Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 7: Beast

After listening to me, he calmed down, let go of me, stood there thinking, I could almost see the shadows of various ideas and thoughts passing through his heart.

My brain is also working intensively: will he believe me? Naturally, there is no such thing. Where can I find that kind of thing? However, I used Zhang Qinglian's mouth to say it. With Zhang Qinglian's power and consistent viciousness, no one can believe it.

However, will he refuse to promise, restore the martial arts and wait for the opportunity to quickly kill me? No, no, I told him that it is a thought to control life and death, he is afraid to take this time difference to risk! It seems that he will definitely agree. Hey, will it be too short in three years? I have to say five years. But to negotiate this thing, if you raise the price too high, people may not talk to you. Hey, by my means, you have been with me for three years, I don't believe you will not change!

... However, if this kid is obsessed with revenge, will he still have to kill me after three years? .......

Well, then I will...just play. Yao Jinxi looked up, and the dark hair of the black hair fell to the side of his jade-like face, reflecting his straight nose. The bright double eyes were more beautiful, and he bit his thin and beautiful shape. Lower lip, resolutely decided, generous to death, calmly said: "Well, I promise you." Although it was an unexpected answer, I could not help but smile. I finally have the first ally of this time and space. Although I have a deep hatred with me, I always want to kill my allies, but after all, I share secrets with me... Well, I admit, part of the secret. Forget it, how to say it is also my fate and beautiful boy, he also has a special relationship with me, shared the "Birth of the Bed"! "If, after three years, I found out that you lied to me, I swear no matter what means you use, what conspiracy to play, I will definitely let you pay the price. - It is absolutely more than just three days and three nights!"

Heavy murder! Good ice cold voice! Good vicious words! I smiled and grabbed his hand, shaking it up and down, and said happily: "Koi, you can rest assured, I said it will not be yours!" (Khan, you really thought this was Probably my smile is too bright, he is a bit like being stunned by the sun, don't worry about the stinky face: "What makes you happy! - You are so strange today!" The words immediately made my smile freeze on my face. Yes, I am too smug, my current situation is very dangerous, it is easy to wear it! Just think so, someone outside the door ran over, screaming As you can see, it is a small green, followed by a red phoenix.

"Hongfeng, you come right, the key to 'binding the gods and thousands of spiders', where did I collect it?" Hongfeng was a little surprised: "Adult, are you not let Tian Chun and Zhu Xishui take turns to keep it?" Tian Chun ? Zhu is fine? who? A strange name! "Oh, that little green, you go call them."

Waiting for the little green to bring people, I am so cold and sweaty: It turns out that these two people are old acquaintances, I have just seen it in the morning! Tian Chun is the fat man, and Zhu Xi is naturally the thin belly of the big belly!

This... is too humorous!

The two of them came forward to ask Ann, and I said, "But let's take out the key to 'lock the gods and thousands of spiders'." The two were shocked and glanced at each other, "plopping" and four knees colliding with the ground at the same time. Zhu Xiexiu said: "Adults, never!" Tian Chun said: "Adults think twice!"

I am a bit unhappy, these two guys who follow Zhang Qinglian as a tiger are still loyal and not afraid of jokes!

"Adult, this Yao Jinyu has always been scheming. How much effort did we have to catch this slave two years ago? How many brothers died!"

"Adults, it’s hard to let the tiger go, but once he gets out of trouble, I’m afraid that it’s hard for our brothers to protect the adults!"

"Adult, Yao Jinyu must be playing tricks again! You forgot to pretend to tame after he was caught, and to sing the adults, waited for more than a year, let everyone relax and be alert, wait for the opportunity to stab? There must be some conspiracy this time..."

Hey, is there such a paragraph? It seems that Yao Jinxi’s mind is not bad either! I am very surprised. Of course, I can't show the sound on the surface. Oh, I am afraid that after this failure, I will not suffer too much. How can Zhang Qinglian's character easily let him go? My face sank and said: "What are you doing so? I have my own plans!"

