Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 105: A dream of Huang Qi

The arrogant Huang Qi dreamed of "dumb". When I slammed the horn, I stepped on the brakes with my ankles. The car just wiped the figure of the young man with a little bit of effort.

The car stopped in the sharp sound. I sat in front of the steering wheel, still breathing, and the heart beats so hard that the chest hurts, and I feel the cold sweat dripping down the spine.

The guy suddenly rushed to the middle of the road and almost killed.

I opened the door and got off the bus. I want to make a good argument: this kind of unwilling behavior, he wants to commit suicide, or wants to save money. If neither is, then the child needs someone to give him a Traffic safety lesson!

But when I got off the bus, the guy just turned his face, and I was completely stunned: Koi, it was a Koi!

Koi is wearing a blue shirt, a long hair costume, in a skyscraper, neon in the first place, so out of place.

How did he come here? I am very inexplicable.

When I think about it, I remembered, how can I go back to modern times? Is my body not ruined by a plane crash? I looked down, yes, the dark green belt with the hollowed-out golden lace leaves, the ridge of the diamond-colored silk blouse, the familiar taste of Chanel 19 is my original body, long-lost Female body.

I tried hard for a long time and couldn't remember how I came back. I was awakened by the car horn and found that I had caused traffic jams.

"Who are you? Do I recognize you?" Koi looked at me with suspicion.

It turned out that I was surprised and said what I thought.

"Don't worry about this!" I reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Get on the bus and say."

My hand grabbed the past, Koi's wrist trembled, and I suddenly remembered how the koi was a master. He didn't recognize me now. I rushed to catch his "vein" and he was not angry.

However, the strange thing is that the moment my fingertip touched his skin, although I already felt that his subcutaneous muscles were ready to go, but when I grabbed him, he stiffened and relaxed his muscles, let me Grab.

I looked at him strangely, and the eyes he gave me back were very strange, but because the horns in the back were all over the sky, I almost dragged him into the car.

I decided to go home first, and I concentrated on driving, trying to ignore my own confusion: I don’t remember how to come back and what is tight? The important thing is that I am back now.

Compared to ancient times, of course I was born here, I grew up here, I was educated here, and the world that has struggled here so far has made me feel like a duck. Moreover, there are at least air conditioners, networks, refrigerators, and hot water. Many diseases that are terminally ill in ancient times are small CASEs here. In the modern world, human life and rights are obviously more secure.

Of course, there are things that I have nostalgia for, but the people I like are coming back to modern times with me. What am I going back to ancient times?

However, the problem is that Koi does not recognize me now. I told him directly that I am a leader. I am actually a woman?

I glanced at the koi from the rearview mirror. He was quietly observing the environment in the car. Obviously, there were a lot of things that made him puzzled. He was greatly surprised, but he still tried to maintain a calm attitude.

I can almost feel his handsome face, and the brain behind the cool eyes quickly flies.

I ignored him, concentrated on driving home, or let him think about it.

I parked the car in the underground garage. I took him to the elevator and went upstairs. Obviously, the elevator, which would lift itself, even the door that would open automatically, surprised him.

On the top floor, when we went out and opened the door with the key, I was a little nervous. What would I see when I opened the door? A house of dust? Covered with furniture? My photo? Still have a stranger eating? When we saw that we were surprised, we looked up and said, "This is the house we just bought. I heard that the former owner was dead."

The door opened, everything was the same as before, the furniture was bright, and there was no change in the position of the wire. I looked around, and the table on the kitchen kept the note written by my aunt Liu Aunt, the twisted, familiar and inferior handwriting: "Miss Ji, the clothes in the dry cleaners are brought back, and the food is in the microwave."

In my study, the table was last quarterly. And the open Rousseau's paintings just turned over the page before I left.

I turned around with satisfaction, everything was perfect, I came back, as if I was dreaming.

Koi was frowning and looked at the crystal chandelier that I opened in the living room. I was puzzled by the brightness of it. When I saw him laughing and looking at him, I was even more frowning. I said harshly: "Who are you? Why do you know?" Me? Where is this place?"

where is this place?

How do I answer?

Tell him here is the future?

But to be precise, here is not the future of his world, mirroring the universe, folding space, these are just the concepts I heard in science fiction, I can really explain to a little koji that does not have physical common sense. is that clear?

"Here... is another world." So, I can only say this.

"Another world?" Koi said calmly, "I am dead?"

I shook my head: "I don't know, but living here is a living person."

"Since you have come here, the chances of going back are not great. Let's live here."

The indifferent beauty boy continued to wrinkle his eyebrows, but he changed the subject: "Who are you? Why do you know me?"

