Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1257 Heavenly Divine Stone

As the major formations operated, the majestic power tore the huge demon into pieces.

After using various methods to peel off the evil soul, He Dong soon discovered that a strange black jade was found at the core of the soul.

"What is this?" He Dong was curious and wanted to move the ancient jade.

At this time, the little girl's expression changed and she said, "Don't touch it without permission!" Then she fired a colorful light containing the power of merit and shot directly at the strange ancient jade.

After a moment, a ferocious aura emanated from the ancient jade, and the soul power of each ferocious god seemed to rush out from it.

This evil spirit is so powerful that even the little girl's light of merit can be easily resisted by it.

It seems that there is endless evil spirit power in this black ancient jade.

"What the hell is this!" He Dong was a little scared. If he had just grabbed this thing in his hands carelessly, he would probably have been occupied by the evil spirit in it in an instant, and his body would be taken away from him, or his soul would be captured by the evil spirit. He instantly fell into a state of violence.

"This seems to be a heavenly stone, but it should have been refined by the ancient secret method of the Gudong Demon God!" the little girl said with a solemn expression.

"What is the Divine Stone of Heaven?" Fang Yang asked curiously.

"It is a rare treasure in the void outside the sky. Only a very small number of demon gods have it. It is said that the Tianzhou Divine Stone is the most important material for creating the Jade Order." Yue Tianya slowly explained.

"This thing is actually the same as the jade certificate of good fortune?" Qian Duoduo, who is extremely sensitive to treasures, exclaimed, "Why does this thing look so dark and full of fierceness?"

"It should be that this Gudong Demon God has devoured countless ancient creatures, and then used his soul power to absorb them into his own soul, tempering this heavenly stone, and condensing it into a demon soul jade. I guess he is Relying on this thing, even if it has died, it can still retain the ever-changing innate magical power." The little girl said.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the Tianzhou Divine Stone that was refined into the Demon Soul Jade.

"This heavenly stone is extremely rare. It is estimated that there are only a few among the many demons from outside the world!" The little girl then shook her head and said, "But it would be too troublesome for us to use this thing. The evil spirits are all integrated into one, and it is very difficult to use it. Difficult to peel off.”

"If the evil spirit in it can be eliminated, it is estimated that this Tianzhou Divine Stone can become a treasure of extremely high quality." Yue Tianya said thoughtfully.

After all, the Jade Certificate of Creation was a famous treasure in the prehistoric era, so everyone was looking forward to this divine stone.

The little girl nodded and continued to use the power of merit to slowly purify this heavenly stone.

However, the Heavenly Stone that was refined into the Demon Soul Jade seemed not to be affected at all by the light of merit.

"This Heavenly Divine Stone is really amazing!" Yue Tianya said with a solemn look on his face, "If it is washed slowly with the power of merit, it is estimated that it will take seventy or eighty thousand years to wash away the evil spirits in it, but it is a pity that it will take a long time. too long!"

Of course, for great powers like them, it may take tens of thousands of years to just retreat into seclusion, so it doesn't matter if they spend more time to sacrifice an extraterrestrial divine object like the Heavenly Universe Divine Stone.

"It's a pity that heaven is about to suffer a catastrophe. If we still waste time here, I'm afraid we will lose miserably in the end!" the little girl shook her head and said.

After all, the quality of this Tianzhou Divine Stone is so high that no matter how hard Fang Yang and the others think about it, they can't find a solution.

Suddenly, the little girl frowned.

With a thought in his mind, he directly moved the avatar of the Demon Emperor of Paradise out of the map of mountains and rivers.

At this time, there were slap marks all over the face of the Demon Emperor of Paradise. It was obvious that he had been brutally tortured by the golden hand of merit in the mountain and river design.

Of course, the worst thing was that his buttocks were bulging high, obviously swollen from being beaten, and it looked extremely funny from a distance.

When the avatar of the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss saw him coming out of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, he thought that he was out of trouble. He felt that everyone must be asking for something from him, so he couldn't help but get angry with airs.

"How dare you humiliate me like this... I want to..." Suddenly the Demon Emperor saw the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation outside and the fragments of the remaining soul of Demon God Gudong in the formation, and a chill came from his soul in his heart. .

"You...what do you want to do..." The clone of Demon Emperor Bliss felt something was wrong.

"If you are unfavorable to me, I will definitely refuse to cooperate with you, or even directly seek refuge with the Greedy Demon Ancestor!" Demon Emperor Bliss looked like a stubborn duck.

The little girl was not moved at all by his clamor. She just had a thought in her mind and threw the Demon Emperor of Bliss directly towards the Demon Soul Jade made from the Heavenly Universe Stone that day.

"What is this..." Demon Emperor Bliss couldn't stop him at all, so he quickly flew towards the Demon Soul Jade, which was only the size of his head.

Just when Demon Emperor Bliss was about four or five feet away from the object, bursts of terrifying evil soul power rushed out from the Demon Soul Jade and quickly wrapped around Demon Emperor Bliss.

At this time, the clone of the Demon Emperor of Paradise was unable to react in time, and the evil spirit quickly rushed into his glass-like body. In an instant, layers of strange black runes appeared on his body.

Every rune became full of teeth and claws, exuding a ferocious aura.

In just a few breaths, he was directly occupied by the power of the evil spirit and fell into demonization.

However, the black evil spirit in the Demonic Soul Jade seemed to have weakened a bit.

This made the little girl very happy. They immediately threw the evil clone of the Bliss Demon Emperor into the Merit Golden Light Array and purified the Bliss Demon Emperor with the Merit Golden Light.

At this time, the Bliss Demon Emperor had fallen into madness due to the influence of the evil spirit. He exerted the peak of the Golden Immortal and was close to the strength of the Daluo Golden Immortal. If it were not for the little girl and Yue Tianya's joint suppression, he would probably rush out of the Merit Golden Light Array.

When he encountered the Merit Golden Light, the fierce aura on his body was quickly cleared.

"Hahaha, it works! He is not as easy as the Tianzhou Divine Stone to resist the power of the Merit Golden Light. The Merit Golden Light can easily dissolve the power of the evil spirit attached to him." Yue Tianya was very surprised.

After only half a day, the power of the evil spirit on the Bliss Demon Emperor's clone was washed away. At this time, he also regained consciousness. At this time, the Bliss Demon Emperor's clone was full of fear, not knowing what happened.

Because the soul of the Bliss Demon Emperor was occupied by the evil spirit, he did not retain any memory. He just felt like he had lost his memory due to drinking. Anyway, he had a strange feeling.

"What did you do to me just now..." The clone exclaimed.

"Nothing!" The little girl showed an intriguing smile, and then used the same trick again to let him approach the Demon God Soul Jade.

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