Put Out My Fire

Chapter 58 - Now Or Tomorrow?

'A war... Another war?' Theo thought to himself after his son went down on his knees. 'He is doing this for that woman.'

Theo's eyes shifted to Amanda and saw how she was strangely calm despite having been cut in her arm. Moreover, realizing the threat to her life, she did seem to react violently against Diana. Amanda just stood there behind two guards, watching everything unfold.

Looking down at his son, Theo said, "Another attack is coming from the Oscorians. We don't need to make another - an unnecessary war. Not unless Plethora chooses to cut off our water supply."

He directed his gaze at Diana and asked, "Diana, I will let you off for what you have done in my home. However, as payment for the trouble you have caused, you will not be allowed to enter into my family."

Diana's lips trembled. Her eyes widened in anger as she screamed, "How could you believe this peasant?!"

"It's not about who to believe! It's about respecting the rules of the nation where you are currently standing on! I wonder what lies would have told if I did not see how you treated my people with my own two eyes," said Theo.

"There will be no marriage alliance between our nations and that is final!" He looked back to his general, who had followed behind him and ordered, "General, Bring back Diana to Plethora with a sealed message of what had transpired today. Announce the cancellation of the engagement between my son and Diana!"

"Yes, Master Theo. I will do as you told," said General Farid.

"No! No! N - "

Diana's screams were cut off by the soldiers of Aeros, raising their swords at her and to the Plethoran men. She was left panting. Her fingers dug against her palms, formed into tight fists.

The Plethorans were quickly guided to the castle gates, ordered to leave the stone walls at once.

Meanwhile, Christopher stood up to say, "Thank you, father. Finally, you have seen Diana for who she really is."

"Don't!" He looked around his people who had come out to the courtyard. He toned down his voice to say, "Don't thank me yet. It does not mean I accept that woman you have bright here to my home."

Once again, Theo's eyes wandered through the crowd, and seeing his most trusted and loyal servant missing, he asked, "Where is Martin? I have not seen him in days. He must comfort his own daughter."

"Father, Martin is out on a task for me with Kiesha and the others," revealed Christopher. "He will be back in two days."

Looking at the crying young servant girl, he added, "Cassy will look after his daughter."

Theo looked back at Amanda before he said, "Attend to your wounded woman, and tomorrow, I will speak to you both. For now, we rest... another fight will soon begin and we don't know when."

"Yes, father. Thank you," repeated Christopher.

Christopher sighed. Yes, another all-out war is about to happen in a few days. The Oscorians managed to regroup their forces in just a short period of time. Once again, they demanded his capture.

Naturally, Theo refused. Christopher was his son. He can impose marriage on him, but he would never let his son be imprisoned in their enemy's land. Till this very day, it baffled him why they wanted Christopher so badly.

Theo walked silently in the direction of the stone structure, followed by his men. He silently asked, 'Why? What is it in my son that they seek?'

Seeing his father go, Christopher rushed to Amanda, quickly looking at her arm. His brows furrowed. His heart ached, seeing her wounded. A piece of cloth was already wrapped around her arm, but obviously the wound needed cleansing.

"It's not that big," Amanda said. "It's only a small wound."

Her reaction made him grimace. He wondered what kind of woman would act so calm after getting cut by a sword. He quickly hugged Amanda against his chest, sighing in relief that she was safe.

From the grounds of Aeros' castle, to the gate were the refuting Diana and her men. In another direction, Cassy was soothing the young servant, slowly taking her back to her quarters. Soldiers were flying in, returning from their journey from the north.

Despite what was going on around them, Christopher could only see Amanda.

After what it felt like a minute of embrace, he pulled away and said, "Let's clean up your wound."

Christopher brought Amanda to his family's sitting room where servants came, bringing a tub of water and an antiseptic.

After sending the servants away, he kneeled before her and carefully treated her cut. He said, "How - how exactly did you escape from their attack?"

His soldiers narrated how the Plethorans fought against each other while trying to hurt Amanda. It did not make sense to him, but it was the most logical. He thought, 'Amanda couldn't have killed them all by herself.'

Clearing her throat, Amanda narrated exactly what she told Christopher's men. After her tale, he said, "You are - very lucky."

Amanda noticed how less of a talker he was. For the most part, he was being serious while treating her wound. After strapping her arm with a cloth bandage, he suddenly buried his face to her chest.

He hugged her tightly and said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting you involved in the dangers of my world. If anything happens to you - "

"Nothing will happen to me," she hushed him to silence, leaning forward to embrace back.

"What if - Amanda. What If you stay in Trinity Bay - "

"No. Don't even think that!" Amanda was angered by his suggestion. She let out a heavy sigh and said, "You know I can't go back there anymore."

"Besides, I - I don't want to be lonely again. I'd rather risk my life every day and be with you than to worry about you constantly and be on my own."

She pushed him up and made him swear, "Promise me, you won't ever think about this again... because I am staying with you..." She gulped before silently saying, 'I have sacrificed everything... to be with you.'

Straight away, he pulled her closer by the neck and sealed her lips with a kiss. He did so fervently, crashing his mouth against her own and thrusting his tongue senselessly. Amanda and Christopher quickly became out of breath from their passionate kiss.

Following a hot kiss, Christopher rested on Amanda's forehead. He said, "You'll need to learn how to fight."

"I'll learn. I'm a fast learner," she said, nodding repeatedly. "You'll - you'll be taken by surprise."

"Okay... just so you get motivated... I won't join you in your sleep until you learn to hold up a sword properly," he challenged.

Amanda's eyes grew wide. It confused her whether to be angry or not. After a while, she spoke, "Let's practice now."

C: "No, tomorrow."

A: "Now."

C: "Tomorrow."

A: "Now!"

Christopher chuckled before he sighed. He caressed her face and revealed, "I have to regroup my men and formulate a plan to better our barriers. Let's practice... Tomorrow."

"Can - can someone else begin to teach me then?" A great idea crept into her head and she said, "How about that soldier who guarded me to today, his name was Khalil, right? He is strong, tall, and very... very... good-looking."

Christopher's eyes turned devilish, deciding between now and tomorrow.

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