Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1232 The Demon God's Trap

Crazy greed eroded Wuxiangzun and Jile Demon Emperor.

Wuxiangzun had two consciousnesses, and his outer consciousness was also invaded by this greed, and his hidden inner consciousness found something wrong.

"There is something strange! It seems that greed will be completely stimulated here!" Wuxiangzun's second consciousness suddenly found that as greed was stimulated, a huge wave of greedy thoughts began to merge into this space.

"What's going on? It can actually affect my and Jile Demon Emperor's Yuanshen, making them gradually fall into greedy madness!" Wuxiangzun's second consciousness was shocked at this time.

To become a golden immortal or even a demon emperor, they have to go through countless disasters and layers of tests to achieve such a high status, so they must be extremely determined.

However, at this time, they have been filled with endless greedy thoughts throughout their Yuanshen.

It can be said that this greedy breath is like a soul-eating poison, making them lose themselves bit by bit.

"No! No! This so-called secret realm is very likely a complete trap." Wuxiangzun's second consciousness seemed to think of something at this time.

Through careful observation, he was almost certain that this was a very obscure trap.

The other party first used a lot of treasures to gradually tempt people to be greedy, especially the last two treasures, which required people in the middle and late stages of the Golden Immortal to open.

People with such cultivation are almost impossible to be controlled by greed in their hearts, so unless there is a treasure that is enough to make them completely lose their will, it can completely stimulate their greed.

Therefore, the thing in the last ball of light is a treasure used by a saint.

You must know that the treasures that the saints have sacrificed are extremely rare even in the ancient prehistoric world.

And when a great cultivator obtains treasures such as the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan and the Golden Dragon Shears, the expectation for the last treasure in his heart will be greatly increased.

Then, this saint's treasure is placed in front of him, and it is estimated that the person who cracks the ban will not be able to remain calm no matter what.

The reason why Wuxiangzun's second soul was safe and sound was that he hid his second soul for a long time to avoid the control of the Extreme Demon Emperor and secretly observed the situation.

Therefore, this second soul is usually in a dormant state. It was just that this treasure hunt was of great importance, so his second soul secretly performed a secret method and occasionally came out to quietly explore some external situations.

It was also because of this that he luckily escaped the invasion of the greedy divine thoughts into the sea of ​​consciousness of the soul.

Wuxiangzun's second soul discovered at this time that a kind of black light suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of his outer soul.

These black lights are feeding on people's greed.

As Wuxiangzun's outer divine consciousness and the divine consciousness of the Extreme Demon Emperor fell into madness for the treasure of the saint because of greed, this black light instantly became stronger and stronger.

Obviously, this black light was actually devouring the magnificent greed they had generated.

As the treasure of the saint gradually revealed itself, more and more greed began to gather quickly like a river, rushing out of Wuxiangzun's body and gradually being absorbed by the huge statue.

"Sure enough, just like the ancient rumors, this Lord of Greed feeds on the greed of all living beings! And this statue seems to be able to absorb the greed of all living beings!" Wuxiangzun's second soul was nervous, "Sure enough, it dares to use the saint's things as bait!"

However, at this time, Wuxiangzun's second soul could not change all this. He could only watch his first soul and the Bliss Demon Emperor who controlled his body gradually lose themselves in greed, and sacrifice their souls in greed.

The whole scene made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Is this the method of the outer demon god? It's really terrible!" Wuxiangzun's second soul sighed.

But he changed his mind and thought: "But this may not be an opportunity for me!"

"If I can seriously injure the Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor in this way, and then I can obtain this Saint's Treasure in the shortest time, as long as I can control this thing in a short time and stimulate the power of the Saint in it, I can let it temporarily control the Heavenly Dao Oath that binds me, and I should have a chance to escape." Wuxiangzun's second soul thought of a risky method to take chestnuts from the fire.

In fact, if Wuxiangzun's second soul tried his best to awaken his first soul and Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor, he should be able to do it.

After all, Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor is a master among the Golden Immortals of Daluo, with profound cultivation and firm mind. It was only because of his greed for the Saint's Treasure that he was distracted for a short time and was taken advantage of by others.

However, if Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor was awakened, it would not necessarily be a good thing for Wuxiangzun's second soul.

Therefore, he chose to wait and see, watching his outer consciousness and Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor constantly sacrifice themselves in greed.

"All that belongs to me belongs to me, everything in the world belongs to me!" Although Wuxiang Venerable had no facial features, he shook the space with his magic power and let out crazy roars.

These roars were not made by him, but by the Blissful Demon Emperor who was far away in the Blissful Demon Realm.

At this time, after seeing the saint's things at his fingertips, the Blissful Demon Emperor was overwhelmed by greed and gradually lost himself.

Under the greed in his heart, he began to sacrifice his own soul crazily.

He injected the original power into Wuxiang Venerable's body through the prohibition.

At the same time, the huge greed he generated was quickly absorbed by the huge statue.

"This statue is devouring the greedy thoughts, and the speed is getting faster and faster!" Wuxiangzun's second soul, hiding behind the main soul at this time, secretly explored everything.

"This ancient demon god is known as the Lord of Greed. It is estimated that he can absorb the greedy power of all living beings and obtain supreme divine power!" Wuxiangzun's second soul was extremely vigilant and observed everything carefully.

Wuxiangzun's second soul also guessed that the more powerful the creatures, the stronger the greed they generated.

Therefore, he must let powerful creatures come here and generate strong greed for him to eat, so there is this extremely simple inheritance treasure land.

If a cultivator enters here, he can continue to grow through the treasures inside. The treasures at the beginning are very easy to obtain, and only the last few treasures are very difficult to obtain.

These so-called "predestined people" will inevitably practice madly in order to obtain new treasures, and the huge greed they generate will also be constantly swallowed by this demon statue.

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