Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 111: Hot spring

The mountains are near the trees, the leaves of the trees are scattered in the breeze, and the golden moon is scattered in the sunset. The small water surface quietly tranches the faint white mist, and the air has the comfort of Koi. At that moment, my heart seemed to sink into some kind of sweet, mellow substance, like something hot Viennese coffee or afternoon chestnut honey.

If it snows, it will have some fun.

Natural creation may be the most outstanding art, you will never see a vulgar natural landscape, an ugly flower.

Vulgarity and ugliness will always be our childish and ridiculous imitation.

We are good horses, then I take off my cloak, leather jacket, robe, leather boots, etc., put them together, and turn around, Koi is staring at me.

My face was hot, and the face of Koi was reddish.

I think that I am not a daughter today. I really don't need to be ashamed. I will calmly go to the water and remove the remaining clothes.

It’s so cold, I can’t help but squat, speed up the pace and let the hot springs hug me.

Koi also jumped in, and the speed of **** for a long time made me admire again.

He only splashed a little water, and he slid out from behind like a fish and hugged me.

“Hey?” I said, “Have you learned to swim?”

He stunned, probably very surprised that I would say this, whispered: "Well." There is no more explanation.

Koi is really a person who is keen on self-improvement. It is because of this kind of person that we human beings can continue to make continuous progress.

The □ behind is still hot, his ** is obvious.

I am a little bit **.

I even remembered the original Qingyun.

(Of course, I don’t want him to chase my money back. I have thought about this question too many times and I am too lazy to think about it.)

The original celebrity of Qingyun; what kind of pursuit is there in his heart? What would be the performance of changing him to the position of Koi?

I even thought that if I was with the original Qingyun, what would happen? Will you go boating on the lake, will you be relatively laughing, will you look at the snow, and listen to the night?

When will it look like you are tired of it?

Of course, I am just very calm, very extra-thinking, not to say that I am tired of Koi and want to be with the original Qingyun.

People are not perfect, just as people are not fixed.

I have to admit that Koi has changed. It doesn't matter if it gets better or worse. He grows up.

Koi walked over the road to Shaoqing, perhaps with a similar background and sense of responsibility. Both of them would have been men who could hold up the sky.

Of course, I don’t like it in my heart.

If I like Koi to become like that, why didn't I like Shao Qing directly?

But I have to adapt.

Because Koi is the person I like, I can't because I don't like him when he grows up. If so, I can no doubt count on some kind of people. These people are only for young girls or teenagers. interested. Often referred to as pedophilia.

I can't get used to it right now.

So I am thinking about why.

I know why Koi deliberately made me cold. When he came to establish a prestige in the army, the second worry was that he couldn’t care for his children’s affair. In the third place, he was afraid that the traces would be seen by the gang and would be dangerous to me. .

I actually understand his situation. He chose to stand up to help me. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Koi.

But why do I feel far away? Is it that I feel like a thousand miles in the past?

Is it because I will be better than me?

I am actually the corresponding version of Chen Jialuo?

People like us, I heard that they will be called "love incompetence."

I don't know if I love myself too much, or I am too afraid of being hurt. We always refuse to pay the whole price. We must measure it before we fall in love. We don't like the excellent mature men like Shao Qing who have no weaknesses.

Because I don’t know the weakness of the other person, I feel that everything cannot be controlled by myself.

Will be afraid.

Therefore, as a direct aesthetic reflection, he will not be chosen.

And we are not spoiled by the modern voice society.

Can't stand the loneliness.

Therefore, we can only play with the love game, and put our heart on the more and more sturdy armor every day, and hope that one day can be invulnerable.

How perfect is the appearance of Koi.

It's so good, but it's not a mature man who is seamless. His youth is young and obvious. Although he is cold, he expresses his passion, pride and injury. More importantly, he only has me in his eyes.

Now he has to slowly become the man I am afraid of, and his world now has power, the country, the war, these things are too important, will turn love into an attachment, I will gradually become the most important ......

My experience and direct response made me want to back down.

When I was thinking about it, Koi had already had an action. His hand was eagerly patrolling on me, and my lips were hot against my neck.

Although I didn't want to do it, I still cooperated with him silently. Koi was young and I couldn't hold it for so long. I didn't want him to rush out and go back with frustration.

Koi is very enthusiastic, sometimes it hurts me. I try not to make a sound. I can't hold it down. I can't help but scream a few times. Koi seems to be unable to withstand this sound and it will be even more crazy.

After a long time, he stopped, still holding me from behind, panting...

I also gasped.

Koi reached into my hand and tried to solve it for me. I grabbed his hand and turned and shook his head and whispered, "No."

Koi was a little surprised, looking at me slowly frowning.

"You," he hesitated. "Are you... angry?"

"No." I said softly, and smiled.

"I will take care of these things."

Koi has been looking at me with bright black eyes, what I want to say or explain, but after all, I haven’t said anything, and my brow has been slightly wrinkled.

At least, the tacit understanding is still there.

I took him to lean against the pool, stepping on the hot and soft mud under his feet, looking at the sky that was slowly darkening, and the sun was finally completely hidden at the end of the mountain.

The powerful arm of Koi came from my back.

How perfect is this world?

This is what I have always loved, and the most loved man, not to mention all the problems are my heart, not his fault.

So this time, no matter what, I don't want to give up first, I would rather wait until one day he is tired of me, or think that I am not suitable for him.

Wait for him to let go of my hand first.

Both of us looked at the sky quietly.

Finally, I first said: "Koi, you still can't remember, once you told me, you don't want to "learn martial arts, goods and emperors'?"

He gently "hmm".

"Now? Are you upset in your heart?"

He didn't say anything. I waited for a long time, and he didn't make a sound until I was impatient. When I got up and walked back to the shore, he said softly: "It feels natural and sometimes very happy..."

"I understand." I wiped my body and dressed, and answered him calmly.

Knowing that when I wore the last piece of clothing, he said something from the darkness of the distance: "However, I have no intention of continuing this way."

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