Put Out My Fire

Chapter 70 - This Is No Evil

Seeing the leader of the Oscorian troop return his attention to Amanda and Christopher, and with already two in their way, Amanda prepared to engage. She said, "Explaining will happen later."

'If I can explain it.'

She threw her hand back and yet again, Christopher saw the sword come out from her hand. How he wanted to ask more, but the earlier brutes were out to get him once more. He said, "We need that Oscorian leader alive."

The leader of the troop wore full body armor and had a red sash over his torso. The rest of his men wore only parts of the armor. It was also evident by the way the leader walked and look upon his arms that he was the decision-maker of the party.

From afar, the leader ordered his two guards, "Don't let that Aeros young master getaway!"

The leader once again stood back, watching his men do the work for him. Little did his men know, he was already shaken after Amanda had cut his weapon in two.

"Amanda! Stay here! I'll distract them!" Christopher let back his wings out and flew up, leaving the other two Oscorians looking up and running after him. He was searching for his sword and as soon as he found it. He reached for it just in time for the two red-skinned creatures to catch up with him.

But it wasn't just the Oscorians who followed him, Amanda was also rushing to his direction. As he held up his sword against his opponents, he muttered, "This woman! Does not know how to stay put!"

To avoid getting cornered, Christopher flapped his wings. He battled one Oscorian who reached him first.

When Amanda caught up with the two rivals, she thrust her sword against one red-skinned foe and easily cut open its armor and struck through his flesh. The latter fell down on the ground, groaning in pain.

The two Oscorians were only focused on going after Christopher that they missed seeing the coming danger from behind.

When the other red-skinned man turned to Amanda, Christopher charged at him from the above, thrusting his sword against its neck. Blood gushed out of him, spattering in the opposite direction.

Christopher quickly finished them off with his pointed blade before returning to Amanda's side. Soon enough, they turned to find the Oscorian leader, but he was no longer stood on the same ground.

"Sccummm!" Christopher hissed. He grabbed Amanda by the waist and said, "Let's look for him."

They soared into the sandy-colored sky with Amanda holding on to the front of him for dear life.

Amanda had already let back in her sword when they found the leader of the Oscorian troops, on foot, fleeing without his men.

As they descended from the above, Kyle was already flying behind them.

"Chris! We should be able to get him now!" Said Kyle.

Amanda knew it was not time for Kyle to know bout her unusual sword. Thus, for the rest of their fight, she stayed back. Especially since more of the Aeros soldiers have come after to aid Christopher, including Cassy and her party.

Christopher and Kyle successfully captured the leader of the Oscorian group who attacked their borders that day, impairing one of his legs, incapacitating him to run away. They returned to the castle with two prisoners as part of the plan; one of them was a regular foe who was to send back a message from Aeros when the time was right.

Christopher and Cassy reconciled at their family's sitting area in an argument. He was agitated by his sister, having brought Amanda into the danger zone.

"I'm telling you, she threatened me if I did not take her!" Cassy reasoned.

"And it was just right that we did! You are practically being dragged away by those Oscorians!" Amanda backed Cassy.

Cassy's eyes grew wide. She asked, "He was being dragged away?!"

"Yes! Three against one and they were really huge. They caught his wings and dragged him away from the ground!" Amanda revealed.

Amanda turned to Christopher in anger and said, "Admit it! If I did not come, who knows they might have actually taken you already?!"

Cassy glared at her brother, but all Christopher could say, "You - you might have helped, but it does not excuse you, Amanda, for getting into trouble!" He grabbed her hand and said, "Let's talk in private."

Christopher took her to her room, and it was there that he asked, "So, what are you exactly?"

"What? What do you mean? I am human?" She said with her brows furrowed.

Seeing his eyes tightening further, she said, "If you mean the sword, well to be honest with you. I don't know myself!"

He glared at her as he listened to what she had to say.

"I found it in Trinity Bay while swimming on the beach. When I brought it up to the shore, I studied it for some time and suddenly! There were lights that appeared on the sword and it disappeared! It left this mark on my wist!"

Amanda showed him the mark, and he said, "I - I just thought you had it tattooed."

It was only when he made love with Amanda for the first time that he noticed the mark on her wrist, but he did not think much of it. Moreover, it was not like him to dwell on insignificant matters.

"I found the sword when you were away and said that you would come back to me after two weeks," added Amanda.

"Really, Amanda. That doesn't explain how you are strangely strong and... know how to fight!" He said, putting his hands on his waist. "Tell me... What else do I need to know?"

Amanda sighed and said, "I already told Cassy this. I had training in fighting five years ago from a friend who was part of the Egyptian army forces. Besides! You have been training me how to hold a sword!"

She looked straight into his eyes and added, "As for the golden sword... I really don't know how I got it and why it seems to be staying with me through this mark."

"Chris?! You have to believe me!" She said, walking closer to him and hugged his waist. She pressed her cheeks against his armored chest and said, "Please. Let's not argue about such a filial thing."

Christopher stood there, just thinking for almost a minute. He would never do anything to push Amanda away. He gulped and asked, "Did that mean you - you were the one who brought Diana's guard's down?"

She gulped and said, "Yes. That was - that was the first time I saw it back since I found it in Trinity Bay. It - it just sprung out of my hand like it knew I needed saving... Today was the second time I asked for it to come out."

"Ask... ask how?" he probed with his brows furrowed.

"I just imagine it coming out of my hand and wala!" She explained.

"Show me," he asked.

"Don't get shocked, okay? Because I don't even know myself why it seems to be imprinted on me," she revealed. "Just be open-minded."

'Open-minded. Well, I am the one who has evil magic inside me,' he said in silence.

Amanda threw her back her hand, and gradually a yellow light emitted and circled around her hand until the full length of the golden double-edged sword was in her grip. Only then did the lights faded.

"Woah!" Christopher leaned back, raising one of his brows and said, "It's so bright and amazing!"

"It's so cool!" Amanda added.

"Can - can I hold it?" He asked.

"Here, try to touch it," said Amanda, raising her hand to him, but just as she opened her palms the golden blade disappeared back into her hand.

Christopher frowned and said, "I suppose it only answers to you."

Amanda tried it again, letting it out. This time, she held the sword tightly and raised it in front of him. Christopher reluctantly touched the golden blade, but unlike earlier, he felt the metal at the tip of his fingers.

When Amanda once opened her palms, the sword was gone again.

It was clear to both of them it only allowed Amanda to hold its grip. It would come out only to Amanda's will.

"It's not - it's not evil, is it?" Christopher asked.

"Evil? It saved me! It saved you! To me, evil is only when this thing - this supernatural factor takes over your body and does you harm - cause harm to others," said Amanda.

The sword would not be the first supernatural power that lived inside of her, and she knew this one was not any evil.

"Just because it is unnatural and just because it's powerful its evil. You have to... feel it in your heart if its evil." Amanda let out the sword again and held it in front of her.. "This is no evil."

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