Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 102: Night attack

In the near evening, there was another soldier over there, and everyone went home, as if they were off work. I don't want to ride a sedan on the horse. I want to patrol the city in one or two. By the way, I have met Gao Yushu in my neighborhood.

Gao Yushu, a man of thousands of people, usually looks at the six roads and listens to the eight sides. Whenever I don’t see me from afar, I will greet me first. This time, I have been walking low, as if I have been worried. When I called him, I suddenly looked up and was shocked. I finally squeezed my smile and said, "Father... Father..."

"Why is Linxi here?"

"It happened to pass by, it happened to pass by." He yelled.

At this moment, I have no strength to take care of me, I will let him go. It is also a blessing to the soul, and suddenly a thought appears in my mind:

Liang Wang wants to rebel, buy the courtiers and eunuchs, is it only to buy Wang Fugui with the princess?

Will it be thinner? If it is me, can I just buy two and feel that it is ten?

If I want to buy it, who will I pick?

The high-Yu-Xuan in front of the eyes is becoming more and more flamboyant, greedy and wealthy, and widowed and shameful. If you want to buy it, it is best to buy it.

Just intimidate, and then make a heavy gold high, what will happen?

When I thought about it, I stopped and looked back to Gao Yushu. He was seen by me as a hairy, and there was a snack.

I slowly opened my mouth: "Linxi, do you have anything to say to me?"

He seemed to be shocked and reluctantly said: "What is the father's name?"

I thought about it and said: "The biggest gambling game in the world is political. Before the last moment, no one knows the result. It is not easy to predict who wins and wins. Since you have come, it is also God's will, why not follow God's will?"

There was a burst of red on his old face and he said, "Father...big man..."

I said again: "There is only knowing this matter. You know that I know, I will never say it, Linxi, you are not a person who does not understand the situation."

Gao Yushu's face changed and changed. He looked around before and after. He found no one, his knees, and he rushed to me in front of me. He said in tears: "Father and Dad saved me."

I also took care of him and lowered my voice and said, "You will get up and talk in the house."

I took Gao Yushu into the study room of my otter, and retired from the screen. He said to Gao Yushu: "No one here, let's talk."

Gao Yushu once again pushed Jinshan and pours the jade column. He squatted in front of me and said with a tear in his nose: "Father, the baby is damn, but fortunately, it has not made a big mistake."

Under my enthusiasm, he finally explained that Liang Wang had contact with him two or three years ago, and seized him a handle to force him to join him. He was "uneasy, tearful face" all day long, with huge Conscientious condemnation and pressure, try to collect only some of the "insignificant, well-known" secrets for Liang Wang.

I can't think of Liang Wang actually starting a soldier. He originally thought that Liang Wang was going to take a big force. Now he has become an gang of anti-thiefs. He wants to be a spiritual support with his father. I am a two-team camp. It is really an unbearable one. Things, so it is even more difficult to sleep.

To this day, he received a secret letter asking him to find a way to lie or steal Luo Wei’s soldier, and together with Li Zhongfeng Li Zhongyu, open the South Gate and let Liang Wang.

Gao Yushu said that he felt that this kind of treason and bullying was really impossible. He was so painful in his heart that he wanted to find me to surrender, and he was afraid that the previous things would be exposed.

Li Zhongfeng Li Zhongyu, who is also a person? I have to reflect this, in fact, it is Li Yuguo’s two baby sons. I have always called Li Da Li’s.

I secretly nodded. It seems that Gao Yushu originally wanted to watch the wind. If Liang Wang wins, he can save his life. If Liang Wang is victorious, he will continue to be his criminal department. The key lies in the task that Liang Wang sent him this time. Too heavy, Gao Yushu has always been timid and cautious, asking him to steal the soldiers, thinking he is 007?

Liang Wang wants, this matter is no small matter, I quickly rushed to ask: "What time is it?"

"Two, no, three more days..."

You still have time.

"Well, if this matter can be properly solved, Linxi will not only have no experience but also meritorious service. If someone asks, I will say that I instructed you to sneak into the snake and lurk in." I comforted him.

