Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 151: spendthrift

On the second day, Laotian was going to look for it. It happened that I was too tired to see Lancome. The horses were not in a good state. They discussed with Koi and the original Qingyun to rest a day here.

Since I can take a day off, I decided to follow Laotian to see, Koi did not express my attitude, but silently followed me, as if I had returned to the indifferent teenager who was good at diluting the sense of existence at that time. I was a little sweet in my heart and couldn’t help but speak. Start.

Laotian has a set of inquiring messages and tracking. It is worthy of the old rivers and lakes. After a while, I learned that the same group of friends and friends had rested here in the most famous brothel here, "Min Xiang Lou."

So efficient, Koi’s eyes on Laotian have a little respect for the predecessors of the rivers and lakes.

When we went, about the time of the hour, the fireworks alley was clear and cold, and Zhumen was closed, except for some red lanterns under the hanging gallery, the unfinished residual candle, the decorative carriage, the rouge aroma floating in the air, could not see this. It is Huajie Liuxiang.

It was cold and misty in the morning. It was cold and warm and fragrant. It was like a fragrant flower that couldn’t be known. It seemed to have been smelled. I couldn’t say it was unpleasant. I only instinctively wrapped my cloak and squatted slightly. As if in a certain scene in a dream. Koi perceives my actions and whispers to me: "Tell you to wear more." But even his actions and words are ashamed. I walked in the fog and walked shallowly.梓 梓 的 的 , , , 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老

We are not waiting far behind the back door of Minxiang Building. Koi fears that I am cold, and I am very close to me. The ink is very clear in the white mist. I pass the jade face and lie on my face. I am quiet. Standing still, I realized the warmth in his hand, and the **** pulse that was noticeable. I almost hope that the irrelevant person will not come out.

However, people are still coming out slowly. The guests staying in the brothel are really like what they are, but the guests here are generally not rich and expensive from the economic level. They are all silky satin and brilliant. .

There are wealthy businessmen with such brains full of fat, and there are two groups of people who have been hollowed out by the wine and have only skeletons left; they have a big swing and smugly, but they also cover the face with a fan and hurriedly boarded the carriage.

The surname Zhu is a type that is swaying and refreshing. When you look closely, it turned out to be the Shaoxia who saved the flower girl in the restaurant yesterday.

Not waiting for Laotian to go forward, there was another Xia Xiao who had drunk with him yesterday, and he greeted him with a smile.

"I heard that Zhu Xiong had a lot of money yesterday, and finally won the favor of the girl." This night, I want to come."

The surname Zhu’s thoughts are very proud. Hehe smiled and said: “Xiang Ling’s girl is not a vulgar powder. She said that if she is not a mother, she will not follow me if she has a penny.”

Another young man laughed with him and said: "Zhu Xiong is very beautiful, young and rich, handsome and handsome, who is not in love with your daughter?"

The two men touted each other again, the young man said with pride: "Zhu Xiong, the younger brother is tight at hand, can you borrow me six hundred and two silver?" The meaning of the words seems to have a generalist's righteousness, of course, righteousness .

The surname Zhu finally appeared in a difficult situation. It took me a long time to say: "I, I... only three hundred and eleven are left. Is Qin brother eager to use it? If it is not urgent to wait for two days, my father will give me money and give it to you." the remaining."

The little man suddenly changed his face and said, "Is it because Zhu Xi did not return because the last five hundred borrowed in the next time, and he refused to borrow it? Zhu Xi is assured that it is not the same person, the silver borrowed two morning and evening. Will give back to Zhu Xiong!"

Zhu Shaoxia was in a hurry: "Is this meaning in the squatting? It is really a lot of money in recent days, and I am waiting for my father to pay for it."

The lender who borrowed money sneered and said: "Zhu Xiong, you have the money to play the head of the three hundred and two silver to the play, yesterday's Xiang Ling, I heard that Zhu Xi is also one hundred and two to her mother, and gave her two Hundreds of jewels, wine and rice are not counted, even the turtles and teapots are all five or two. Zhu Xiu is so big, but I don't know 'brothers like brothers and sisters, wife like clothes'? The wife is still so, let alone a brothel? Zhu Xiuning can sprinkle gold in the brothel, but he is not willing to lend money to his friends. What kind of chivalrous man?"

Zhu Shaoxia was said to be as earthy, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out. It seems that it is not a big deal for him.

He hurriedly said: "If Qin brother said it early, I will leave the money, not so much. How is it good now? If this is the case, you should take the three hundred and one and two first, I still have one. When I bought the sword, I bought it for two thousand and two, and when you took it to the **** shop, it was three hundred and two. When the father’s money arrived, he redeemed it."

The young man who borrowed money turned his anger into joy. "Zhu Xiong is not a hero of the rivers and lakes, the younger brother admire." He took his money and the sword and left, and did not even leave him for one or two.

Zhu Shaoxia watched him go far, but he still sighed and patted the empty sleeves. It is estimated that he would start worrying about his lack of money.

I and Tian Chun looked at me and almost trembled.

When I didn't go forward, Lao Zhu went forward. As soon as I got to the corner, I was suddenly covered by a **** pocket. Several masked people jumped down and punched him.

I am dumbfounded, how is this young man so unhelpful? So easy to be counted?

Laotian shook his head: "Old Zhu too favors him as the only child. The foundation is not well played. It is all a flower shelf. There are swords in hand to swear, oh..."

Said that it is going to save him, but was stopped by the koi:

"These people didn't want him, let him be taught a lesson." Koi's face was indifferent, but I was surprised to see him, and couldn't help but laugh: Koi has never liked to talk about things, this time actually took the initiative to interfere, presumably I am also angry.

These masked people do not know where he offended the people, maybe it was the local tyrant who sang the flower girl yesterday.

"Laotian, we will not show up. Lao Zhu’s chores should not be taken care of, but this is too unreasonable. You will save him later, don’t give him money, bring him directly back to Beijing, put these They told Lao Zhu that they would tell Lao Zhu that if they raise their sons this way, there will be no moons starting next month." If you anger Lao Zhu... I looked down and thought about it, maybe I am not Zhang Qinglian, I don’t have to raise so many masters. It’s enough to have a Koi, Laotian and Zhu are both hard-working and hard to tell them to go, but this person’s January and August money is simply too horrible. If Lao Zhu doesn’t do it, it’s not a bad thing... ... I suddenly feel good, but also want to go back and clean up the thugs, generally let them walk, Zhang Qinglian is a countless defeated goods, I am not.

Then he ordered that Laotian go back and go with the people sent by the old Zhu Gang army to check the gang who kidnapped us. This time, I and the little emperor have suffered from it. The large-scale human trafficking group has inevitably done nothing to kill the world. Although it is not a peaceful event, it is not allowed to do so.

Laotian was ordered to go, and I and Jinxi, the original Qingyun, Lancome also continued to leave.

After ten days, I finally arrived in Huashan. I have never been to this mountain in the past. Now, when I come to see it, it is dangerous and clear, and I don’t know whether it is like the real world.

The mountain road was cut out a little bit. It was not the same as the modern nature. It was steep and steep. We found the nearest station at the foot of the mountain and sent the horse to it. Koi took the waistband of the officer. That is already a respectful, treacherous, defensive, and naturally unable to let him know our true identity.

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