Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 148: More to save the United States

I haven't seen Koi in ten days, but it seems like I have been separated from the world. I couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. This face has increased a lot of edges and corners compared with more than a year ago. It has been firm and calm, and his eyes are not lost. In those days, the beasts were generally clear and introverted, just like Huaxing.

The koi was touched by my hand to my face, and my face was slightly red, and I reached out and grabbed my hand. We are glued there in this position.

"Don't you get hurt?" he asked in a low voice.

I shook my head and said: "I can't help, Koi, and you are worried."

He shook his head and cast a smile on his lips: "Zhou Zizhu is dying, and the emperor is not in Beijing. He will cover the right side in the next two months. Now he is lost. If I can't find you again, he will die. Thanks."

how about you? I really want to ask, and I feel too naive to say nothing, but when the arm of the koi is working hard, he obediently breaks into his arms.

"Top," Koi's face was half buried in my hair, whispered, "I have been with you for three years, and you will go with me, and you will go all the way."

Wandering the world? With the Koi?

Suddenly I feel very happy.

Although I prefer to nest in the lotus pond of Fuli, with the white snow of the worms, the leaves of the flowers, the icy sour plum soup, the hot pot when I snow, I have nothing to do with the slender and powerful waist of the koi... ...

But I am very happy to hear that Koi is willing to go to the end of the world.

If it is with him, the world is far away, and it is everywhere.

"Three years, the emperor is now only ten years old, only three years old and thirteen years old, a little worried..." I looked up and looked at Koi.

The koi face sank.

"There are many years in the rest of the life. I don't have to worry too much about the end of the world. For eight years, good or bad, Koi, wait for eight years. I will go with you if the emperor has no problem. I will follow you wherever you go. Where to go..." I was a little anxious to convince Koi, I hope I can touch him.

"Where do I go, where are you going?" Koi looked at my eyes softly, asking low.

"Yeah." I nodded and promised, but I saw his face bent down, and the hot lips kissed me.

I was so dizzy that I was kissed, my limbs were weak, and I was in his arms. All of them supported my weight. The koi's hand was on my waist, and I was not honest. It made my situation worse.

This guy is not trying to be here... I am awake a little and stretched out and pushed him. But it doesn't make much effort, and the chest of Koi is as impetuous as a rock.

Until there was a long hoof, Koi died of thieves and reluctantly let me go.

Qu Baifeng rushed with the little emperor and saw the Koi and me, and he sighed with relief: "Yao brothers have saved people in time. Zhang Daren has three long and two short, I really have no face to see my cousin."

The little emperor met me, and I jumped off the horse at once and threw it into my arms. The voices were all crying: "Zhang Aiqing, I can worry about death!"

As soon as this statement came out, the white wind was stiff in the local area. After a long time, I remembered it and squatted on the ground.

The little emperor waved his hand and said, "I don't want to be polite. I don't want to reveal the wind at the moment. Let people know that the emperor is going up."

Qu Baifeng nodded and said yes.

This person is a man who is a lazy man. He has no heart, but he is very interested in business. Now he can be regarded as a savior. This is a great contribution and his future creation.

It turned out that Qu Baifeng saw the letter and guessed it was me. I used the letter pigeon to send the past Zizhu to ask him. Koi had not seen me and the little emperor at that time. I was very anxious. I found the lair of the trafficker under the guidance of the fireplace and smashed it in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, we However, it has already been transferred. It is estimated that it was originally in the middle of the DPRK. He had to bring the army back to the vicinity of the capital and tried to find it. At this moment, he was quickly riding a fireplace.

The footsteps of the fireplace were fast, and the Koi finally arrived in time. The rest of the men were still on the road. As soon as they discussed it, Koi would quietly follow the white wind and lie in the tree.

With the skill of Koi, the two three-legged cats can't be found naturally, but I and the little emperor have always been sharp-skinned and necked. Koi does not dare to act rashly. She has been patiently waiting for the best time to save me.

Koi has always been cautious, and did not tell Qu Baifeng that it was a small emperor, so Qu Baifeng knew that he had made great achievements.

He is also a derogatory person, and he has taken such a huge sum to save me. He has been working all the way. Now the 50,000 yuan property has been taken away by the kidnappers. I am thinking about replenishing him from my money. It is estimated that he will not accept it. To say that he was replenished from the treasury, this name is indeed a name that is not right. The emperor naturally has a small treasury inside, but I am afraid that I still have money. Is it a layoff in the palace? Calling the palace girl a holiday?

Being guilty, I suddenly found the carriage of the kidnapper swaying back and forth, everyone was surprised, and they all looked over.

The carriage is getting closer and the individual is coming out of the car, but it is the original Qingyun that has not been seen for a long time.

This man has always been "Dan Lips are not ridiculed first", this time is no exception, laughing from the car down, to me in front of a long sigh: "Qing Lian brother, long time no see, called brothers good life miss ""

I looked at him and couldn't help but sneak a sneak peek at the face of Koi. The right color said, "What are you crazy about?"

The original Qingyun still laughed and said: "Oh, this time it seems to be late, and the hero next to it is the first to save the beauty, and I have to help you recover some losses. Wei Guanliu told me that it was late.... Hey, This carriage is really not good." Said the activity of an arm.

... It turned out that Wei Guanliu recognized me and told him... It is estimated to be a joke.

However, the original Qingyun recovered the money, but it was free of my troubles.

I immediately gave him a smile. "Qingyun, if you have nothing to do in the future, you might consider buying a debtor for a living."

The original Qingyun laughed.

The family of the Qu family also rushed over and counted the gold jewels and shipped them back.

I have a lot of peace of mind. Today, the loss of the Qu family is only one thousand two. It is much easier to do.

The little emperor never saw the original Qingyun, and looked at him curiously.

Qu Baifeng is the master, and you must be polite. Ask: "This hero is..."

Koi said in a faint voice: "This is a package boy."

The songs and white rituals are several weeks old, and the fists are said: "It turned out to be a package son, thank you for helping the son."

The original Qingyun haha ​​smiled and did not speak.

The fireplace was also brought over and I was overjoyed and came over for a long time.

Koi said: "Go back and talk about it first." Then I will start.

Qu Baifeng said: "Exactly, go back to my home and then consider it for a long time."

The original Qingyun Qianli rushed to save me, I ignored him, I did not want to go, but let me call him to go together, and said that he could not export, for a moment he felt awkward and stiff.

Koi will not see this person, except for the introduction to Qu Baifeng.

Fortunately, the white wind is hospitable, saying: "Bao Gongzi and us go down to rest?"

Yuan Qingyun smiled and said: "So harassed." Then I went with us.

Koi’s face is as usual, and she does not see her anger.

When I arrived at Qufu, the men brought by Koi also arrived. After all, the emperor’s whereabouts were exposed, and I had to rush back all the way.

I privately wanted a 10,000-dollar ticket to Qu Baifeng, but the Qu family refused to accept it anyway. I think that his family would do business, and if he would give some convenience in the future, it would be enough to earn back this two thousand, and it would be fine.

Koi said that he had not seen Jinfeng for a long time. He had to go to Huashan to visit him before returning to Beijing.

I think of this time and the kosher gathering is much less, not willing to separate, think about the small emperor this time to openly go back to Beijing, all the way to accept the officials to see, it is not fast, we will not go to Huashan, it may not be late, Just smiled: "I am going with you."

Koi's face showed a hint of joy, her eyes looked at me gently, and I smiled at him.

Suddenly, the original Qingyun lazy said: "I just want to go to Huashan to visit friends, just go with you all the way."

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