Put Out My Fire

Chapter 63 - Who Is The Master Of Fire?

'Why now? And who is the master of fire?'

While Christopher was questioning the voice, he heard in his head, Amanda saw the mark on his abdomen. She asked, "What's this? I did not see this last night?"

She frowned, looking at the swirled mark which was surrounded by fingerprints, or at least she perceived it to be.

The horror on Christopher's face upon seeing the mark became apparent. His mouth fell open, trying to find the words to explain the sudden appearance of the swirled mark. His lips partly trembled as he said, "I - Ummm... This is one of our bloodline marks. It - it appears... now and then."

All Christopher could think of was a lie.

He frantically got up and wore his pants. "I - I better check with father and the general if there is - if there is any pressing issue that needs to be attended to. It's already morning, and the sun is about to rise."

"Wait? Christopher, why are you rushing?" Amanda tried to stop him, but it was of no use. He was gone, out the window even before she could get changed herself.

"I'll see you later, Amanda!"

After Christopher returned to his chamber and changed into a gambeson top, he pondered for an hour, thinking about the voice that spoke in his head.

"Mater of fire," he muttered. It was the same words expressed by the two strange beings that appeared in his room four days ago.

He had buried the eventful morning at the back of his head with no one to tell of such a peculiar turn of events. He did not want to be judged or sent to another healer, to be perceived as sick or mad.

Moreover, Diana's arrival and the sudden gathering of Oscorians to the north of their borders distracted him.

It was four days ago when he heard the same voice. Today, he heard it again. This time, calling out the master of fire and just like the last, it was asking to be free.

He sighed, saying, "Martin returns today."

For the rest of the day, Christopher acted as nothing happened. He did the same thing four days ago.

Fortunately, the mark on his abdomen disappeared int the midday. Christopher could only hope that it will no longer reappear.

He accompanied Amanda, practicing her strength. There were portions of the castle walls that allowed a good climb. It was where he suggested for Amanda to work on her upper body strength.

However, while he was with Amanda, he was constantly looking back at the gates. Amanda sensed he was tense and his thoughts were often drifting away.

Unfocused, the only explanation he gave was, "I - I am waiting for Martin. It's very important that I speak with him."

In the afternoon, Theo's trusted servant, Martin, the same man who had looked after Christopher in Trinity Bay, returned to the castle of Aeros. Christopher immediately brought him to his family's sitting area and revealed the seal on his stomach.

Standing in front of Martin, he said, "Martin. I'm - I'm worried. What does this mean?"

Martin reflected, a worried expression on his face. He understood what it meant for the mark to reappear. The evil magic that lived inside Christopher was eager to come out. After five long years of being sealed inside his body, it seemed as though it gained the strength to reveal itself.

'But why?' He had the same silent question in his mind.

He said, "It's - it is not supposed to be this way. I was there... I was there when the powerful healer sealed off the dark magic in your stomach, young master."

The healer said, "The seal was absolute and no other power can awaken the evil magic inside of you."

"But why is this happening?" Christopher asked back.

"Did anything... out of the ordinary happened?" Martin asked while maintaining the grimace on his face.

"Yes - yes there was. I meant to speak to you about this - Martin. You are the only one I can trust, being the person whom I trust the most other than my sister," said Christopher.

He pulled a wooden chair closer to where Martin sat, and in front of him, he settled. He sighed before saying more, "Martin. You have to promise me... You won't think I've gone mad."

"Of course, young master. You did not go mad back then. It's just that this evil magic - as what the healer said had taken over your body and refused to leave it." Martin put a hand on Christopher's shoulder and said, "This is not your fault."

Christopher nodded and said, "It was four days ago..."

For days, he had kept it only to himself. Recalling how his family and the advisers of his family reacted to his sudden sickness years ago. Back then they all thought he was sick, but the healer concluded that an evil forced lived inside of him.

He was waiting for Martin, for he could only share such a situation with him.

He trusted Martin and considers him his second father. Even if he was a servant, Christopher looked up to him.

"Martin," he said before gulping.

"Yes, young master. Tell me. You can tell me anything," reminded Martin.

"Two powerful beings - I think they may be spirits inside of them. Or maybe they were evil, the same that is living inside of me - I don't know," he said. "They came to my room one morning. It was the start that heard the same voice again, calling to me."

Christopher narrated to Martin how he saw Trisha and Abasi; two beings being covered with tight clothing of green and yellow. He told of how Trisha required him to sleep and how they ordered a spirit to evaluate him.

He also told about the voice that he heard in his sleep that morning and how the mark on his stomach suddenly became visible earlier that day.

"Back then, they mentioned the master of fire and it was the same as the voice I heard earlier today. The voice called for the master of fire," he added.

Christopher was puzzled, trying to analyze everything, but after thinking deep he said, "What if -what if they were looking for this evil magic inside of me? What if they want it?"

He looked Martin in the eye and said, "If they are after this supernatural force inside of me, wouldn't that be good if it goes away permanently?"

He put both his hands on Martin's arm and said, "Martin, we should ask the healer about this - the same powerful healer that created this seal. Basalt, where is he?"

Martin was silent for seconds before he sighed heavily. He said, "Young master, I am here to report that the same healer has disappeared three years ago." He bowed down before revealing, "I don't know if it's true, but another healer suggested that Basalt, the most powerful healer in Pelagy was taken by the Oscorians."

Christopher leaned back in disbelief.. The only hope he now had to answer the mystery of this evil magic or power that lived within him, was apparently now with their enemies and may have been for three long years, exactly the time when they had begun to demand for his capture.

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