Put Out My Fire

Chapter 92 - A Tale Of The Past

"Let me show you who we are." From Trisha's last words, all people of Aeros suddenly felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

They could see from their heads, a vision of the earth's powerful spirits; how they were first represented, and how they evolved, dwelling from one human being to another.

A tale of the past, a visual narration of their existence, and they all saw it as a dream.

Starting with vague images in their heads, they saw the spirits in their translucent form. The same impressions faded and eventually, they saw the same force roam around the earth, assisting the humans in their daily needs. As the spirits aided in disasters and war, some, by accident, revealed themselves to the human eyes.

From their heads, they saw how the earthlings feared the unknown. They understood how the people on earth struggled to comprehend the supernatural existence of the mighty spirits. They suspected the same force that helped in their saving.

The people of Aeros felt the pain of the spirits and witnessed how the six powerful forces connived, seemingly deciding on how to help the people on earth without being known.

Instead of their luminous form, the image quickly shifted to how the spirits lived in one black crystal. It became their primary superficial form. All six spirits entrusting their powers to one earthling. From their heads they could hear him call himself; Hades.

The people of Aeros saw how, in the beginning, only Hades held all the elements of the earth. He became the ultimate master, carrying out the responsibility of helping humans all throughout his prime. The visual of such a powerful being sent shivers down the spine of every person of Aeros.

However, just when they thought they had seen enough, they witnessed how power consumed the greatest known master of the earth. Through revelations of various events, they saw how Hades abused the power of the spirits.

The master who was meant to be the protector of the earth slowly abandoned it, only using the powers for himself, aiming to become... immortal and forever youthful. He jumped from different worlds, trying to find the solution to live eternally.

Each of the people of Aeros, including Christopher, was absorbed in a trance. They were all still, some dreaming in their sleep, but the images were clear enough to grasp.

It did not take long for the pictures to change. They saw an internal battle from the greatest master of the earth. The spirits that lived within him for years became in war with Hades.

Like fireworks, they saw each spirit, one by one, erupt out his body, leaving Hades to become old, slowly decaying to the ground. Eternal youth was his aim, death was his fate.

The eyes of every man in Aeros were blinking shut, seeing the events unfold like a nightmare. They felt the chills and the fear of how greed can come about, holding all six powers. However, just when they dreaded the worst, the next images they saw shed light on the arrival of the beings in their land.

They saw the translucent spirits lived in their new superficial form, now in each of their crystal.

The yellow crystal of the heart.

The green crystal of time and space.

The red crystal of fire.

The blue crystal of the water.

The brown crystal of the earth.

The white crystal of the wind.

The spirits spread across the earth, this time, finding their own rightful hosts.

From their dream-like images, they saw how each spirit chose based on the host's will, pure heart and selfless desire. The hosts' were deemed the masters of the earth.

Unconscious smiles suddenly replaced the earlier chilling experience of the people of Aeros. They recognized how masters were replaced every two decades, once again finding another set of masters to gain power and take responsibility for their world.

They saw how it was the master of the heart that found each one of them ever two decades as they came about. The master of the heart was their leader. She or he made them one, united to maintain the peace and order of the earth.

Decades passed again. Since then, never once did the spirit made the mistake in choosing the succeeding elemental masters. It was a healthy cycle that had had not been broken over two hundred years.

On all instances, only those on earth were chosen as the masters... until the arrival of Christopher on earth.

Once again, they were brought back to a theater-like movie. Theo, his men, and all the people of Aeros saw the crying of the little boy from the cliff of Trinity Bay.

The boy's yearning was so pure and noble, the spirit of water could not deny his plea. With the sight of their young master's cry, some flood with tears in their eyes, others holding it back to a mere nostalgic state, lips trembling and noses flaring.

The visual narration tamed down, reflecting how Christopher slowly came about, ten years following his childhood plea.

Like an x-ray vision of Christopher's body, they all saw how he grew to be a fine young man, yet, inside him was the blue crystal, the earth's spirit of water, gradually growing inside of him in each year that passed.

It became clear to everyone that Christopher was the chosen master of water. Regardless if he was from earth or not, his selfless heart deserved it. That was the conclusion of Mahli, the spirit of water.

Cassy, Farid, the general, Christopher's friends realized, this was the force that they thought was evil. They finally understood how they were wrong and had been for over five years.

Closing the tale, Trisha spoke again, "We are the masters of the earth. I am the master of the heart. With me are the rest of the masters. The master of time and space, of the earth, of the wind, Amanda whom you have met is the master of fire."

"Of course, your very own, Christopher, the master of water, meant to save your world through the gift of.... of water."

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