Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Cave

"Is this not to be over?" The original Qingyun chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes, only a little embarrassing.

I am worried: "Is it necessary to end up?"

He smiled.

"I didn't dare to bring your money, go back to the capital and send it to you."


I promised to turn and go, this time is not determined.

Just two steps out, suddenly came the strange sound of "plop", I was a little surprised, couldn't help but look back: I found the original Qingyun servant fell on the roadside grass.

"What are you guys playing again?"

No movement.


Still no movement.

I was surprised and finally couldn't help but look back.

The tentacle was shocked. The original Qingyun was hot, and the forehead was hot, the cheeks were red, and the breath was short.

It seems that the wound is still inflamed.

I am a little nervous. There is no anti-inflammatory drug in this time and space. If you are not careful, it is fatal.

It’s a long way to leave the village at the moment, and it’s almost impossible to go back. Not to mention that when Qing Qingyun was sick and had almost no fighting power, I really didn’t dare to stay overnight.

I began to struggle to pull him to the roadside forest.

Speaking of it, there won't be a Siberian tiger here?

Even two wolves are very bad.

While thinking about it, while making the effort to eat milk: the original Qingyun is really not a general sink.

But I finally did it.

And also found a shallow.

This is not a karst landform, of course it will not be very deep.

This should not be a beast's nest, for example: Tiger Cave?

I gasped and smelled something stinking. There seemed to be no indication that the hole was identified by any animal.

I can actually get such a heavy material from the original Qingyun to such a distant place, explaining two problems:

First, the potential of humanity is indeed endless.

Second, I really have internal strengths.

I kept on hopping, and I collected a lot of pine needles from him. I spread it thickly, put my coat on my head and moved him up.

There is also water, a lot of clean water.

I didn't see the river, but I took the uncovered snow from the nearby trees.

Snow water flowed down my fingertips to the original Qingyun mouth.

He still didn't wake up, his face was still red, his breathing was still short, and there were a few traces on his face that were scratched by the branches of the ground when I was dragged over.

Only long eyelashes are as beautiful as ever, quietly perched above the slightly high cheekbones, casting a beautiful shadow, like a butterfly with no wings.

Suddenly I felt that I could not bear it.

I have to eat for him.

I tried to get a bunch of messy thorns, blocked in the hole, to prevent the beasts, went out for a long time, found some fungi similar to oyster mushrooms, and nothing else.

My wilderness is actually so bad.

I was going to learn the traps of the sparrows in the book, but I didn't have any materials to use. I just gave up.

The only lucky thing is that I am not a road fool. Do you really die in the wilderness?

Also collected some dried pine needles back into the hole.

It took a lot of effort, and the firewood failed.

Frustrated, coupled with physical exhaustion, after the original Qingyun had changed medicine, he fell asleep next to the original Qingyun, still in a coma.

Dream dreams of Koi don't want me, he coldly said, "You actually carry me with other men." Junxiu's face does not know why so majestic, so that he remembered the dead father, as long as the child Outside of the top three, I dare not go home to face him.

"This is also good, anyway, we are also difficult to live for a long time. If this is the case, then they will become a family, the word incense..." His face was slightly sagged, so oyster-like.

I was suddenly scared, and my heart sank.

He turned to leave, and a woman came out, wearing a white satin skirt with a twilight scorpion, long black hair, gait, and walked to the side of Koi, calling him a public.

I panicked because there were other women who didn't want to cry out. They rushed to grab his clothes and said, "Koi, don't, don't leave me."

Koi squinted and could not see the expression.

I am more flustered, don't care about my face, and work hard to say, "I didn't talk to others, I really didn't... I will listen to you later, I don't know anyone..."

Koi looked at my eyes, and I looked at him eagerly, hoping that he would say "good." The woman next to me suddenly rushed over and slammed me hard to grab the fingers of the koi robes and shouted at me.

Her strength was unexpectedly large. I watched as my fingers were opened by her and I called: "Koi, Koi!"

Koi is always silent.

My fingers were finally completely opened, and for a moment of despair, I was suddenly held firmly by a warm hand.

I am overjoyed, from **** to heaven, and redemption...


"I dreamed of a little lover in my dreams." Although the tone of mocking is weak, it is still familiar.

Woke up and the line of sight gradually became clear.

Holding my hand, it turned out to be the original Qingyun.

"That guy is very boring, from an early age, really, I don't lie to you."

How can I get sick like this?

"How come you like him? It's weird."

Suddenly remembered that the boy I fell in love with when I was a child liked a girl I thought he would not like anyway, I seem to have said this to him.

My heart hurts.

"How can you be so weak when you get sick?" I said coldly.

He smiled, pulled up my hand, stared at it, and gently stroked it twice: "How do these injuries get?"

I retracted my hand.

He glanced at the thorns at the door and sighed incomprehensibly: "It's hard for you, spoiled, now..."

"You don't say a few words. I don't know how to know how to be pampered. Now you still worry that your injury is more practical. I have spent a lot of hard work to save you. Such a good medicine is wasted on you." You better not die."

"Good, rest assured." He said, it seemed that the voice was a lot of excitement. Sweeping into the pile of dry needles, as well as messy wooden blocks, "噗哧" laughed out.

"Is it going to make a fire?"

I "snapped" and ignored him.

"Take a piece of wood." He smiled a little bit, and he was still weak.

I handed it to him. He was in his hand and closed his eyes. It seemed to be in luck.

A fragrant time, the smoke gradually came out on the wooden block, I widened my eyes: really take the internal fire?

Soon, I grilled the fragrant mushrooms next to the flaming fire, and the one that was over-consumed with excessive internal force fell asleep.

However, when I baked the mushrooms, he woke up very quickly and swept away most of the food.

The next day I went back to my last wife's house and spent money to buy some food. I can't let the sick number eat mushrooms every day.

After all, the original Qingyun was young and strong, and he recovered very quickly. On the fourth day, he even left for half an hour. When he came back, he picked up a washed snow chicken.

In the evening, we had a pot of fragrant dishes.

The soup in the slightly boiling pot is rich, the golden chicken is fragrant, the mushroom is thick, and the thin layer of oil floats on the soup surface. It is especially attractive under the dark red bonfire.

I haven't eaten such a good thing for a long time, I am very sweet, and I don't forget to praise my cooking.

The original Qingyun is not to be outdone, praised his hunting skills.

Just as we were about to wipe out all the chicken, a little black shadow rushed in.

I was surprised and stood up.

It turned out to be the grandson of the old woman.

I was relieved and surprised. Could it be that the dishes I made were really fragrant for ten miles, and even so far attracted to them?

But when I was close, I discovered that the little boy had a **** face under the fire and stared at the horrified eyes.

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