Gao Yushu said with a smile: "The child does not dare to ask for anything, as long as he can save his wife and his life."

I nodded.

It’s a big deal, and it’s not a mistake. I immediately sent someone to call Luo Wei. After Luo Weigang finished the day, the wind and the dust were servant, and his face was tired, but as soon as he heard the matter, the whole person jumped up and spirited: "I will immediately grab the two little rabbits!"

"And slow, this matter must be done with caution, otherwise the evidence is insufficient, but it angered Li Daren. He holds 20,000 Yulin Army. When they don't, we will sneak up."

Moreover, it is not clear that Li Yiguo rebelled in the end. Of course, according to the truth as a nephew, it is the most unreasonable to cooperate with Liang Wang. The two guys may be because the previous things may be hateful to me.

In any case, I really have to be cautious.

"Let's take only a few masters, sneak in and go to the camera."

Luo Wei is incompetent, let me be the master.

They are going to call Hongfeng, but Hongfeng has stepped into the study. The rare microstrips on the surface are bright. When I saw you, I said, "Adult, Lao Zhu is back."

I listened to it and I was happy. Zhu was finely beaten from being sent out by me to check the assassin. Later, I lost my message. The person I sent to find him later could not find his trace. It is important to come back at this time. intelligence. I quickly said, "Call him to come in."

In a short while, the old Zhu Fengchen servant rushed into the hall, except that it was darker and thinner, but there was nothing to hurt, or the eyeballs were not very correct, a thief like a villain, but I couldn’t help but reveal it. The smile of a home-style smile is quite kind.

The old Zhu Jin Hall said: "I am coming back." But at a glance, I saw the people in the hall, and squatted, and said with respect: "Adult, can you take a step to speak."

I was waiting for the answer. I also reported that Luo Wei’s Detectives had important military sentiments to report. I dragged them. The Detectives came in and reported that the King of the Qing and the generals of the General General of Jingjing were only fifty miles away from the capital.

Wang Hejing reported to the Czech Republic a month ago. About half a month ago, he pulled back from the southwest to Beijing. The people present were all happy, but Zhu was looking at me with great strength. It seems that what he wants to say is also very important.

I sinned with the people and led Lao Zhu into the study room and said, "If you have anything, let me talk."

Old Zhu Gong respects and respects, saying: "Small people have been inspecting the assassin since they were sent by the adults. It’s hard, it took a lot of effort to find the side of the Crown Prince."

I nodded, this is also expected.

Lao Zhu said: "But there is a swordsman named Wei in the side of Liang Wang. Not only is the martial arts high-powered, but also thoughtful and very good. The small and repeated efforts can not surpass the thunder pool and have to monitor far."

"This is the mouth, but I found that there is another young master beside Liang Wang. Once I was almost exposed, this person was covered up for me. I was so strange that when he came to me, I found out that it was Yao Gongzi."

"Yao Gongzi told me not to act rashly, and follow him to see the opportunity. After a while, Yao Gongzi was sent to kill and killed a few people. As if he had more trust, he was sent to the southwest to contact Wang and Jing."

I was shocked and listened to him below.

"Wang and Jing this person, quite a name for Qing Jie, but in the early years, he once raped his brother's little sister, and made a life, and the home was covered up. Liang Wang did not know where to learn about it, take this to marry him, and promise After the incident, Wang and Jing agreed. Yao Gongzi and I stayed in the southwestern camp. Before Liang Wang informed the incident, he reported to the imperial court and went back to the DPRK. Yao Gongzi killed him and took it. Under the military, he said that he was ill. His soldiers did not know that he had any intentions, except for a few confidants, they also killed one by one. Now I am seventy miles away from here before I leave. To."

Saying that I handed a letter to Koi, it was also very simple:

"Wang has Fuxi, there are 150,000 under the Ministry, and the number of soldiers is 130,000. It is even more tonight."

