Put Out My Fire

Chapter 60 - Heart Racing

"Why would you agree to fight? Kiesha is one of my veteran soldiers!" Christopher said with his voice slightly raised.

If Amanda were to fail in the fight, chances are, his father will forever not approve of her to be his wife.

"I know what I am doing, Chris. Relax," She insisted. Amanda acknowledged that she may not win, not without her powers. However, she meant to prove to Theo that she has something better inside of her and that was her will.

The two of them were in the weaponry room, waiting for Amanda's sword to arrive. Christopher had specifically asked a blacksmith to make her a custom sword, one that was lighter and easier for her to handle.

"It's too late to argue about it," Kyle said. He was also present, getting suited up. "Just teach her how to fight. Teach her of Kiesha's weaknesses. Fortunately, Kiesha does not have wings."

"Oh? I did not take that into account, but lucky me," said Amanda. She sneered, realizing if the woman she was about to fight could erupt wings.

"Do you see what I mean now?" Christopher asked with a frown on his face.

Despite being surrounded by Christopher's men, she walked towards her, hugged him by the waist. She said, "Don't be upset now. Just like what Kyle said, teach me how to fight."

Amanda did not waste any time. She trained with Christopher on other techniques to advance when handling a sword in the morning at the courtyard. In the afternoon, she meant to strengthen her stamina by herself.

She was covered in sweat. After two hours of practicing with the blade, her muscles were feeling the pain. However, she was not ready to stop there.

Amanda wiped the glow on her face and announced, "Okay, I'm ready for a real practice fight."

She raised her blade and said, "I want to fight Khalil."

"What?!" Objected Christopher. He walked towards Amanda and whispered, "Just because he is attractive?"

She broke into a boisterous laugh and said, "Don't be silly!" She pointed to Christopher with a finger and added, "You would go easy on me!"

"Oh." Christopher looked in the direction of Khalil, who was standing behind on guard. He said, "So you don't think he would go easy on you? He knows you are my woman and the idea of getting you hurt will probably torment him."

Pursing her lips, she recognized it was true. She said, "Then, can I fight Kyle?"

"No!" He stepped back and got into position. "If you get my heart racing, I might consider letting you fight Kyle."

'Pfft! That is easy,' She said to herself while also getting into the stance. "Are you ready, Chris? Are you ready to fall in love with me even more?"

She heard him scoff, but right after she smirked, she charged at Christopher with all her strength. "Hiyaaaahhhh!"

Sooner than he anticipated, blades were clashing. Christopher was in utter shock from Amanda's advances.

He was stepping back, holding up his sword, blocking Amanda's strikes. His heart quickly raced. His eyes were the widest it had ever been that day.

It was obvious to Christopher that Amanda was not yet well versed in holding up a sword, but the intensity of her thrust and her lack of fear made her look so intimidating and powerful.

He grunted his way as he practiced with Amanda. While he planned to take it easy on her, he used up a lot of his strength, more than he foresaw.

It may be one of Amanda's first to hold a real sword, but her body was already used to advancing towards enemies, many far more vicious than the handsome, sexy man she was attacking. She was moving out of her bodies' wisdom and instincts.

From above the courtyard, two pairs of eyes were watching as Amanda practiced with Christopher. Theo could not help but remark, "What a strange woman."

"She is very courageous," complimented Kyle's father, Farid. "Theo, my friend. Do you agree with me when I say, courage is greater than any skillful soldier?"

Theo shot a fierce look at his general and said, "I'm going back to my chambers. Report to me the progress of their training."

"I will."

Back to the courtyard, Amanda was still at it, speeding up towards Christopher. She yelled, "You barely made a move?!"

She did not think it was fair that he was merely blocking her movements. "How is your heart now, eh? Not racing enough!"

Amanda jumped to give Christopher a good thrust with her sword, but all of a sudden, Christopher halted. It wasn't enough time for Amanda to take back the blade. Still, she tried to adjust her hand away.

In the process, Amanda made a cut on Christopher's arm and she dropped her blade the second her feet touched the ground. She screamed at him, "Why did you do that?! I could have hit you with a more serious injury!"

She walked towards him with her hands trembling. Her heart was beating faster than earlier. "How could you stop all of a sudden?"

"You hesitated." Christopher put his blade down and reached for Amanda's cheek. He said, "When you are fighting against an opponent, never hesitate."

"But it was you!" She retorted, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Still, it shows that I am your weakness." He said. He put his hand on her back and added, "But I understand because you are also my weakness."

Christopher gave her a hug and admitted, "You certainly made my heart race with your attacks and I am falling more in love with you than yesterday. You did a good job, Amanda. I am so proud of you."

After loosening his hold on her, he pecked on her lips and said, "Now, let's rest. I also need to go with Kyle to the west borders."

She smiled, and him and pecked back. She said, "I love you too. Let's clean up your cut first."

"Ah," Christopher was about to explain when she reached for his arm, but instead, he showed her what he meant to tell. He healed himself in front of her.

It was Amanda's time for her eyes to widen. She cast a surprised look at him, but after a few seconds, she sneered. "No wonder!"

"So back at my house, you only deceived me! Pretending to feel the pain of your wound!" Out of anger, she punched Christopher in the face, making him nearly lose his balance.

She walked out of him, enrage. "You are not getting any love tonight!"

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