Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1371 The Lord of Jealousy

This ancient monster obviously regarded Tianyi Xianjun as nourishment and quickly devoured her power.

Tianyi Xianjun's body was like a petri dish for monsters, constantly emitting a terrifying demonic aura.

This strange demonic aura was like a black cloud, quickly submerging Tianyi Xianjun completely.

And in that demonic aura, the hideous and terrifying appearance of the huge demon head gradually appeared, and a bloody mouth was still shouting madly: "I want to take charge of Yunyue Tiangong! I want to take back everything..."

After roaring again and again, her body began to gradually change and change, and the transformed monster's body began to grow rapidly, and an ancient aura spread out from her body.

What's more terrifying is that this ancient monster has densely packed demon eyes all over its body, and these demon eyes are full of jealous flames.

In an instant, a terrifying and ferocious humanoid ancient monster was formed.

The dark blue flames that appeared on the monster's body looked ancient and mysterious like a series of mysterious runes.

Fang Yang was shocked to find that this flame could actually affect everyone's mood, making everyone jealous.

"Emotion! This monster can affect our emotions!" Fengyue Immortal Emperor said with some fear.

Fang Yang and Crocodile Ancestor were shocked at this time. You know, the last time they met the Lord of Greed, it seemed to be such a monster, but the Lord of Greed was based on the greed of all living beings, while this monster was based on the jealousy of all living beings.

"This thing has a similar aura to the Lord of Greed. I'm afraid she is the same as the Lord of Greed. She is a member of the Demon Ancestor Luohou. It is probably an ancient innate demon god-the Lord of Jealousy!" Fang Yang said it out.

"Lord of Jealousy?" Everyone couldn't help but look enlightened after hearing what Fang Yang said. Although they didn't know the real name of this old demon, they felt it was very appropriate after hearing Fang Yang say this.

Fengyue Immortal Emperor and Crocodile Ancestor were all Golden Immortals, but they had no idea about this powerful ancient demon.

"If we can't come up with a solution as soon as possible, I'm afraid this old demon will soon grow into an ancient demon as powerful as the Lord of Greed." Fang Yang said slowly.

At this time, the old demon was born in the body of Tianyi Immortal Lord, and instantly took over Tianyi Immortal Lord's cultivation for himself. You must know that Tianyi Immortal Lord has the peak of the Golden Immortal, close to the cultivation of the Pseudo Immortal Emperor.

At this time, many other immortals of Yunyue Palace around Tianyi Immortal Lord were scared to death and began to flee quickly.

Only one person did not retreat but advanced. This person's eyes also spewed out the dark blue fire of jealousy. Obviously, he had been manipulated by the master of jealousy. This person was none other than Liantian Taoist, the ancestor of Liantian Sword Sect.

"I hate it too! Why am I called the ancestor of Liantian Sword, but my sword cultivation is always not as good as that long-browed old bastard in Shushan, I hate it! But he still controls the sword with a righteous spirit, claims to be the orthodox sword, and deceives the world..." At this time, Liantian Taoist was obviously also in a crazy jealousy, burned by the jealous fire.

Under the burning fire of jealousy, his body was completely submerged in jealousy. When the Yixin Sword Lord of Liantian Sword Sect, Lian Liangyi and other Golden Immortal Sword Cultivators saw this scene, they were all scared to death, and no one dared to step forward to rescue him.

Fang Yang and the others couldn't help but shake their heads and sighed: "I guess he was just jealous, and then the ancient demon took advantage of him!"

At this time, everyone began to reflect on themselves, and paid great attention to controlling their negative emotions, so as not to be taken advantage of by these ancient demons.

Even Qian Duoduo couldn't help licking his fat paws, and sighed in his heart: I don't know if there is a gluttonous master. If I can catch this negative emotion, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape first. Thinking of this, Qian Duoduo was so scared that he covered his greedy mouth.

"I don't know if there is a master who is rude to others. If the ancient old demon catches my problem of rudeness, I guess I can't run away!" Husky was also so scared that he covered his dog mouth that loved to talk nonsense.

At this time, the Immortal Emperor Zhan Tian was seriously injured, and because of his jealousy of the Immortal Emperor Xuan Yang, a dark blue flame of jealousy also ignited on his body.

However, his Great Witch bloodline seemed to be still struggling, and a stream of blood surged up to extinguish the jealousy, but this was like adding fuel to the fire.

"Daoist Zhan Tian, ​​if you had known this would happen, why did you do it in the first place!" Immortal Emperor Xuan Yang sighed. He began to plan to treat him with the power of merit, but when the power of merit met the fire of jealousy, the two immediately entangled with each other in the air, just like adding water to an oil pan, and an explosion sounded in the flame of jealousy.

At this time, what was even more terrifying was that under the guidance of the jealousy, the Taoist Lian Tian began to fly towards the ancient demon transformed by the Immortal Lord Tian Yi, and the jealousy of both sides instantly connected into one, and seemed to be merging with each other.

"Oh no, this ancient demon can actually devour people with the fire of jealousy. If she devours the Taoist Lian Tian, ​​or even the Immortal Emperor Zhan Tian, ​​his strength may be so strong that it is difficult to balance!" Fang Yang sent a message to everyone worriedly.

Although Fang Yang had already discovered the problem and started to make arrangements in advance, these people had obviously been plotted by the Lord of Jealousy for many years, and they were caught off guard for a while.

At this time, the Lord of Jealousy devoured Tianyi Xianjun at the fastest speed, and also engulfed Lian Tiandao who took the initiative to merge into the devil's energy, and then his breath began to surge.

And Lian Tiandao had long been controlled by the Lord of Jealousy, and he was also actively offering sacrifices.

In this way, the Lord of Jealousy's swallowing speed increased by more than dozens of times.

In just a moment, Lian Tiandao had transformed into the original power and merged into the body of the Lord of Jealousy.

"Jie Jie Jie..." The Lord of Jealousy let out a terrifying laugh. At this time, his cultivation level has been upgraded to that of the Pseudo Immortal Emperor of Liantian Taoist, and combined with the domain power of the ancient demonic way, I am afraid that his current strength is absolutely No worse than any Daluo Jinxian.

"This demon has been planning for many years. I'm afraid Tianyi Immortal Lord and Liantian Taoist have been manipulated by him a long time ago, just to devour them in one fell swoop!" Fang Yang had already speculated that this ancient demon had a deep conspiracy, so there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"This monster has reached the peak of the pseudo-immortal emperor. If he achieves the cultivation level of an immortal emperor, it is estimated that..." Seeing this scene, Immortal Emperor Fengyue was already worried.

At this time, their eyes were all on the Immortal Emperor Zhang Tian. Because the Palm Immortal Emperor had also been tricked by the ancient demon, and at this time he was also ignited by the raging fire of greed, it was obvious that he must be the next target of the demon.

Crocodile Ancestor saw this scene and said nervously: "If this jealous lord is allowed to devour the Zhangtian Immortal Emperor again, then even if we put together we probably won't be able to suppress him!"

However, fortunately, the power of heavenly laws suddenly burst out from the Xingtian Qianqi of the Immortal Emperor Zhang Tian. This unexpectedly restrained the fire of greed for a short time and allowed him to regain some clarity.

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