I am really overjoyed here. A plan quickly formed in my mind. I wrote a brush and wrote a simple and unusual letter. I scrolled and said to Zhu Xia and Yan Yue: "Old Zhu, you have been going back and forth. Run around, let you have a rest, now you have to run again and give this letter to Yao Gongzi. Be careful, the country is in distress, and my own survival is here."

Lao Zhu said: "When the adults say what they are saying, it is the old Zhu." After receiving the letter, the tea did not drink a bit, turned and went.

I did not rest, immediately ordered to bury gunpowder in several main streets, make some traps, and dredge the people in the houses on both sides, let the archers pre-ambush. Also selected a group of masters, to ambush near the city gate.

I myself, with Luo Meng, Hong Feng and two kungfu martial artists, sneaked into the Li family, this is my second visit to his home.

The martial arts time has begun again.

We secretly sneaked into the Li family, quite a bit of martial arts novels in the night to explore the feeling of X. Luo Wei is also a bit martial, and I am at least able to pass it. So we sneaked over the wall, through the grass and help the sparse, snakes stalking, squatting in the night of the soldiers and ears, sneaked into the backyard, walked through a corridor, and finally met a shackle with a tray.

I screamed in my heart: Come!

Sure enough, the red phoenix acted like a wind, and suddenly it came out, holding the neck of the cockroach in one hand, dragging her into the hidden flowers underneath, and holding the tray firmly in one hand.

When we saw her so clean, she secretly applauded.

"Where is the father?" I asked.

I am naturally scared, and for a long time, pointing in one direction: "Cut the past, face the west... West... Don't be honored..."

I made a look at Hongfeng, and the red phoenix hearted the gods. A hand knife squatted on the back of the neck and fainted. We hid it in the flowers and grass and passed in the direction she pointed.

All the way to the moonlight, we are lucky, not exposed at all, in fact, there is no one in the inner courtyard.

I didn’t have any effort to find out what’s “not to be honored.” Of course, I have to be more careful, and then we found that the only room that lit up here was gone.

Called the martial artist to wait on the side, I and Hong Feng, Luo Wei passed, the red phoenix gently jumped onto the roof, hung upside down, the movement was light, and the tile did not ring.

I got the window paper wet and broke a little.

It’s really a good time to come, but I’ve seen Li’s head tied to a chair and angered: “Reverse! Don’t let me go!”

Look again, Li Da Li is standing on the side.

Li Da said: "Hey, the children are also thinking about the Li family. You think, you have made great achievements. Liang Wang promised to give you a king! What do you have now? The real power is the old thief, Shao Qing and the surname Zhang’s thief. Grab the light."

Li Er said: "Yes, Zhang Xiaoduo dare to bully the door."

Li Laotou yelled: "You two foolish things that are confusing! Feng Wang! You two are now relatives of the emperor. You have to be scrupulous when you go there! After changing Liang Wang, what do you kiss him? What is the reason for it? The next step is to clear you! Also seal the king!"

Li Er said: "Oh, no, Liang Wang wants to flatten the world, not to eat, or who will believe him to sell his life in the future?"

Li Da also smiled and said: "The problem is that if you don't follow Liang Wang, tomorrow's city breaks, even the hidden gardens are not available, and there is no place to die!"

Li Laotou blinked and said: "How can we not continue? He Liang Wang wants to capture the capital with tens of thousands of people?"

Li Er sighed and said: "Hey, you don't know the current situation. Wang Hejing was bought by His Royal Highness Liang Wang. When the next day arrives, how can we resist? Liang Wang is just because Wang and Jing Bing are more afraid of him sitting big. Can't control, I want to try first to win the capital."

Li Yiguo heard a shock: "Is this true?"

Li Da said: "Unlike this, His Royal Highness Liang Wang also made a reply to the Xiongnu beforehand."

Li Yuguo was even more shocked: "That Shao Qing..."

Li Eryi grinned: "It is clear that the tiger is off the mountain."

I was shocked to hear this, and it seems that Liang Wang is quite prepared. If it wasn’t for Koi to cook Wang and Jing for me, I’m really dead.

Li Laotou thought for a moment and resolutely said: "If you don't, don't stand on my grandson's side, I will help the outsiders in order to be afraid of death. How can I be worthy of her dead mother?"

