Put Out My Fire

Chapter 80 - I Am Not Helpless

"I want to come with you," said Amanda. "I will not be a burden, I swear."

Christopher sighed and said, "Amanda, do you realize that just by flying to the puzzle wood forest, carrying your weight can tire me and any of my men. It is enough that we will be flying out one giant Oscorian leader." He hugged her tight and revealed, "Only those who can fly are allowed to come. Even Kiesha stays here."

About forty of Aeros' flying soldiers were going. Christopher, Kyle, and Cassy were going as well. Theo and the general would remain in Aeros, monitoring the rest of their troops. There was always a chance that the Oscorians would attack secretly, using the exchange as a diversion.

A frown was evident on Amanda's face. How she wished she had back her fiery wings. She said, "I won't feel comfortable, just being here. How long will it take to ride it by horse?"

"The problem is navigating through there, Amanda. It's not like earth where there are road signs and maps. Even we got lost along the way, going to Plethora when we have been there many times before," said Christopher.

"Does Khalil know the way? Or Razul? I can ride a horse as they guide me there. You can fly ahead and I will follow," she insisted.

"Amanda, we only have a few horses here and they are currently being used in the borders." It was because he knew her well that Christopher said, "Let's go to sleep. Convince me more in the morning."

With a more pressing matter at hand, Amanda had completely put aside testing Christopher as the master of water. Moreover, she realized it was futile to sense it while she herself did not have a crystal within her.

It was because only a small size of the red crystal was inside of her, that it had no wielding power. It only served as a connection to Trisha and the rest of the masters, a link that she knew nothing about.

Just as the sun began to rise, Amanda woke up. However, to her dismay, Christopher was no longer there by her side.

She panicked and changed into pants. She rushed outside, looking for Christopher. When she found Khalil and Razul meters away from her chamber, she asked, "Where is he? Tell me!"

Khalil sighed and said, "Young master and Kyle - Lady Cassy and the rest of his selected troops left for the puzzle wood forest, miss Amanda. I am very sorry, but it was his wish to keep you safe."

Part of Christopher's reason for leaving her behind was Basalt. He did not want Amanda to know about what was inside of him. Thus, he determined, it was best for Amanda to stay behind, safe, and protected within the walls of Aeros' castle.

Hearing Khalil told her the bad news, she screamed in anger, "No! Why does he always do this to me?!"

"When did they leave? How long ago?! Answer me!" She demanded.

This time it was Razul who answered, "Miss Amanda just... just two hours ago."

"I want an armor. I want to go after them," declared Amanda, walking passed Razul and Khalil, making her way to the lower halls.

Her two guards frantically followed her to the weaponry room where she grabbed an armor and her sword.

"Miss Amanda, let's not go there," said Khalil.

She was still in her tunic, merely putting an armor over her clothing. After she had wrapped protection over her torso, she stormed outside of the weaponry room, heading towards the courtyard.

When Khalil and Razul saw she was walking in the direction of the gate, they tried to fly her back to the courtyard, but Amanda would purposely swing her sword to the flying Khalil and Razul.

The guards at the gate merely let her pass, not wanting to deal with the troubles of the two who were following her around.

Down at the foot of the castle's passage, Amanda continued to walk.

"Miss Amanda, where are you going?" Khalil asked.

"To the borders where I can take a horse - Ahhhh! Put me down!" Khalil carried her in his arms abruptly, but Amanda quickly raised her sword and cut against his arm.

Khalil groaned in pain, letting go of Amanda.

Thankfully, Amanda knew that both Razul and Khalil could heal, just like Christopher.

Khalil and Razul continued to catch Amanda, but she would fight against the taking, swinging her blade in the direction of the sky, just to keep them off from holding her.

Due to their attempts to take her back, Amanda tried to plead with them. She said, "Please understand me. I am not at ease."

Both of her guards landed their feet to the ground and reason with her.

"But, Miss Amanda. You will only cause him to worry. What help can you bring by being there?" Explained Razul.

"You forget that I went after him when the northern border was attacked! That was how the Oscorian leader was captured - because I was able to help Chris!" Amanda pointed.

"I am not helpless! I can aid him! I have a very powerful weapon!"

Out of the blue, Amanda swung her sword against Khalil, making him reach for his own blade, secured from his back.

"Miss Amanda - Miss Amanda please!" Khalil pleaded. While he blocked her attacks, he knew he could not hurt his Young Master's woman.

The clashing sound of two blades could be heard in the rocky and empty land, two kilometers away from the castle. Amanda kept charging at Khalil while Razul was left puzzled as to how he could help his colleague.

He could also not dare to attack Amanda. Interfering at the intense sparring was also risky. All he could do was try to talk Amanda out of it.

"Miss, Amanda, you realize you cannot beat me, right? I am twice better than Kiesha," warned Khalil.

Khalil persisted to block her attacks until, all of a sudden, he saw her threw her blade to the ground, but it was instantly replaced with a golden sword, following a series of light came out of her hand.

"Haaaah!" Amanda thrust her golden sword against Khalil's weapon, quickly cutting it in two.

Razul and Khalil were left dumfounded.

"That was how I cut through the Plethoran men's swords and through their bodies." She raised her golden sword up and added, "The same way I cut through the Oscorian leader's weapon!"

Amanda gazed at both Khalil and Razul. "Now, take me to where he is! As you can see, I mean business!"


Author's Notes:

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