Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1414: Going to the Lower Realm

Obviously, the two ancient demons found a breakthrough, and then they began to work together to subtly infect the soul of the Black Sky Demon Emperor.

Because they have been rooted in the Black Crown Plateau of the Black Sky Demon Realm for decades, they have never forgotten to attack the Black Sky Demon Emperor in the past.

In recent years, they have used puppets and tributes to continuously allow the greedy and jealous demonic energy to contact the Black Sky Demon Emperor, so that his soul has already sensed it, and now it is just a matter of going with the flow.

The demonic thoughts representing greed and jealousy began to continuously affect the soul of the Black Sky Demon Emperor. At this time, although the Black Sky Demon Emperor was alert in his heart, he thought it was his subconscious mind for a while, so he did not feel the need to suppress this demonic thought.

It was just that in the subconscious, the greed and jealousy in his heart began to grow wildly like wildfire.

"Hmph, compared to me, the old demon Jiemie is like cinnabar to gold. He has no ability but he can get the skull of the Obsidian Demon Emperor and refine it into a powerful treasure. He is really lucky!"

"I am better than them in everything, and these treasures should be mine!"

As the devilish thoughts grew, the emotions in the heart of the Black Sky Demon Emperor began to be difficult to contain.

Of course, at this time, they were still fighting with the two-headed demon god, so he had to temporarily suppress the anger in his heart and not let it erupt.

Of course, he knew that the other demon emperors around him were very powerful. If his murderous intentions towards other demon emperors were detected, it is estimated that the two demon emperors would not hesitate to deal with him.

Therefore, the three demon emperors barely formed a joint posture. And the two ancient demons also took advantage of the entanglement between the two sides to start to use their secret techniques with all their strength, trying to increase the means of controlling the Black Sky Demon Emperor.

In this repeated tug-of-war, the soul of the Black Sky Demon Emperor began to gradually change.

At this time, in the depths of the Nine Nether Demon Sea, the demon waves rolled and the demonic energy surged.

The mighty power of the magic rules formed a series of terrifying undercurrents.

Only some extremely ferocious monsters dared to survive in the depths of the Nine Nether Demon Sea.

And the monsters here are all powerful monsters with hideous faces and bone spurs all over their bodies.

It was in this environment that Fang Yang and his team found several weak points in space after decades of searching.

This time, with the fluctuation of the space law of the demon world, they soon found a void crack in a weak place in space.

This space crack still seemed very unstable. From the breath inside, Fang Yang and his team judged that this was the passage to the lower world.

Of course, because the space of the lower world is very unstable, if a demon with a high level of cultivation enters, it will inevitably cause the space to collapse. Unless the demon enters in the state of Yuanshen, it can be ensured that the space restrictions of the lower world will not be damaged.

Fang Yang and his team began to arrange the formation here to guard this space crack to prevent it from being disturbed by monsters. Otherwise, if the space channel is broken into by monsters, it is estimated that it will collapse completely in a short time and cannot be used anymore.

After setting up the formation to guard, Fang Yang and the others were still waiting anxiously.

"Boss Fang, can Wu Xiang Zun succeed this time?" Qian Duoduo asked with some concern.

"It shouldn't be a big problem!" Fang Yang said, "Although this trip is dangerous, we have made a lot of preparations, which can be regarded as a deliberate plan. Moreover, he has been in the demon world for many years and is well versed in the way of survival in the demon world. If there are no other changes, it should be successful!" Fang Yang said calmly.

After all, before Wu Xiang Zun lurked in the Black Crown Plateau this time, Fang Yang and the others asked the Five Elements Boy to calculate the disaster and fortune to ensure that this trip would be safe. For this reason, they let Wu Xiang Zun enter the Black Sky Demon Realm and even lurk in the Black Crown Plateau.

Just as everyone was waiting with trepidation, suddenly they saw a black shadow full of demonic energy quickly passing through the bottom of the Nine Nether Demon Sea.

He kept flashing, and at a weird speed, he shook off the fierce demon beasts on the bottom of the sea, and soon approached Fang Yang and the others.

"It's Wu Xiang Zun who is back!" Fang Yang was overjoyed when he saw this.

He immediately opened the formation and let the figure with demonic energy quickly enter the formation space.

The demon shadow quickly shed the dark demonic energy wrapped around the body, and a white-robed monk appeared in front of him, it was Wuxiangzun.

"Senior Wuxiangzun, how is the situation this time?" Qian Duoduo asked excitedly, shaking his tail.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission!" Wuxiangzun smiled. "After many arrangements, I sent the jade slips I arranged in advance to the three demon emperors at the last moment, and told them where the treasures that the demon world has not come out of the world are. As long as they are still relatively normal, they will go to the Red Crown Plateau and meet the two ancient demons!"

"What I am worried about is that the three demon emperors will stare at the two ancient demons after meeting. What if they can't fight?" The crocodile ancestor scratched his head and said worriedly.

Wuxiangzun smiled again: "Old crocodile, you can rest assured! Before I left, I was sure to feel the terrifying space fluctuations caused by the battle between the demon monks. After that, I used the space transmission formation arranged in advance to leave the Red Crown Plateau!" Wuxiangzun said confidently.

"I guess these demon emperors are happily beating up the two ancient demons now!" Qian Duoduo said excitedly.

"It's getting late. We don't know when the space channel will disappear. Let's get in as soon as possible!" Fang Yang waved his hand and a very powerful force of the law of space burst out from his palm.

This force of the law of space quickly enveloped everyone.

"Is this the power of space law?" The old crocodile felt the space power released by Fang Yang. This power was extremely gentle and vague. It was like a breeze flowing through everyone.

Fang Yang did not let them enter the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion because he was worried that after entering the lower world, he would not be able to easily move them out of the immortal mansion because of the chaos of the power of law.

After all, when Fang Yang and his team entered the earth, they encountered strange space power in an instant. They could not enter the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion and their cultivation was sealed to the Qi Refining Stage.

Therefore, Fang Yang did not dare to take the power of the law in the lower world lightly.

Then Fang Yang led everyone into the void channel, and soon they found that the power of the law in the void channel was extremely chaotic.

Even if Fang Yang had tried his best to reduce the fluctuation of his mana, even if there was a slight power emitted, there would be a great sense of oppression on the space channel here.

It seemed that the space here would be broken if he was not careful.

Therefore, Fang Yang had to immediately adjust the power of the world rules of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion and gradually protect his own space barrier to prevent the space of the lower world from being broken.

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