Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1054 The seal here is a little bit more powerful

The Nine Nether Demon's eyes were uncertain at this time. He didn't know whether this seal was set by Fang Yang and others or caused by the natural environment.

He immediately urged the magic energy in his body to fight against the power of this seal. However, he didn't expect that the more powerful the magic energy he used, the crazier the power of space backlash.

"It can actually become stronger when facing a strong opponent. What kind of strange power is this!" The Nine Nether Demon was a little suspicious of the devil at this time. He used seven or eight kinds of mysterious magic powers in succession, but this seal was stimulated and strengthened.

The Nine Nether Demon wanted to use the space transfer technique directly to leave this place, but he found that the space restriction here had become very strange, making all the space secrets he used unable to start.

"The seal here can actually seal the power of the space law!" The Nine Nether Demon's face had become extremely solemn. You know, with his Golden Immortal means, he wanted to use the transfer technique, even if the Immortal Emperor was too far away, he probably couldn't do it.

However, in this star field, the space seal became extremely terrifying. "Who can set up such a powerful seal?" Jiuyou Tianmo had a doubt in his heart that made him a little scared.

At the same time, many immortals from the immortal world also felt that something was wrong.

"How is it possible? How can there be a seal in the lower world that can imprison our immortal power?" Chao Qingsi shouted in shock.

"Senior sister, think of a way quickly, I feel my magic power is rapidly weakening." Mu Chengxue also said in astonishment.

"Try using the golden talisman!" Chao Qingsi said, and then the two of them immediately used the golden talisman to mobilize the power of the immortal world rules contained in it, trying to protect them.

However, what they didn't expect was that these rule powers collapsed instantly when they encountered the seal power here.

The Immortal of the Rule was also extremely shocked at this time. He immediately took out the immortal world edict refined by the golden immortal in their sect, and wanted to use the remaining golden immortals here to protect himself.

As golden light flew out and enveloped him, he instantly felt the pressure drop. However, he didn't have time to be happy. The golden light containing the power of the Golden Immortal quickly dissipated, and then the Immortal World Edict was actually sealed by this strange power.

"This... How is this possible? Not only did it seal my immortal essence, but it also sealed the Immortal World Edict containing the power of the Golden Immortal? This is too against the will of heaven!" The Immortal of the Law was dumbfounded this time.

These immortal masters could not resist the seal, let alone those magic masters. The magic essence in their bodies was more strongly affected by the seal.

They felt that the position of their Dantian Zifu was being suppressed by an omnipresent mysterious force, making them less and less magic essence.

"Senior Jiuyou, what should we do now?" Jidao Zhenmo is now extremely panicked, because he has used many secret methods in succession to resist these seals, but it is in vain.

"Can't you predict the secrets of heaven? Quickly calculate how we can escape from here." Jiuyou Tianmo said angrily.

"I... I have actually been calculating, but the secrets here are obscure, as if covered by something. Even though I have tried my best to activate the secret method of calculation in the demon world, the secrets are still chaotic..." Jidao Zhenmo said tremblingly.

Hearing this, many true immortals and true demons showed panic on their faces for a while.

Because they felt that the source power in their purple mansions was gradually sealed by this wonderful power.

At the same time, their cultivation began to change. Although they all used clones this time, they all had the source of true immortals and true demons hidden in their bodies. As for Jiuyou Tianmo, he even hid the source of the demon king comparable to the golden immortal. This is their biggest capital for daring to be arrogant in the lower world.

However, at this time, their source power was also affected. The cultivation of the source power also began to be sealed gradually, the true immortal stage, the peak of the immortal, the middle stage of the immortal, the early stage of the immortal, the peak of the Mahayana stage, the middle stage of the Mahayana...

Their source power was also falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is too scary!" Lian Jiuxiao, as a sword cultivator of the Liantian Sword Sect, clearly felt that the sword intent hidden in his body was also becoming weaker.

Many immortals and demons looked at each other in surprise. This was too shocking for them.

Originally, even if they were on the verge of the immortal world and into the mortal world, they had ways to shield the rules of heaven.

Therefore, although they were subject to certain restrictions in the mortal world, they still felt that they were absolutely invincible big shots in the world. However, they did not expect that they came to the vicinity of an ordinary blue planet and were actually confused by the strange seal here.

"This is too incredible. Even those Jedi in the immortal world and the true demon world do not have such a powerful sealing power!" Yin Gui Zhen Mo said in horror.

"Is this the ancient divine realm?" Jiuyou Tianmo's face was uncertain at this time. As an old monster at the Golden Immortal level, he also obtained a lot of ancient secrets, and his eyes became more terrified.

At this time, his magic essence was restricted, and the magic energy originally used to bind Sudatta Arhat also began to dissipate rapidly. Sudatta also regained his mobility.

At this time, Sudatta was filled with joy, thinking to himself: I didn't expect that young friend had already planned and took all these immortals and old demons into account.

At this moment, after Sudatta regained his freedom, he began to sit cross-legged in the void with his hands folded, chanting: "Namo Amitabha, Dotaga Dotaya, Dodiyata, Amitupa, Amitupa..."

However, at this time, because of the mysterious seal, the Buddha Yuan in his body was also suppressed. At this time, when he chanted the secret mantra, there was no sky-falling, brilliant Buddha kingdom, only some faint Buddha light.

"Bald donkey, what are you chanting again!" Jiuyou Tianmo said angrily.

"What I chanted is the "Rebirth in Paradise Mantra", I am helping Senior Jiuyou to transcend!" Sutala looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and the old demon wanted to rush up and fight.

"Senior, this place is too dangerous, let's retreat first and make a long-term plan!" Jidao Zhenmo immediately persuaded.

"Let's go!" Jiuyou Tianmo said.

As soon as these words came out, many true immortals and true demons felt relieved.

Because they didn't want to stay here for a moment.

However, just when they wanted to leave, they suddenly found that the seal was getting stronger and stronger, making it difficult for them to move.

The space teleportation spell could not be used, and leaving was also blocked. At this time, they really felt the horror of the seal here.

They were trapped here for a while, and because of the pull of the seal, they kept getting closer to the blue planet.

And the closer they got, the stronger the seal became.

They were suddenly trapped in a strange vicious circle, getting deeper and deeper.

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