Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1139 The Power of the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag

The terrifying poison kept running wildly in Lian Bahuang's body, forcing him to use a massive amount of true immortal power to suppress it.

"How is it possible? With my true immortal power, I can't do anything about this poison." Lian Bahuang was already shocked beyond measure.

Then he immediately took out a lot of immortal-level antidote elixirs, but these elixirs only made the terrifying venom slightly slow down in the body, and did not exert the detoxification effect.

"Who are you? You have such a powerful poison." Lian Bahuang was completely panicked at this time.

"Have you actually guessed my identity?" Fang Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face, "But I hid my identity before, so many people wouldn't know it. Of course, more and more people will know it from now on. You will know my name, Lord White Narcissus.”

Fang Yang showed a proud look on his face: "Because I am responsible for the arrangements made by His Majesty the Immortal Emperor Miaotan, I cannot serve alongside my senior brother Black Water Immortal Lord. However, His Majesty the Immortal Emperor Miaotan and the late Emperor have already made arrangements for me. For this reason, in order to fulfill the orders of His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, I even had to enter the mortal world to undergo tribulations, practice again, and then return to the immortal world. Hum, the bloodshed in the immortal world in the future will be related to me!"

After a pause, Fang Yang continued to sneer: "Lian Bahuang, you are just a true immortal, and you dare to block my way." The smile on Fang Yang's face was natural, but in Lian Bahuang's eyes, these smiles seemed , but it is a great ridicule and contempt.

"It seems that Immortal Emperor Miaotan and Empress Yunyue have secretly joined forces!" Lian Bahuang was shocked.

You must know that after these two immortal emperors join forces, there will inevitably be a huge conspiracy as the strengths of both parties are integrated.

This also means that the Palm Immortal Emperor behind their Lotian Sword Sect may have been caught in the conspiracy of the two Immortal Emperors.

"No matter what, I have to send this news back!" Lian Bahuang even felt that he was probably dead.

Facing this terrifying Lord White Narcissus, and being poisoned, he had difficulty escaping for a while. Then he wanted to activate some secret techniques and risk his life to send this information back.

He even regretted a little at this time, having sent back the only talisman on his body that could travel through the void passage in advance.

At that time, he did not think that he would capsize in the gutter here. After all, in his opinion, Fang Yang was just a monk who had just ascended to the Immortal Realm, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Lian Bahuang showed a sinister look on his face at this time, and suddenly activated the True Immortal Source crazily. In an instant, the weak water in the sky turned into a tiny flying sword, which increased its power several times and directly bombarded Fang Yang.

The drop-like flying swords formed by these weak water are like thin needles. If there was any flaw in Fang Yang's defense, he would be broken through.

And as long as a trace of weak water touches his body, even if Fang Yang has the body of an immortal, his body will inevitably collapse and rot.

This is Lian Bahuang's only chance to make a comeback at this time.

"Even if I die today, I will be buried with you, the ungrown White Water Immortal Lord!" Lian Bahuang was filled with fighting spirit at this time.

At this moment, Fang Yang calmly took out a black triangular flag.

Then he frantically injected the power of the True Immortal from the True Immortal Origin Pearl into the flag.

Suddenly, this small flag became luminous.

A majestic aura spread out from the center of this small flag, completely enveloping its overwhelming waves of weak water swords in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, the weak water sword wave that was very violent just now turned calm and was controlled by this simple little flag.

"How is this possible?" At this time, Lian Bahuang even clearly felt that the mark of his soul attached to the weak water was quickly removed by the power of law contained in this small flag.

In an instant, the thousands of weak water sword waves that filled the sky like raindrops were no longer under his control.

"What the hell is this! It actually controlled my weak water sword wave in an instant!" Lian Bahuang was extremely depressed at this time.

Just now, while he was running his immortal power to suppress the poison in his body, he also wanted to unleash his potential, control extremely cold and weak water, and launch weak water sword waves to attack. This was already the limit of what he could do with all his strength.

However, Fang Yang opposite him just waved the flag lightly, causing the terrifying Ruoshui Jianlang to completely escape his control.

What was even more frightening was that as Fang Yang kept waving the small black flag in his hand, the weak water sword waves that had just besieged Fang Yang turned around and turned against him.

"He was able to control my weak water sword wave and attack me instead. How did he do it!" Lian Bahuang had been refreshed by Fang Yang several times.

He no longer dared to underestimate Fang Yang, and even felt that at this time, although Fang Yang was just a new immortal, he already had an aura comparable to a golden body, which made him feel as if he had kicked an iron plate.

Lian Bahuang didn't dare to fight anymore and wanted to escape quickly. However, it was difficult to escape for a while.

First of all, this place is a void passage. Therefore, he could not activate the magical power of space movement at all and escape from this place directly. He could only leave by flying.

However, the terrible thing is that the Xuanming poison in his body is spreading, making his flying speed as slow as a snail.

At the same time, Fang Yang also waved the small black flag in his hand to fully control his weak water sword wave.

What's even more frightening is that Fang Yang is also a master of swordsmanship. During the battle just now, he had stolen many secret techniques of using weak water to turn into flying swords.

It can be said that at this time, Fang Yang borrowed the black flag and began to use the other's method to return the favor.

"Could it be that thing, the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag? Wasn't it lost in the ancient Conferred God War?" Lian Bahuang had a terrible idea in his mind while running.

If the black flag is indeed a full-member controller, it may really have the function of controlling the water in the world. Even if his extremely cold weak water is very powerful and is a treasure that all true immortals fear, it may be easy to control it under this Xuanyuan water controller.

At this time, Lian Bahuang regretted it very much and felt that sneaking into the void channel was the biggest mistake.

He could only flee frantically in the void channel.

However, the Xuanming poison in his body quickly spread throughout his body as he operated the power of the true immortal.

His originally handsome face began to turn black in an instant, and his flying speed became slower and slower. His true immortal body even began to decay.

At this time, Fang Yang controlled the weak water sword waves to rush over, and in an instant, these weak waters quickly pierced his body protection aura.

The needle-like weak water in these sword waves pierced into his body like flying arrows.

"Ah..." Lian Bahuang let out a shrill scream. Along with the scream, the terrifying weak water splashed, wreaking havoc on his True Immortal body, quickly destroying and corroding his body.

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