Put Out My Fire

Chapter 56 - The Diversion

Walking through the halls, Amanda and Cassy, together with two of Christopher's soldiers set off for the pantry to have breakfast, but just as they made their way to the centre-most part of the castle, they heard stomping feet of walking towards their direction.

Cassy pulled Amanda back, hiding against one large column. The two soldiers did the same, covering from another path.

She put a hand on her lips, suggesting to Amanda to quiet down. She whispered, "Something about the way they walk tells me they are too eager to head this way."

Exactly as Cassy suspected, Diana and ten of her command went past them. They were obviously headed towards the west wing, on the way to Amanda's room.

For Diana to bring ten of her men meant she was serious to cause harm to Amanda. Cassy concluded to go straight to the arms room and gear up for a possible fight while his brother was away.

Cassy and Amanda made it through half a day, avoiding Diana. However, in the afternoon, there was still no word of the forces that left for the north. Christopher was not back yet, and so were the rest of Aeros' troops.

From the weaponry room, Amanda said, "Take me to where he is. I'm not comfortable here just sitting around. I have to do something."

Her words made Cassy giggle. She said, "And what are you going to do there? You are just going to add worry to my brother. Let's just stay here. Eat something. Rest or continue cleaning the swords with me. Tomorrow, when my brother is back, he will teach you how to hold a sword."

"Well, I sort of... know how to fight," she revealed.

She wasn't really sure how to handle an actual sword. Amanda could form blades with her fire but it did not have a weight on them. The very first sword she held was the mysterious one she found at the bottom of the sea.

She frowned and looked at her wrist. 'Shit. I forgot to tell Trisha about it.'

The mark on her wrist remained there. She realized it was not connected to the red crystal's power in any way.

"Look, Amanda. Christopher would kill me if I let you out there where it is more dangerous. The Oscorians are more dangerous than Diana. Here it is safer. My brother will be back," assured Cassy as she reached for Amanda's hand who was sitting across her.

Amanda was left with no choice. Moreover, she realized Cassy was right. She did not have her powers. A big part of her regretted, but then again, it was a choice to remain a master of fire or to be with Christopher. She chose the latter.

From outside the arms room, a group of individuals was lurking around. Diana's eyes thinned at the report by one of her men. "Lady Diana, Amanda is inside the room."

She sighed and said, "I'll create a diversion with the rest of the group. Five of you go after Amanda."

"Yes, lady Diana."

While Cassy and Amanda helped sort the swords, they heard a call from one of the servants, "Lady Cassy! Help! Help! Lady Diana, she wants to execute my sister! She is saying that my sister stole from her but - but she would not do that!"

"What! Urrgggh!" Turning to Amanda, Cassy said, "She is doing this on purpose! Stay here, Amanda!"

Leaving only two guards looking out for Amanda, Cassy rushed to the courtyard where Diana was found, dragging a young servant on the ground, pulling her by the hair.

"Diana! What are you doing?! Let her go!" Cassy ordered, taking out her sword and pointing at Diana. Five of Plethora's men also raised their arms at Cassy.

"Huh! Are you really going to fight me? Make a judgement on this young girl when this is not your home?!" Cassy yelled in anger. "Let her go now!"

"But she stole from me - "

"No! I would never!" Screamed the young girl. She turned to Cassy and said, "I've been serving Aeros all my life from generations to generations. Our family has been loyal to Master Theo! We - we would never!"

Diana felt a lump on her throat. She realized, she had chosen the wrong servant to abuse that day. Still, in order to have Amanda taken down, she persisted, "She took my necklace! See for yourself!"

Raising a hand to Cassy, she showed as proof of the pearl necklaced that was supposedly in the young woman's possession.

More guards came to their direction in aid for Cassy. She cast a despicable look at Diana and suggested, "You - you must have put it here or simply made accusations! Diana! I know you too well! More importantly, I know this servant too well. Since she was a child, I have known her never to take anything from this home!"

While Cassy and Diana went at it, raising voices at the courtyard, three of Plethorans penetrated the weaponry room. It was there where they found Amanda, with only two soldiers looking after her.

'Well, this is a coincidence. Or not!' Amanda told herself as she slowly grabbed the sword she was earlier cleaning.

"Stay behind us, Miss Amanda. We will protect you. We have sworn in our young master's name!" Said on guard. He was holding up a blade at the three Plethoran men while walking back to an exit for Amanda to flee.

The other soldier, on the other hand, walked forward, hoping to scare them away. The soldier said, "You are no match for us and you know it!" The soldier quickly let out his wings, grunting while he was at it.

"Yaaah!" Diana's men began thrusting their blades forward, and the fight became eminent.

Blades were clashing left and right, and the man that stood behind Amanda had to fight along with his colleague. He told Amanda, "Run Miss! Run outside!"

It was the second time Amanda grieved to be powerless. She realized that to also be on Christopher's side; she had to have the strength. Armed with a heavy sword, she ran outside the weaponry room only to face two of Plethora's men, apparently waiting for her to flee.

"Fuck!" She cursed, sneering altogether.

Diana's men wasted no time. They quickly swung their blades against Amanda, but when raised her own sword at them, blocking one attack to the other realized, the woman before them had skills.

Amanda may no longer have the strength of fire, but she had fought horrors and demons for five long years. Her natural body had become a warrior, able to fend for herself.

Still, she recognized, it was not the same as holding a blade of fire.

"Ahhh! Hya! Hya!" She yelled each time she struck back, stepping backwards as she held up the blade.

However, it was because Amanda was not used to holding a heavy sword that she dropped her blade after circling it around one of Plethora's weapon.

Diana's men managed to cut through her arm. She was starting to bleed as she raised her hands above her head.

While panting, she said, "Christopher will find out about this - "

"By the time he does.. You are already gone," said the man in front of her.

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