I took something to brew coffee for myself - this is one of the things I missed in ancient times.

"You know me too, we know each other, you can't think of it."

Koi pondered for a moment and said with a little hesitation: "Strange, I really feel very familiar with you."

I used a microwave oven to heat the rice made by Aunt Liu, but it was as good as ever, but compared to the chef of Zhangfu, the difference is not to be considered. Moreover, food safety at that time was guaranteed. Their chickens were not raised in large chicken farms for dozens of days. The vegetables were not poured out from the greenhouse, and the soil water was not polluted.

After dinner, I asked Koi to drink coffee with me. He was very incomprehensible about things like coffee, and he hated it.

In the evening, I let Koi sleep in the room.

The next day, before I went to work, I taught Koi how to open a computer, how to use a search engine, and how to open a TV.

I went to work as usual, and my colleagues joked as always, as if I had just returned from a business trip, there was no such thing as a plane crash.

It’s really good to continue working, especially when doing the work that you are good at.

Koi adapts very quickly. He keeps reading, watching TV and surfing the Internet every day. It seems that he has quickly understood his own situation.

I bought him a batch of clothes that conform to modern aesthetics. I have to say that he wears jeans better than wearing a suit. But the best thing to watch is a stylish and improved Chinese tunic suit, which is really suitable for his calm and cold temperament.

Koi did not mention how to go back or how he used to go. When he could not see any difference from modern people, he told me not to eat rice and to find a job.

Looking at the koi's skill, of course, it is very suitable for being a spy killer. If his face is natural, it is suitable for being an idol star, but these two types of professional koi are not willing to do it.

He doesn't have any foreign language and no education. Even if I can buy him an account and an ID card through some less bright channels, what can I do?

Is it a restaurant waiter? Hairdresser shop? Going to sell soy milk noodles? Nightclub security?

After I was upset for a while, I finally took out the money and took a small storefront, and let Koi open a small bookstore. He seemed to be very satisfied with it. He sat quietly in the store and read a book. Very thin, but enough for an ordinary person to live. Later, the beauty of the small bookstore owner spread out, attracted a lot of silly female students and flower idiots to come to the door, the business is getting better, and even the scouts come to the door, very tossing for a while.

However, the koi temperament is indifferent, a little angry and self-defeating, and those people do not dare to entangle. The business of the bookstore has always been good or bad.

I didn't know how to push the evening's entertainment as much as possible. I drove to pick up the koi, got him to fight together, and went home together.

Every time I look at the quiet side of the koi’s low-headed reading through the glass window of the bookstore, I think of “great faintness in the city”.

Then the company gradually began to rumor that I was fascinated by the beauty of a young bookstore young boss, who is still six or seven years younger than me. The other version is the little white face that I originally raised. Male colleagues and customers look at my eyes and start to secretly be full of regret, incomprehension or contempt.

However, I and Koi are very calm about the outside world, and gradually everyone is used to it.

Later on a rainy day, Koi and I went to bed. After a few years, he arrived at the legal age of marriage, and we just married quietly.

Then I gave birth to a son, two daughters, and my son was very promising. I found a way to treat AIDS at a young age. I became an internationally renowned medical authority and won the Nobel Prize. My daughter is very lively and grows up. The world is full of play, not doing business, and later became a reporter for National Geographic magazine; the other is very rigorous and has become an outstanding accountant.

When Koi died at the age of 68, he was considered a mediocre bookstore owner for the rest of his life.

I lived for a few more years and was later killed by a drunk driver.

When the front of the car rushed over to me, I suddenly woke up and sat up, sweating.

In the air, with the aroma of gardenia, it was slightly wet. I slept on the white pudding mat that I took out early, next to the koi.

The ivory couch is placed under the willow tree by the water, the water is humming, and the breeze is blowing. I am sleeping with Koi.

It turned out to be a dream, I am still here, still a man, or Zhang Qinglian.

I sat there, reminiscing about all kinds of dreams.

This dream is so realistic.

Is it the desire in my heart?

I really want to be a woman, living in my own world?

Slowly returning to God, I suddenly found out when Koi woke up and stared at me with bright eyes.

I was shocked and barely smiled: "You woke up, what happened?"

Koi slowly frowned, and her expression was a bit confused: "I made a strange dream..."

"...I dreamed that I went to a strange world and lived there all the time... there is a woman, I don't know why, but I think it is you..."

"Oh," I slowly turned to look at his eyes, slowly lying back on the couch, looking at the white clouds in the sky, "Time is still early, Koi, let's sleep for a while!"


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