Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1192: The Terror of the Sky Ruler

"Don't work overtime, don't want to work overtime!"

Complaints spread like a curse.

At this time, the invisible and intangible rulers of the sky burst into a huge grudge.

You know, the operation of the heavenly way is related to all the causes and effects of the world of all living beings, and every law enforcer of the heavenly way has endless things to do.

And these things are almost one carrot and one pit, which is the division of labor formed after tens of millions of years of running-in.

It can be said that the cycle of the heavenly way is a chain of links, constantly evolving, and has reached a balance after years of operation.

If one link is destroyed and a new balance is re-established, it will be enough for the remaining 48 rulers of the sky to be busy during this period.

After all, the ruler of the heavenly way was dragged away alive, which means that his work must be completed by others, otherwise the laws of the heavenly way will produce incomparable chaos.

And if the heavenly way is in chaos, these people, as the masters of the heavenly way, will naturally be backlashed.

So they have to work overtime to make up for the omissions of the heavenly way due to the lack of a ruler of the sky.

"Now is not the time to complain." A majestic voice said. "We must work out a new division of labor as quickly as possible, otherwise the operation of the Heavenly Dao will collapse."

This voice was extremely majestic, and he obviously had a very high prestige among these Heavenly Masters. After he spoke, many Heavenly Masters, although they still wanted to complain, did not dare to give up.

"Today's Heavenly Master, I am afraid that there are many flaws in his Heavenly Master process." The majestic voice continued. "I know that you all entered the Heavenly Dao with the emotions of the past, but some people did too much. The occurrence of this incident is probably also due to the karma accumulated by the Heavenly Master today for many years!"

As soon as these words came out, many Heavenly Masters were shocked.

Indeed, these "Fifty Sages" of the year, after being tricked into the Heavenly Dao by Yue Tianya, although they gained immortality and escaped infinite catastrophes, they could become great powers like the original Daozu, but some people entered the Heavenly Dao with selfishness or prejudice and discrimination against sentient beings. They are not perfect.

Some people can restrain their imperfections, while others abuse their rights.

"Have you ever thought that those who can attack us, the Heaven Masters, must have used the power of the saints or the remaining power of the saints to do so!"

"What, is it possible that a fallen saint has been resurrected?" A transparent Heaven Master exclaimed. This caused a commotion among many transparent Heaven Masters.

"It may not be that the saint has been resurrected, but it may be that someone has found the treasure left by the saint!" The majestic voice continued.

"In other words, there is a force between heaven and earth that punishes us!" A voice trembled a little.

"There is no eternity in the world!" The majestic voice said, "It is our honor to be able to unite with the Tao, become Heaven Masters together, and protect the Heavenly Dao! But over the years, some people have indeed deviated from their original intentions and become people who play with the laws of the Heavenly Dao, and even worse, become people who fool all living beings!"

The owner of this majestic voice was obviously quite prestigious, and his words shocked everyone.

Although these great powers knew the rules of the Heavenly Dao when they became the Heavenly Dao. This is equivalent to their "on-the-job training".

From then on, they all knew that after becoming the Heavenly Dao, they must be selfless and take it as their responsibility to protect all living beings.

However, knowing is not the same as doing.

However, some of them have been doing evil over the years, but they have never been punished.

Therefore, more and more Heavenly Masters have not been as pure as before.

They have made teasing and playing with all living beings one of their hobbies, but today they have been backfired.

Therefore, many Heavenly Masters are a little frightened at this time.

At the same time, their various emotions and grievances have gradually spread to the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, the biggest grievance is still caused by overtime.

The overwhelming resentment caused by overtime has caused thunderclouds to roll in the Three Realms, and even the power of the law is filled with repressed emotions.

This resentment spreads between heaven and earth.

The first to be detected were many Immortal Emperors with the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian.

They have a high level of cultivation and have comprehended the most power of the rules of heaven, so they have a special premonition of "the duck knows first when the spring river water warms up".

At this time, the young man in brocade robes who was fighting with Nuo Po at the Naihe Bridge suddenly became gloomy.

Although he was fighting with Nuo Po, he was still at ease. At the same time, he was secretly calculating, but to no avail.

However, Nuo Po was furious when he saw that he dared to be distracted in the battle with him. Because of anger, Nuo Po's strength increased a few points, and then he quickly rushed towards the young man in brocade robes.

Under the Yin Pan peach tree, the white-haired Meng Po was practicing the guardian for Mu Ling'er.

Suddenly she also felt something was wrong. A powerful breath emanated from her turbid eyes.

She thought about it, and then sighed: "I'm afraid that something big will happen between heaven and earth again!" She shook her head helplessly. She didn't seem to want to participate in the changes that were about to happen, but used more emotions to pay attention to Mu Ling'er who was practicing.

In the western fairyland of the fairy world, the Immortal Emperor Miaotan also woke up from his meditation.

A golden light suddenly emanated from his eyes, as if he wanted to see through the three realms.

He just felt that the power of the laws between heaven and earth was in chaos, and there was a faint sadness. Miao Tan Immortal Emperor was puzzled. As an immortal emperor, he would never dream that this resentment was caused by overtime.

In the Immortal Palace, Feng Yue Immortal Emperor, who was checking the ancient secret map, also felt a huge shock in his heart at this time.

He vaguely felt that the laws of heaven and earth seemed to be changing, and even these changes might have an inexplicable connection with his clone, Master Wubian.

However, with his magical power, he cast spells several times and even used his inherited imperial weapon Feng Yue Baojian, but he still couldn't figure out what happened.

"It seems that the heaven has been in trouble since then!" Feng Yue Immortal Emperor sighed.

In Yunyue Immortal Palace, Tianji Saint Girl mastered the Immortal Emperor's token left by Yunyue Empress, so she borrowed the power of the Immortal Palace's formation and her cultivation was barely comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor, so he also felt that something was wrong.

However, her perception was indeed not as good as that of a real Immortal Emperor, so her heart began to beat wildly, as if she saw a huge beast hanging over her head, making her feel a little uneasy.

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