Put Out My Fire

Chapter 27 - Pelagy

Sharing the same galaxy as the earth, in a small world named Pelagy, a world where the sun shines fiercely against its lands, heated rays rarely resting throughout the year. The skies remain in the color of the sand and had been for years since the slowly dying of the world's water sources.

Pelagy consisted of many nations, but the ones that grew in power and in mass were Aeros, the land of Christopher's people, Terene the land that nearly reached the skies, covering the highest peaks of Pelagy, Plethora, the land where the remaining waters of the Pelagy were found.

Aeros is a nation of scattered villages with structures of humble heights, made mostly of stone walls. The nation covered two hundred thousand kilometers of land and living in it are over five million people with only 1/8th of its population developed the bloodline ability to erupt wings.

The highest peak of Aeros' architecture was the castle with fortified stone walls, equipped with skyrise towers. It was where the ruler and his family lived, along with his safeguards and trusted advisers.

Then, there is Oscoria, the forsaken land of Pelagy. Due to its ruler's unforgiving methods of taking richness and power, many nations have declared war against them, most especially Aeros. Oscoria was the most barren of all lands, where volcanic craters were plenty and the place's aridity is thrice to that of Aeros.

However, it wasn't just Oscoria that faced barrenness. The dryness of Pelagy was slowly reaching every nation.

The healers of this world suggested that the sun will continue to torch its lands, seared it in the many years to come, but they knew not why nor what caused the disruption of Pelagy's balance of nature.

Every powerful elders and healer across this realm begged for the spirits of Pelagy to bless their lands of a miracle, one that would save their world from dying. However, to this day, the miracle has yet to arrive.

Its soils have been slowly dying for over five decades and was exactly the reason why the healers of various lands opened the gates to the other worlds. Pelagy and its living creatures on earth required to source their food mostly on the human planet earth.

Aeros, for one, had opened one of its gates in one of its living tree, one that provided its people hope for the future. Their second gate was hidden safely in the land's farther land formations.

From the back of Aeros' barricades, a gigantic redwood tree grew 18,00 cubic feet in diameter and 380 feet in height, was rooted deep into the soil. It was there where the healers found enough energy to create a gate between Pelagy and that of the human world.

On the night before, their enemies, the Oscorians, breached through their walls, digging through the earth and killing four of Aeros' guards. They manage to use their gate, hoping to find the second master of Aeros.

In the same tree where only four guards that used to protect the gate, now ten of the castle's finest roam the area while another twenty work to cover the grounds that the Oscorians have made a hole.

From the solidness of the tree's trunk, ripples began to appear. The obvious liquifying suggested someone was coming out of the gate.

Guards prepare for the possible return of the intruders, but what came out of the rippling tree was their second master, Christopher.

His body was now cleansed from the blood of the Oscorians, the creatures that attacked him at Trinity Bay.

"I'm glad you took the time to scrub in the middle of an intrusion in your territory," his friend, Zack said, seeing him refreshed.

A smirk appeared on Christopher's face and said, "Don't get me wrong, Zack. I am alarmed that the Oscorians have resorted to digging beneath our walls." He then grabbed his friend's shoulder and pulled him closer. He revealed with a whisper, "But Amanda had finally admitted her feelings for me. She helped wiped the stains on my body and even put a bandage on my hand."

He showed off the bandage and said, "See for yourself."

Zack shook his head and said, "What a waste of a bandage."

In that very second, the bruise on his face began to heal and Christopher took off the bandage on his hand. He had the power to heal himself but chose not to in the eyes of Amanda so she can treat his wound. Amanda even allowed him to clean up from her home.

Despite his nation's crisis, Christopher could not help but be merry for the progress he thought he had with Amanda, the very first woman he admired in years.

"Report to me on the damages," he said while they took a walk towards the palace.

"Sadly, two of our people died due to the surprising attack. They never saw the Oscorians coming, but in comparison to their deaths, four of our enemies suffered from Kyle's brute ways," revealed Zack.

Kyle, his other friend, and brother in arms joined their walk to the castle where Christopher's father patiently awaited.

Christopher, Zack, and Kyle were the sons of the elites of Aeros. Christopher was the son of the ruler of Aeros, Master Theo. Zack was the son of the wisest in the land, while Kyle was the son of their army's general.

All three of them grew up from different countries of the earth in the first years of their life until reaching twelve or fourteen. At the time of their innocence was the biggest war against Oscoria, and the powerful families chose to hide their successors. It was for the purpose of protecting the dynasty within their nation.

It was for the same reason that many children of Aeros received the names gifted to them on earth.

Walking through the large doors of his father's chambers, Christopher and his confidants greeted their ruler.

"Father," said Christopher while bowing his head.

Zack and Kyle did the same and greeted, "Master Theo."

With sleeves up to his wrists, Theo's upper body was further covered with black armor. While he wore a man's trousers, his leather boots were strapped up two inches below the knee. His hair was long and tied to the back.

Like Christopher, Theo had blue eyes, but the shade of his was more intense. His face was now wrinkled due to his age, but his health remained vigorous, including the frame of his body.

Theo got up from his seat and said, "Son, Christopher... Where have you been! What on earth are you doing in that small town of the earth when your people here need you!!!"

"Bringing in food and water from the earth has been difficult for our army, considering not many can withstand the pressure of traveling between worlds! We need to act fast and make an alliance with Plethora!"

"When are you going to marry Diana! She is the only daughter of the rulers of Plethora!" Christopher's father repeated.

For two years now, Theo had been trying to convince his son that marriage was the easiest answer to access the last resources of the Pelagy.

"Father, the alliance request had gone on for decades. Why didn't you marry Diana's mother when their nation requested for a union during grandfather's reign?" Christopher pointed out.

Theo nearly raised a hand at his son as his nose flared in anger, but he held himself and said, "The time was different then, Christopher! Now we are facing a crisis that only Plethora could help us survive should the gates to the earth begin to close!"

With both hands on his son's shoulders, Theo reminded him, "Aeros needs water and Plethora has water!"

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