Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1499: The Three Immortal Islands’ Personal Teaching

Mu Qingqing didn't expect to be asked, but after a short period of tension, she gradually calmed down.

Then she smiled and said slowly: "Your Highness, to promote the teachings of Jiejiao, we should focus on the word 'intercept', intercept the opportunity of the way of heaven, and educate all living beings!"

Yunxiao heard this, smiled and nodded, and then continued to ask: "How to educate?"

"Teach without distinction, with compassion, make supreme wishes, and save countless living beings!" Mu Qingqing said seriously.

Although this is almost a standard answer, Mu Qingqing said it very sincerely, without any affectation, which shows that she was moved by her heart and spoke from the heart.

After hearing Mu Qingqing's answer, Queen Yunxiao seemed to be slightly startled, and then she slowly asked again: "All living beings in the world have different roots and different hearts. If they are criminals, how can they intercept the secrets of heaven and how can they be saved?"

After saying this, Yunxiao seemed to be a little confused, as if he recalled the scene in the Biyou Palace of Jiejiao in the prehistoric era.

At that time, thousands of immortals came to pay homage, and the Biyou Palace was like a brocade of flowers and a blazing fire. It was a grand occasion.

However, behind these grand occasions, the tragedy of Jiejiao had long been buried. With more disciples, people's hearts became extremely complicated. Many villains mixed into the Jiejiao, the holy sect, and even did many unscrupulous things under the name of Jiejiao.

Therefore, Yunxiao at this time sighed: "How to intercept the secrets of heaven, how to cross?"

After thinking for a while, Mu Qingqing slowly said: "If you don't know, how can you have faith? But believing in the teachings is not ignorance." Then she slowly explained that if you don't enlighten yourself, what you know will never be yours. Even if the elders of the sect intercepted all the secrets of heaven, they could not introspect and enlighten themselves.

"Therefore, it is right to teach everyone, and it is also right to teach all living beings, but we need to know when to stop!" Mu Qingqing said, only teach those who are worth teaching, because they will be enlightened by themselves and understand the way of heaven, and only lead those who are worth leading, only in this way can we follow the way of heaven.

"Stop when it's enough!" Hearing this, Queen Yunxiao fell into a period of contemplation.

Indeed, the Jiejiao at the beginning lacked the heart to stop when it was enough. The stall was too big and too bad, so that the Jiejiao looked magnificent on the surface, but when you look closely, it is full of leaky patches.

"If the teacher back then could... ah..." Yunxiao sighed.

Qiongxiao on the side immediately asked: "How to distinguish between what is worthwhile and what is not worthwhile?" This question is the key.

What Mu Qingqing said is to give up some things that cannot be taught, and let the Jiejiao develop in moderation. Otherwise, if the Jiejiao develops without limit, the cause and effect it will inherit will not be able to bear, and even if the Chaos Creation Green Lotus is used to suppress the luck, it is estimated that it will not be able to suppress it.

Of course, this involves the choice of who to give up and who not to give up.

Mu Qingqing thought for a while and said slowly: "When you trace back to the roots! You will know how to choose!"

"Roots?" As soon as this was said, Niangniang Bixiao became curious.

Mu Qingqing paused and said slowly: "Pangu opened the sky and created the primitive world of heaven and earth. Nuwa created and created the inheritance of destiny. Then the Three Pure Ones established the Human Religion, the Explanation Religion, and the Jie Religion respectively. Although these three religions are established for all living beings, they all come from the human race!"

Although Mu Qingqing's tone was very gentle, it was like a thunderbolt, which made Niangniang Sanxiao's heart suddenly move. Yes, whether it is the Human Religion, the Explanation Religion, or the Jie Religion, they were all established after Niangniang Nuwa created humans. The Three Pure Ones became saints with the merits of establishing religions, but their reason was that Nuwa created humans.

Although the goal of the three religions is all living beings, the most important thing is undoubtedly to educate the human race, the protagonist of the way of heaven.

At the beginning of the Dragon and Han calamity, the protagonists of the Heavenly Dao were the ancient beasts such as the dragon clan and the phoenix and unicorn. They had little contribution to maintaining the Heavenly Dao world, but they fought for some petty gains, and even caused the prehistoric world to suffer. It was reasonable for them to withdraw from the prehistoric stage.

Then the war between the witches and the demons, the two clans also consumed each other madly, and the prehistoric world was broken. The Queen Mother Hou Tu had to incarnate the Six Paths, which alleviated the great calamity of the Heavenly Dao. And it was inevitable that they were rejected by the Heavenly Dao. And the Heavenly Dao chose the human race as the new protagonist of the Heavenly Dao, which was undoubtedly the general trend.

"The human race..." After listening to what Mu Qingqing said, the three queens were silent.

After a long while, the Queen Mother Yunxiao finally nodded and said: "The human race is undoubtedly the most suitable as the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao."

In the endless years, the Jiejiao began to reflect frantically on why the brilliant saintly tradition would eventually fail miserably. In the past, other people's explanations always said that Jiejiao had too many disciples and could not suppress its luck. However, from Mu Qingqing's words, Sanxiao Niangniang had a new understanding, that is, Jiejiao was in the wrong direction.

Jiejiao always thought about strengthening itself when accepting disciples, but forgot that the foundation of Jiejiao was actually the new world after the emergence of the human race.

Educating the human race is undoubtedly something that all three religions must pay attention to, and developing their own power is absolutely secondary. After all, under the constraints of the rules of the Heavenly Dao, no matter how strong you are, you can't be stronger than a saint.

At this time, Sanxiao Niangniang also had a little understanding in her heart. The original intention of the Heavenly Dao is to maintain the longevity of the Heavenly Dao, which is to follow the Heavenly Dao.

The Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan, they obtained too many resources from the Heavenly Dao world, but they consumed these resources in vain for internal fighting, which was a great harm to the Heavenly Dao, so the Heavenly Dao's luck would never stand on their side.

And the human race will undoubtedly become the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao, assuming the role of maintaining the world balance of the Heavenly Dao, and educating the human race is for the longevity of the Heavenly Dao.

"Whether it's the human race or the demon race, the one who maintains the eternal existence of the Heavenly Dao is the destiny of the Heavenly Dao!" Mu Qingqing said slowly.

"As a human race, how do you maintain the Heavenly Dao?" Empress Yunxiao smiled.

"The principle of the Heavenly Dao is in the heart, not in all things. Keeping my heart is all things!" Mu Qingqing said calmly.

At this time, she seemed to think of a person in her heart. Although she didn't remember the man's name at this time, she remembered his belief, that is, the powerful force of "following the Heavenly Dao and protecting all living beings", which influenced her in the dark.

Mu Qingqing even often saw the young man with merit and precious light when she entered into meditation, traveling with her in the mountains and seas, but it seemed that her memory was sealed and she could not remember the details.

"Not bad, not bad!" Empress Yunxiao looked at Mu Qingqing with more gentle eyes.

Afterwards, Xue Xishuang, Xie Xueyi, and Bai Yuni also passed the questions of the Three Goddesses. After that, the four of them became the direct disciples of the Three Immortals Island, and their cultivation also advanced by leaps and bounds to the realm of true immortals.

After a while, the Three Goddesses Island began to close the mountain, and the Three Goddesses also began to retreat, and no one came to visit. Although the island was still very peaceful, Mu Qingqing and the others felt that something big was about to happen.

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