I am a bit disappointed. In fact, I am very willing to take this opportunity together with Li Da Li Er to dispose of Li Laotou. However, it is a bit comfortable to hear him say this. After all, I still like to see more good things in the world.

Li Da Li looked at each other and sighed at the same time and said, "Please forgive the children for being rude."

Li took a handkerchief and put him in his mouth. Li Er went down and looked at it and wanted to stuff him down to the bottom of the bed.

When I saw that the timing was almost the same, I gave Romon and the two martial artists who looked at the wind a gesture. Everyone kicked the door and rushed in.

Li Da Li Er was shocked. Naturally, he still wanted to resist. He was caught by a few red phoenixes and the other one was taken by Luo Meng.

I personally took Li’s handkerchief out of my mouth, loosened him, and said falsely: “Is Li Daren okay?”

Li Yiguo can be uncomfortable. Look at me and look at the two sons. I want to marry them and I am afraid that I will dispose of them. I am embarrassed and said with a sigh of relief for a long time: "...reverse, reverse!" The door is unfortunate..."

I am so good to say: "You are shocked, please rest first? Rest assured, we can understand clearly outside the door, even if you are tired of your old body, I will take them down first, there are still a bunch of things to solve underneath... ”

Li Yuguo’s face was green and red, and he couldn’t make a sound. When I was about to go out, I hesitated to say: “Zhang... Zhang Daren...”

I turned back and told them to go first, then wait for Li’s old man to speak.

Li Laotou hesitated very much. I actually know his mind. His two sons collude with rebellion. The evidence is conclusive. How did I deal with Liuyang Princess who had the same crime? It is well known that although my son is not good, he is born, and naturally does not want to Watching them is so dead.

"Zhang Daren, although the reverse is not good, my Li family only has such a sweet incense, can... can you leave your heart..."

I don't speak.

Li Laotou was anxious, and his forehead sweated: "Zhang, Zhang Daren..." I thought about it, the white beard old man said, "Zhang Daren, the old man is old, if he can keep his life, he willing to return to the field, and return home." ""

When I listened to my heart, this is a good business. Wang Hejing is treasonous and dead. The Qingliu strength will be greatly affected. If I can clear the nephew out of the court, I don’t have to kill Li. spendthrift.

However, I did not show my anger on the surface. I only said: "Li Daren, many things are not the next official, but the lower officials will try their best to protect them. Please ask Li Daren to rest assured."

The son is in the hands of others, Li Yiguo may be reassured, but he can't do it now.

I think and say: "Right, Li Daren, the war is imminent, in order to unify the dispatch, can Li Daren hand over the Yulin army to the commander of the next officer?"

Li Yiguo was a bit resentful, but he still took the soldier out of a scorpion on the cupboard and handed it to me.

At the third time, Gao Yushu and two shadow ghosts sneaked into the gate of the city, opened the guards of the city, opened the gate, and issued a signal in advance. In a moment, the leader of the army, Wang Wang, drove straight into the capital.

But when it came in about a third, a big bang at the gate of the city, waiting for the troops at the back of the city to be scared to retreat, at the same time, the gate was re-closed.

The army that was separated from the outside of the city was somewhat puzzled. The army in the city wanted to attack the gate again, but the small guards who suddenly emerged from the door were all martial arts.

When going deep inside, there were explosions everywhere in the streets of the city. There were many traps when fleeing. There were a lot of archers in the houses on both sides. Most of them were not killed, they fell into traps, and they were poked by the spears at the bottom of the well. Dead, there is luck, not dead, it is difficult to escape the rain and the prepared cofferdam, less than half an hour, has stopped nine stops, the rest have surrendered.

The battle was fierce, and between the night of the capital, it was really blood.

The army that was blocked outside the city first tried desperately to open the sturdy city gate again, but suddenly a large number of troops of several times arrived and surrounded them. It was not so much a battle of death but a massacre.

Overnight, the army that Liang Wang had operated for many years was almost ruined.

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