Put Out My Fire

Chapter 41 - Take It Away

In the middle of the rain forest of Brazil, where a cavern was secretly kept by the masters of the world, Amanda reappeared at the centermost part of the cave. Water pooled generously at this gathering place, and Abasi knew it was enough to put out Amanda's fire.

Amanda was furious at herself for failing to recognize the danger of her power. Having recently exhausted her body traveling to Pelagy and fighting a huge snake, she should have known better. Her fire was bound to get out of control.

She earnestly thought that, as of recently, her flames were beginning to follow her will.

'Why now? Why does this have to happen to me? Andrew... Andrew...' She asked herself as gazed at the surface of the water.

When her senses returned to her, she studied herself and realized her fire was already out. A balloon of air surrounded her, giving her enough oxygen to breathe. Behind her were the luminous gemstones that lighted the carven from underneath the water.

In a split second, she thought she saw a swirling light reflecting from the limestones above. She frantically swam up to see if it was Abasi.

The second she reached the water's surface, all she could hear were the cries of a man, whose voice was utterly familiar.

"Who are you?! Where am I? What are you - Ahhhhh! It's so painful!" Amanda realized this man was Andrew.

While swimming across, she yelled back, hoping to calm him, "Andrew! Andrew! It's me, Amanda. I'm coming for you. Calm down. Please calm down."

Abasi was there and it would seem like he got Andrew out, but he suffered burns on his face, on his right arm, and on his right leg. Abasi brought Brody and Trisha with him, which meant they were planning on healing his injuries.

Brody, the maters of the brown crystal, the element of the earth, could not only control the earth and whatever grows in it but could also heal. However, while it is a very special gift, he would often be left resting for a week when using this power. Moreover, the spirit of the crystal, Dunia, chooses only those who deserve to be healed.

Seeing that the rest of the masters, especially their leader was there to witness everything unfold, it meant it was agreed upon.

'It should be,' she silently said. 'Everything was my fault.'

"Amanda! Amanda! Are you safe?" That was all that Andrew said back, despite being overwhelmed with the pain he felt and confused about his whereabouts.

When Amanda climbed up to the rocks where they lay Andrew down, she responded, "Andrew. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Everything was my fault - "

"Amanda, best to stay away from him," Trisha ordered, putting a hand in front of Amanda and stopping her from further approaching. "Let us take care of Andrew."

"Amanda, who are these people - Ahhhhh! My skin is burning!" Andrew continued to groan in pain while occasionally coughing.

"Andrew, we are here to help. We are friends of Amanda," Brody said as he kneeled down before Andrew. "I'm going to heal you."

Brody let out the source of his strength. The brown crystal quickly lighted the surrounding space. He ordered the spirit of the crystal, "Dunia, please heal this man who was hurt by Fiena's flames."

Rays of brown light quickly sprung out of the crystal, wrapping it first around Andrew's leg and slowly going up to his arm and on his burned face. In minutes, his wounds disappeared and his cry for pain ceased.

The only thing that was left was Andrew's disturbed expression. When he felt no discomfort, he pondered for seconds, processing how he went from half of his body getting burned to feel absolutely no pain. Not a single pain.

Seeing Andrew better, Amanda's tears fell down her cheeks. She covered her face, relieved that Abasi saved him and the spirit of the brown crystal chose to heal him.

"Thank you... Dunia. Thank you, spirit of the earth," barely a whisper, she said to the winds.

"Amanda, was it really you? Did you cause the fire?" Andrew asked. He finally let himself up. He looked around and asked, "Wait, where am I? And Who are you?"

"We are here to save you," said Trisha. She walked closer to Andrew and let out the crystal of the heart. "Now, listen to me so we can bring you back to Trinity Bay."

Andrew felt he was put into a spell. He turned expressionless as he listened to the woman before him. He heard Trisha say, "You ran to the back of restaurant and safely evaded the fire. You could not save Amanda on time - "

"Wait - what are you saying?" Amanda protested, but Trisha did not bat an eye for her and continued to repeat the same words to Andrew.

After three times of convincing Andrew, he said, "I - I could not save Amanda."

"That's right. You could not save Amanda," said Trisha. "Forget the rest of what you saw, remember only that you saved yourself during the fire."

"What are you saying! Trisha! I demand an explanation!" Amanda screamed, but Abasi hushed her by sending her back into the water.

When Amanda came back up to the surface, only Brody remained, resting himself on the ground with Trisha by his side. Abasi and Andrew were gone. Abasi had obviously returned Andrew back to Trinity Bay.

Amanda charged at Trisha, asking, "Why did you say that? Are you going to kill me before anyone does?!"

Trisha disliked the decision she made, but she thought it was for the best. She answered, "It's for the best, Amanda. How many innocent lives are you going to hurt with your power?! We have told you many times not to get a job! Completely stay away from people and - "

"And alienate myself completely? I am going crazy already as it is, Trisha. Do I have to suffer by living like a creep? For how long? Where is the fucking blue crystal master?!" At that point, more tears flowed down Amanda's cheeks, but no matter how much she cried, her skin quickly dried off the wetness on her face.

"Calm down Amanda - "

"I'm done! I don't want this! I never wanted this in the first place!" She stretched out her arm and revealed the red crystal in her hand and said, "Take it. Take it away! I've suffered enough and I don't want to be the reason for anyone to get hurt anymore."

"I'm tired of waiting, Trisha.. Take it away."

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