Put Out My Fire

Chapter 25 - Naked Again

"No! Amanda!" Called Christopher after seeing her jump into the cliff.

Amanda, on the other hand, felt the wind blasting strongly against her face as her body was nearing the rocky coast. She was prepared to transform as her eyes glowed in red, but out of nowhere, she heard Christopher's voice become louder and louder.

"Ahhh!" She screamed after she felt strong arms holding her waist and her body was reared up, soaring high into the sky. It was an anomaly, yet her danger senses did not tick off.

She heard wings flapping loudly against the howling winds. Her heart raced as she turned to look at what it was that cried her to the clouds. Her face turned red at the sight of Christopher flying in the night.

"Chris! Oh, my God! You have wings!" She wailed out loud in utter shock. Even if the sound of the breeze was louder than her voice, she repeatedly exclaimed her conclusions.

The disturbance in Amanda's face was apparent, seeing the length of his feathered wings. Its height was beyond his own frame and nowhere in his body would he have been able to hide such a feature.

"Amanda, I'm sorry! I'll explain it to you later. I have to help Martin," said Christopher, who was already half-naked due to how his wings sprung free. "He cannot fight my battles!"

He flew her back to the island and just as they landed, he said, "I'm sorry. I'll be back. I promise. Martin is in danger. Don't go anywhere, Amanda."

He left without saying another word, flying into the darkness again, flapping his wings.

For seconds Amanda was left dumbfounded. Then reality hit her, Christopher and Martin may need help.

Deciding on how to return to the same spot, she determined to use her fire. She first sensed any other life force and found no one nearby where she stood. Christopher had landed her nearly a mile away from where the attack was.

Slowly letting out her fire, her body began to illuminate. Her eyes turned orange-red as her clothes began to burn. The second she was completely on fire, she let out her phoenix wings and sped to the location of the fight.

She traced the coastlines to avoid burning any trees, and the second she found the spot, she pleaded to her own power. "Fiena, the spirit of the red crystal, please tame my flames as I land on inhabited soils."

When her feet touch the land, thankfully her fire responded to her will and suppressed according to her request. She ran in her second skin to where Christopher and the not-like creatures were fighting.

Seeing the fight, she concluded that Christopher had the upper hand. Being able to fly, he could attack the red-skinned creatures from above. Still, there were three against one and the odds were still unfair.

Moreover, the three creatures threw spiral blades at him whereas he was only holding the same sword that he had earlier acquired by accident.

From behind the trees, she took a rock and gave it good heat. She walked in the darkness and behind the shrubs until she had a clear path. She could at least hit one of them.

Amanda could not let Christopher know of her crystal form. While the fire protected her from being identified, should she reveal herself to him, she would require the help of Trisha to make him forget.

Aside from that, Christopher was also not from this word and she would be responsible for sending him back. That was clear to her now.

Minutes into the struggle, Amanda saw an opening. As Christopher evaded a small blade that flung to his direction, Amanda thrust a rock into one barbarian, putting him down at an instance. Together with the crystal's strength, the rock penetrated inside the enemy's chest. Blood quickly gushed out of its body.

While the leader and one other attacker panicked at the sight of their colleague, suddenly dying before them, Christopher used the sword he held and surprised one foe, stabbing it in the chest.

His wings helped him up in the air as his feet pushed its red-orange body from the blade. His sword came free in seconds, ready to make another attack.

Seeing only the leader of the group was left to fight, Christopher went at him without hold. He flew up and down, swing from side to side without trouble, easily cutting from one part of the creature's body to another.

Christopher displayed moves that even Amanda thought were commendable.

He grunted as he made his last blows, kicking the leader with his feet while swirling up, then holding down the sword.

The barbarian was at a loss, moving recklessly from side to side when Christopher came blazing fast and struck the sword into its heart.

"Ahhhhhhhh! When will you ever get tired of coming after me! You will never win against me!" Christopher roared in anger.

"Urrrg!" He twisted the blade and surged out more of the creature's blood. When they both fell to the pavement, Christopher's torso was completely stained and so were his pants.

He was so relieved it was over; he did not even realize that the other adversary died in someone else's hand.

"Master! Thank goodness you are okay," said Martin. He had several cuts and bruises on him, noticeable of his earlier struggle.

Looking at the dead bodies, Martin said, "We need to get rid of the bodies, master - "

"No, I'll take care of that. You need to get treatment. Let me take you first to the gate and call Zack and Kyle for me. We can bring back their bodies upon their return - "

"But - but - "

"No buts. Your life is more important," said Christopher. He looked around first before flying off to his home.

Just like he had planned, Christopher came with his friends, hoping to bring back the bodies of their enemies. However, much to their surprise, there was none.

In the areas where Christopher was sure the bodies lay on the ground, only ashes were left and fragments of bones.

In the middle of the night, from a secluded pathway in Trinity Bay, three half-naked and well-shaped men with wings roamed around the location, trying to find where the dead bodies of creatures from their world. However, despite going around in circles for minutes, they found nothing.

"Chris, are you sure you killed them all?" Kyle, his most trusted friend from his army, asked.

"I'm sure of it - wait. Amanda. I forgot Amanda! Go back to Pelagy and guard the gate nearing the castle until my return!" Said, Christopher. He did not wait for any more response and flew up in the sky in search of Amanda.

It was already past twelve in the evening and Christopher could barely make out the exact place where he left, Amanda. The darkness did not also help, even with the sharpness of his eyes. He went back and forth to a range of her whereabouts, yet Amanda wasn't there.

He flew to the direction of Amanda's house and just as he was getting closer, he could swear to have seen a figure that swam by the shore.

His heart fluttered in familiarity. Amidst the obscurity, his heart was pounding for him to fetch whatever was in the water. Thus, he dived in and grabbed a naked girl that was making it to shore, right in front of her home.

"Ahhh! Chris, let me down!" Amanda yelled while being lifted to the air.

Feeling her bare skin and the breasts that clung to his arms, he yelled back, "Amanda, why are you naked again?!"

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