" She clarified with a frown on her face.

"Yes," he said, still moving forward closer to her. "Amanda. It's no secret that I don't live here anymore and the truth is, the only reason why I am sticking around here is... is because of you."

"So, tomorrow is a make or break for me. If by tomorrow you decide you don't want to spend time with me, then I will go back to my father's home... and I don't know when I'll be back," he explained. "Duty calls."

"I'm not asking for too much. All I am asking is that you continue to allow me to spend time with you... For now... I will be satisfied with that. Will you, Amanda, come with me to Karoo island?" Merely inches away from her, he asked again.

Amanda was battling inside of her. Saying yes will most likely mean, she will enjoy his company tomorrow, just like that night. It will bound her to be spending more and more time with him.

However, saying no will men, pushing him away and he would return to wherever he came from. Her mind repeatedly said, 'No. Don't go.'

"Okay. I'll go with you. Good night, Chris," she said before quickly entering the house, slamming the door behind her. She did so hastily, feeling her ears warmed up.

From outside the house, Christopher grinned and said out loud, "I'll pick you up at six in the morning!"

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