Put Out My Fire

Chapter 76 - The Reluctant Approval

Plethora, a nation located farther east from Aeros. This was the only nation that remained to have green meadows. This nation was practically the lowest point in Pelagy, surrounded by valleys and other peaks.

Before the drought, Plethora used to be a nation that was constantly flooded. Many fled away from this nation, only to return when water became scarce from the other lands.

Today, Plethora remained to be the only nation that has water, and it provided water to other nearby nations. Their source of water was a lake that would seem to be boundless. None of their people have ever swum deep enough to reach its end.

From the fortress of Plethora, their ruler, Mahak was walking back and forth from his family's sitting area. He was troubled about making a decision his advisers and his family agree on.

"Mahak! You can't just let Aeros shame our daughter like that! My daughter has the blood of our family! Remember this! You only became a leader of this land because you married me!" Yelled Delila, the ruler's wife.

Delila, Diana's mother was the previous ruler's daughter, but because she was a woman, the responsibility was passed on to her husband, Mahak.

Delila was enraged and had been for weeks after her daughter was sent home, crying. Apparently, Diana was thrown out of Aeros and their leader, Theo, denied the marriage between Christopher and her.

What angered her more, was the killing of two Plethoran men within the walls of Aeros.

Aeros reported that her daughter passed judgment on a servant without consulting Theo, and their soldiers attacked a commoner who had taken her daughter betrothed.

To Delila's point of view, servants have no rights. The same could be said to a commoner.

"You have to follow what I say!" Ordered Delila.

"The Oscorians are dangerous, Delila! What are you thinking, wanting to ally with them? Because of a mere desire of our daughter to be with a man who does not want her back?!" Retorted Mahak.

"Father! I cannot believe you would say this! Everything that they said is a lie! It's that woman who took Christopher away from me! She had bewitched Master Theo and the others - Cassy and Christopher!" Diana countered.

She ran to her father's side and pleaded. Down on her knees, she looked directly in the eyes of her father and said, "I want Aeros to be punished for what they did to me!"

"Mahak, this is very simple. We will ally with the Oscorians only in the aid to bring down Aeros and nothing more! We will not give them our water!" Said Delila.

She also walked closer to her husband and reached for his hand. She said, "All they want is Christopher. In return, they can help us gain complete control of Aeros!" She shook his arm and said with conviction, "We can be a family, ruling two nations!"

"And the land of Aeros, father - is rich in gold! If we have gold and water, we have everything!" Suggested Diana before reflecting a mischievous smile on her face.

It was two days ago that an Oscorian troop came to their nation with an offer. They wanted to set a trap for Aeros. With Plethora's help, Oscoria believed, they could finally capture Christopher once and for all.

For as long as the Oscorians have Christopher, they were willing to aid Plethora in waging war against Aeros.

Mahak sighed. Even his advisers agree to the take Aeros down, not for the sake of Diana but because of the wealth of the land. Their gold was one reason why Plethora continued to give Aeros water. Plethora could double the price of their water and Aeros could provide them with gold.

While gold in Pelagy was not a primary need, but gold in other worlds, especially on earth was of great value. If Plethora had gold, they could bring in more advances from the earth and improve their nation's structure.

"Okay. We will ally with Oscoria," said Mahak. "I will send back a message to Oscoria."

Diana eagerly rose. She hugged her father tightly and said, "I want to be the one to punish that woman who defamed me - Amanda. Father, remember that's her name."

Aeros had a secret enemy, and they knew not what was coming for them, but for now, Christopher and Amanda were facing one other challenge, right in front of Theo.

Following her fight with Kiesha, Christopher brought Amanda to her father. They walked hand in hand as they walked inside the great hall where Theo sat with the general and his best adviser.

They both bowed down in respect of the ruler before Christopher said, "Father, please."

"Do you think, Amanda being a ruler's wife is easy? Do you know the obligations of being a ruler's wife?" Theo directed his words to Amanda. His voice was curt and domineering.

"Father, what is this - "

"It's fine, Chris," said Amanda. She smiled at him before looking back at Theo. She said, "I went from someone you thought would never beat Kiesha to outsmarting her. Whatever it is that you expect from a ruler's wife, I can do it."

While Amanda was trying her best to be harmonious with Theo, Christopher had had enough. He said, "I am not marrying any other woman! If you cannot accept that I have chosen Amanda, I would be happy to relieve myself of the burden of ruling this land!"

"Christopher!" Yelled Theo. His eyes were wide open and his expression turned dark.

"Chris! Please," said Amanda. "This is not the way to speak to your father."

"No, Amanda. I have had enough -"

"No - no," warned Amanda. "No matter what, he is your father." Seeing him not paying attention, she put a hand in his face and added, "I have no father nor mother. You don't know what you are saying now because you are upset."

It was with the way Amanda calmed Christopher that Theo's expression changed. From angry, he suddenly felt sorry for the Amanda.

Despite Amanda's attempt to sway him, Christopher acted to leave, pulling Amanda by the arm.

"Theo," said the Farid, the general. He silently urged Theo to call back his son.

"I will allow you to marry my son, for it was in the condition I gave if you win the fight, but - but it does not mean, I prefer you for my son." Theo looked away and signaled with his hand, asking them to leave. "Go now before I change my mind."

Christopher and Amanda had earlier stopped, caught off guard by his reluctant approval. Still, it was approved and Amanda appreciated it.

Amanda first lowered her head and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Christopher was still not pleased, but he was relieved that his father was no longer against Amanda. Before walking out with her, he said, "We will prove to you that we can make Aeros prosperous.." He held Amanda's hand and raised it before adding, "Together."

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