Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1466: The Illusion Array Knocks the Heart

When everyone entered the internal confinement of the suspended island, everyone suddenly found that their bodies were radiating colorful merit light.

"Hey...it seems that the restriction here is testing the power of merit in us!" Fang Chenhao said excitedly. He has some experience in such things.

Because at the beginning, Fang Chenhao relied on his superior cultivation skills to act recklessly in Panxu Haiyin. Because Mu Qingqing used secret techniques to preserve her fetus for hundreds of years, when Fang Chenhao was born, he had a cultivation level close to that of the Nascent Soul. And later, because of the blessing of Senior Yue Tianya, he was given the "Forbidden" spell, so that he would not be afraid of the power of heavenly tribulation.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Chenhao has someone to rely on. He has a high level of cultivation and therefore has a rather naughty personality. When he was a child, he dared to follow Qian Duoduo and Husky to make mischief everywhere in Panxu Haiyin, causing great annoyance to the Jiaolong clan living in Panxu Haiyin.

There was nothing Mu Qingqing could do about his stubbornness. So his uncle Mu Hongyun simply took him to the earth.

You must know that there is an extremely mysterious seal near the earth. As a result, Fang Chenhao's cultivation was instantly suppressed to the point of refining Qi. He must accumulate merit to gradually unblock it.

For this reason, the extremely stubborn Fang Chenhao was forced to start from a low-level monk and accumulate merit step by step, as if he were practicing all over again.

He began to study diligently on Earth and accumulated good deeds step by step, thus slowly improving his cultivation. In the process, his character was also greatly improved. It is precisely because of this that Fang Chenhao's merits and virtues are extremely rich.

It is precisely because everyone has a strong power of merit to protect their bodies, so the restriction here not only does no harm, but also provides a lot of convenience, allowing them to smoothly enter the depths of the island.

Of course, in addition to the light of merit and virtue, Mu Qingqing, who is carrying the Little Sun and Moon Pearl, also has a layer of mysterious cyan light. This light not only protects her, but also protects Xue Xishuang, Xie Xueyi, and Bai Yuni around her. The four of them are now like sisters, so they have been supporting each other during this trip to the Void Abyss.

Feeling the mystery of this formation, Kou Zhenggang smiled and said: "The ancient great powers should be very respectful of the way of heaven, so they attach great importance to merit. That's why they set up such a large formation. Only people with merit can enter this place!"

"Elder brother is right!" Wang Zheng nodded and said. These days, he has been constantly comprehending the jade tablet that Ruo Yunxi gave him, which contains the power of laws, and thus he has also realized a lot of secrets.

Wang Zheng paused and said slowly: "With these restrictions, we can ensure that the inheritance of these ancient powers will not fall into the hands of young people, and avoid harming the common people!"

Under the guidance of Little Sun Moon Pearl, Mu Qingqing led the three girls, Xue Xishuang, to the front. The rest of the people followed them and soon reached the depths of the restriction.

When everyone stepped through a golden light door, they immediately found that they had entered a mysterious palace.

The dome of the palace was twinkling like stars, but beneath my feet was a void scene like the starry sky of the universe.

A rainbow bridge with the power of merit spread under everyone's feet.

"What a beautiful rainbow bridge!" Ruo Yunxi said excitedly.

Then everyone slowly stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge and looked around at this small world that looked like a fairyland.

Walking through the rainbow bridge formed by the light of merit and virtue, and then the surrounding light gates are brilliant, surrounded by the spirit of the fairy, it is like stepping into the fairyland. Suddenly, in this space, a green light appeared in front of everyone.

This green light wanders among the stars above the dome, seeming to have consciousness.

Finally, a clear and sweet voice came from this ray of light: "Are you the relatives and friends of Fang Yang, the little friend who had great luck last time?"

"Exactly! I am Fang Yang's wife, and my name is Mu Qingqing! These are Xue Xishuang, Xie Xueyi, and Bai Yuni!"

Under the leadership of Mu Qingqing, Fang Yang's wives and many disciples immediately saluted the green light.

"Fang Xiaoyou is not only a lucky person, but also so blessed!" The voice in the green light laughed.

Then a figure appeared in the green light, a dignified and beautiful woman in green.

Naturally, everyone knew through inference that she was the ancient powerful Turtle Spirit Madonna, but no one dared to say more about why she was here.

Her eyes fell on Mu Qingqing and Xue Xishuang, with a smile in her eyes. Then she fell on everyone in Yangmen. When her eyes saw Fang Chenhao, she suddenly sensed the "forbidden" spell in Fang Chenhao's hand, and she couldn't help showing a slightly surprised expression.

Finally, her eyes fell on Wang Zheng, who was still playing with the jade cards. Her expression hardened again, and her consciousness restrained her original warm smile and became serious.

The last time Fang Yang and the others entered this place, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit only asked a few questions and then directly gave them the treasure.

In fact, on the surface, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit just asked a few very common questions. In fact, she used the secret method taught by the saint to ask Fang Yang and others about the Taoist heart.

If someone has evil intentions, they will inevitably suffer direct backlash, but Fang Yang and the others are very different.

Fang Yang possesses extremely strong merits and a very firm heart to protect all living beings, and his conclusion about "the heavenly mosquito-raiser" greatly shocked the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit. Therefore, after asking questions about the heart, Gui Ling The Holy Mother of God passed on the treasure directly.

"Today I will open the Great Array of Inquiry. I hope you can keep your mind and walk out of the array to get the opportunity!" The Turtle Spirit Holy Mother smiled, and then she waved her sleeves, and everyone immediately felt a dizzy feeling. The light of the array circulated around, and soon enveloped Mu Qingqing and the others and the people of Yangmen.

When the Great Array of Inquiry was about to close, the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother continued to look at Wang Zheng who was studying the jade card in his hand with a curious look. The Turtle Spirit Holy Mother smiled slightly at this scene: "I didn't expect that I could still see such a scene today! It seems that the cycle of heaven is still unstoppable. "

When this formation was formed, everyone began to perform an extremely real script-killing in the Great Array of Inquiry as if they were reincarnated, and began to perform in their long lives through these layers of tests to ask about the Tao heart.

The Turtle Spirit Holy Mother waved her hand, and the scene of everyone constantly reincarnating in the illusion of the Great Array of Inquiry appeared in front of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother.

In the illusion, the fairy-like Xue Xishuang became a butcher, Mu Qingqing became a beggar who was bullied, and Kou Zhenggang was still an honest official. However, Prince Hongyun Mu Hongyun was a popular actor in the opera troupe.

As for Fang Chenhao, he became a knight who punished evil and promoted good, and acted as a knight with a sword.

Almost everyone was trying a completely different life.

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