Put Out My Fire

Chapter 53 - Diana

Many of Christopher's arms, his friends Kyle and Zack, as well as his sister Cassy, came to the courtyard, awaiting the arrival of the leader of Aeros, their Master Theo.

Amanda scanned the surroundings and had seen other familiar faces that Christopher had told him about. Some of them were his father's advisers, the elders of the nation. They too have a room in the humongous castle of the Aeros.

Theo and his trusted arms traveled through the skies on the way to Plethora, but on the way back they came with horses. This was because Diana, the daughter of Mahak and Delila, Plethora's rulers, came with them, along with ten of Plethora's command.

The crowd stood on both sides of the castle's entrance, waiting for Theo to reveal himself. He came on a horse with Diana next to him. Behind Theo was his general, Kyle's father, Farid.

Looking fierce and tyrannical, Theo stepped down from his horse, calling his son in front of him, "Christopher. Come over here, son. I have great news for you."

Cassy looked at his brother with a heavy sigh. The good news of his father surely was not any pleasing to Christopher's ears.

Diana, the beautiful inheritor of the nation Plethora, was in tight pants and tunic in the shade of sky blue. She wore a white cloak over her shoulders. Her garment complemented her striking blue eyes.

Looking at the charming Christopher, she had a wide grin on her face.

Seeing the soldiers and the servants from far back, she raised her chin high against the people of Aeros while her eyes looked down on them. She knew well Aeros needed the aid of Plethora and planned to use it to her advantage.

She had always admired Christopher, since the day they met on earth. She had long demanded their marriage through her father and with Theo's visit to their nation; she and her father hoped to seal the deal, promising twice the supply of water to Aeros.

Christopher walked up to his father, leaving Amanda in Cassy's care. He asked, "I also have... great news for you, father."

Not caring for what his son's words, Theo announced, "After the next full moon, you and Diana will be set to marry!"

'Mary?' Amanda's eyes grew wide. 'So this is what Christopher said, he needed to take care of.'

Amanda frowned, realizing the gravity of the situation. Apparently forced marriage was being practiced in this nation. She was ready to react, but Cassy held her hand and whispered to her ear, "It's okay, Amanda. My brother never liked that woman. Neither do I."

The elders, Theo's advisers rejoiced of the news, especially those who have witnessed their young master, bringing a foreign girl inside the castle while Theo was not around.

Moreover, they understood that the union between the two nations would address their problem with water. Plethora is the only remaining nation that had water in their land.

Christopher gazed at the blonde woman riding a horse. He asked, "Diana, are you that kind of woman who forces herself to a man? If by refusing this marriage, would that mean you would deny us of water? Surely, you would not be that kind of woman."

Diana's insides were cursing. She knew what Christopher was trying to do. He wanted her to look like a heartless woman in the eyes of his army and the elders of Aeros. She forced a smile and said, "Of course not, young master Chris, but for the good of our nation, Plethora, I am willing to sacrifice myself for my people's safety and happiness."

"We need your powerful army to help us fight against the Oscorians and in return, we can give you more water supply - "

"And so you acknowledge there is no need for marriage to make this agreement happen between our nations?" Christopher cut her off.

He turned to his men and the elders before announcing, "Diana has said it herself. So, for the elders who are here, be at ease that I declare and had been for the previous years, I do not wish to marry Diana."

"Christopher - you!" Theo called the attention of his son, his voice already raised in anger.

"Father, Diana." He looked at them both before he added, "I wish to marry someone, but not Diana. I am in love with a woman named Amanda, and she is behind me here today."

He turned to Amanda, extending his hand to her, urging her to stand by his side.

Amanda gulped. She did not expect such an intense introduction to her. 'What in the world did Chris got me into?'

At that point, she wished she had powers, but since she gave up her crystal, she walked reluctantly towards Christopher.

"Christopher, what is the meaning of this?!" Theo demanded an explanation.

After holding Amanda's hand, Christopher answered, "It's like what I said, father. I am in love with this woman. Her name is Amanda, and I only wish to marry her."

Diana sensed her nose flared in anger. She gripped tightly at the horse's bridle, just looking at Amanda.

Christopher then shot a vivid look at Diana and asked, "Diana, would a proud woman like you want to stand in between two people who are in love? I'm sure such an honored woman like yourself, you would not allow yourself to be looked down upon as a mistress. Would you?"

"Christopher!" Yelled Theo.

"Young master! What are you trying to do!" One elder named Tafari, the wisest in their land and the father of Zack, objected. He walked closer to Christopher and treated in a whisper, "You ruin the relationship now with Plethora, you end our lives."

Tarafi then shot an angry glare at Amanda, intending to intimidate her.

Just as this was happening, Christopher's closest friends, Zack and Kyle, came up behind him.

"I support Chris in his decision," said Kyle.

"I also - I also support Christopher," added Zack. He dared not look at his father. While he acknowledge, Diana and Christopher's marriage would help their nation, Zack, if anything cared for Cassy's feelings.

Cassy braced herself. She walked to his brother and said, "Father, whatever my brother decides on, he will have my back."

The rest of the soldiers who were faithful to Kyle and Christopher also stepped forward. While Theo was their current ruler, as of recently, it had been Kyle and their young master who fought the actual battles with the Oscorians.

They recognized that the old general and their ruler have now become rusted, no longer in their prime.

It was because Zack, Kyle, and Cassy have witnessed Diana's calculative behavior, that they knew she was not a woman to be trusted. Under no circumstance were they going to have Diana as their forthcoming ruler's wife.

In front of Theo and the advisers, Diana perceived to be a respectable lady, but when the officials were not looking, she revealed her true self.

There was a time in the past when Diana visited their castle. She requested from Theo for Christopher to take her around Aeros, but it was because Christopher was helping gather food for the people that Cassy suggested otherwise.

With that simple gesture of preserving the current flow of their daily routine, Diana secretly visited Cassy in her room and threatened her. Back then she told Cassy not to interfere, for she would become her brother's wife one day and that if she would come in between them, she would lose her place in Aeros.

Around the servants Diana was like a spoiled princess, ordering around and throwing tablewares if the food was not to her liking. She demanded the best care in Aeros from jewelry, clothing, and servants. Theo always gave in to her wishes. This was because she was Plethora's successor.

Unfortunately, Theo, and the elders never believed the report of Cassy and the others. It was not because the elders totally dismissed the possibility, but because they feared for whatever will happen to Aeros, should Plethora decide to cut off their water.

Diana felt her mouth twitched. Her eyes nearly tightened at the sight of Amanda, ready to slay her with her gaze.

However, being in front of Theo and his advisers, she held back and responded, "young master, Chris. You know very well the decision to marry is not mine, but that of my father. I - wholeheartedly respect your decision and I will try to convince my father after my return."

While she said kind words, from the back of her head Diana committed, 'Amanda, a strange woman you are.. You will die in the hands of my men.'

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