The two men were helpless, and they stunned each other. The fine bamboo from the arms took out a silver key and carved a small key of a lifelike spider and handed it to me. I took the key and walked over to Yao Jinxi. The atmosphere suddenly suppressed and heavy. Some of my men seemed nervous, including the fact that Hongfeng was also prepared for war. He gazed at the keys in my hand, but did nothing. Well, good. I pulled him to the chair and sat down. He found the key in the collar near the collar, inserted the key, and twisted it, and slammed it and locked it. In this second, all the creatures in this house stopped breathing. Yao Jinxi grabbed the handrail of the chair and applied a little force. I was a little nervous. I first took off the chain on my hand. The chain worn in the cheekbone was pulled out like a surgical operation. My mouth was dry and my hands could not help but tremble. But my current status is a sultry man. Is it not too strange to let others come now? I held the chain at one end, bowed my head, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and quickly and forcefully pulled out my hand. I knew that the sooner I could try to reduce his pain... The chain was pulled out! The blood rushed out and quickly wet his white clothes. I felt dizzy and didn't even look away. Yao Jinwei gently pushed me away, stood up, fingered like a wind, ordered a few acupuncture points near the wound, stopped the blood, and removed the collar on the neck. The moment he got out of trouble, I felt that his height seemed to be a lot higher, and the whole person felt different. My heart is full of contradictory feelings. It is like an animal worker who has put the wounded beast back into the wild after being rescued. It is full of relief and a sense of accomplishment, and is nervous, worried that it will turn back. However, at that moment, I had a vague intuition: it seemed to have a bad influence on me.

Forget it, even regret it is too late, just like my usual rules of practice, look at what I can do in the existing situation! Yao Jin swept my nervous hands and looked arrogant.

"Call them all out, I want to adjust the interest." The voice is cold. I waved my hand: "You must step back." "But adults..." Hong Feng said. The fat and thin duo also contradicted this order. Only the big green eyes were rolling around to observe this and observe that.

"Go down!" I put a little harsher on them and they reluctantly retreated. When I turned back, he had already sat down on his knees and adjusted his interest. His look was very quiet, and he did not see anything like white smoke and white fog.

I have been so overwhelmed since I got up this morning. I am just a little relaxed. This guy’s wounds are really shocking. I really want to take things for him to wipe, but I don’t want to, so as not to hinder him from running out of luck. I’m not the kind of happy woman who specializes in causing the male lead. The protagonist, someone gave her a mess.

After a quick self-pity, I decided to do a set of Office 15 minutes of yoga. Zhang Qinglian's body is over-extended and imaginary. I want to exercise and try to save myself.

After the action, the guy is still adjusting the interest, I will meditate with the big corpse, this is one of my favorite yoga content, at least I can make my mind empty, clear thinking, the body is fully rested, but unfortunately worked before Too busy, it is impossible to have time to do it every day.

I opened my eyes after running the minds inside and outside the body. Rao is now I am in a state of mind, and I can’t help but be shocked: a magnified face looks at me from a close distance. Seeing my blink of an eye, he retired, and it seemed to be very meaningless to say: "What are you doing?" "Oh, that, yoga meditation." I quickly faded, and my heart was glad that he was awake. I didn't see some silly yoga moves. Maybe I thought I was venting! "Oh." He faintly responded, probably don't understand. "Right, your injury, ..." Still not finished, his wrist was pinched by him. I was a little panicked for a moment: no, right? I really lost the bet?

The veins that he had buckled had a thin, unrelenting heat that climbed up along the arm, and quickly tempted in my body and took it back. "Infuriating is still there," he said, standing up and faintly saying, "But it seems to be a little condensed, not running on its own for 12 weeks. Your way of doing evil is very unique, I don't understand, I want to recover. It’s up to you to think of it...”

I look at him. My beautiful teenager is really different after I get out of trouble. I am not able to master his mind. It is because my heart is secretly worried, not confident enough. The knocking on the door sounds again, and the little green smile comes in. "Adult, red girl asked me to ask where your lunch is."

Oh, lunch. It’s noon at the end of the day, it’s really late. Is it really like the Europeans after the Renaissance, the civilians used lunch at eleven o'clock, the merchants were more than twelve o'clock, the nostalgia was a little noble, the count was two o'clock, the marquis was two and a half... The higher the status, the later the eating?

Speaking of this, this is the first time I have eaten after I arrived in this time and space! Really a little hungry

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