Put Out My Fire

Chapter 8 - Four Nights Ago

Four Nights Ago.

Arriving in the middle of the night, Christopher looked up into the dreary skies, facing the moon. He walked half-naked through the town on his bare two feet. He rubbed his arms, feeling the chilling air around him, his trousers still soaked from the water.

He nearly escaped another attack from his enemies, sworn to take him alive. Fortunately, he remembered the way to this town.

Many years had passed since he last came here; to the town of Trinity Bay. Yet, despite him growing up in the place of his birth, nothing relevant had changed on the island except for structures that now scattered the place.

"Master, there you are. I came as soon as I was told you might have crossed," called Martin. He had walked around the dark and empty town in search of Christopher. "Why did you not use the other entrance from inside the house?"

"I was out... being chased by the devils of Oscoria. While trying to flee, I recalled another gate that led me here," answered Christopher. He accepted the coat from Martin and walked with him to the car.

"What are these new architectures in town, Martin?" He asked right after getting settled in the vehicle.

"Master, most of them are establishments where I buy food and other necessities." Martin then pointed out to a cafe across from him and said, "See that? That is your friend's restaurant. Remember Andrew Kent? You used to play often as kids."

Ne nodded and said, "Yes... how could I forget? He was my only friend as a child."

Being driven to his home, Christopher saw more changes in the town where he lived before turning fourteen years old. While it was dark, he could see clearly through the seclusion, given the nature of his being. He said, "I - I might stay for a while, Martin. Something tells me I should stick around."

"Master, I oppose your plans. It is very cold here in Trinity Bay. It always rains and there is barely sunlight. You will have a hard time adjusting to the temperature here," Martin tried to reason with him. "Besides, Diana would look for you in no time -"

"She always looks for me, like I have no life of my own," Interrupted Christopher.

He clenched his hand into a fist, thinking about his father's plan. He wanted him to marry an aristocrat from another region, yet... he loathes her. Diana was selfish and disrespectful, even to his sister. He figured out it was best to be away from his father... and most especially from that woman.

Like many beautiful women in his homeland, Diana was a goddess with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. Many adored and bowed down to her beauty, but even before knowing her inner nature, Christopher never took a liking on her supposed future bride.

In fact, he had tasted no one's beauty. While he was used to being around many women, somewhere deep inside of him was longing for something else. He could not fathom the aspiration for the unknown, but somehow he knew he had another fate.

Eager to reconnect with his old friend, Christopher drove back to where he landed the next day. He found himself at the Southern Deli, hoping to see Andrew, his childhood friend, but instead, it was Andrew's father whom he spoke before coming in, Thomas Kent.

"Mr. Kent. My name is Christopher. Christopher Towns? I hope you still remember me?" He said, seeing Thomas out the door.

Thomas Kent, studied him for a moment before he realized who the man was.

"Ah, yes. I perfectly recall, Christopher! You are much older now, a fine young man, just like my son!" Said Thomas Kent. "Andrew went home, I'm afraid. In fact, I'm headed there right now for lunch."

"How unfortunate. We'll then. I'll see him next time," said Christopher.

After seeing Thomas Kent go, he was about to head back himself when he saw through the glass window a beautiful face. While it was not the most alluring that he had seen in his life, he could not grasp how this woman was inclining him to go through the door.

He sensed a force, wanting him to meet her.

Nonetheless, he followed the voice at the back of his mind and head forth to take a seat from inside the cafe. Much to his dismay, it was the other woman who approached him.

It was because Christopher had never felt sincerely interested in anyone, let alone a woman, that he asked for the caramel-haired girl to take his order. They had a brief exchange all throughout lunch, but the experience became deeply rooted in his mind... how this woman had captured his attention in ways that had not happened in the past.

"Amanda, that is her name, Martin. Could you find out for me about this woman?" He asked after returning to his home.

"Yes, master. I may have seen her. I can ask around but - but this is not the time to be finding another woman when you are meant to marry someone else," Martin pointed out.

"Martin, I am my father's son. I will choose who I will marry. More importantly, do my people really want to be led by a heartless monarch?" He looked at Martin and only saw him pondering. He knew Martin would side with him in this light.

The next day, Christopher went to look for Amanda again but missed her after she was asked to buy necessities for the cafe. He spoke to Andrew instead and reflected on their childhood past.. He swore to return the next day, where little by little, his character grew fonder of the sight of Amanda.

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