Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1624: Ten Thousand Immortals Slaying Demons Formation

He Dong shook the storage ring, and in the blink of an eye, a jade talisman emitting mysterious light flew out of it. The jade talisman was pure white, with a dazzling light on it, and the two ancient characters "Kunlun" looked very imposing. This was the ancient inheritance Kunlun talisman that He Dong got. It was also because of this that he became the inheritor of the ancient Three Pure Ones.

When this thing came out, the Three Pure Ones saints who were watching the battle in the distance also smiled at each other. They seemed to think of the time when the three of them practiced together in the small courtyard on the top of Kunlun Mountain in the ancient prehistoric world.

But later, the three of them proved the Tao with different ideals, so the old saint went to Tushita Heaven, the saint Tongtian went to Jin'ao Island, and only Yuanshi Tianzun was still in Kunlun.

"Now seeing the Kunlun talisman that I made for my disciples again, it really feels like a lifetime ago!" The old saint said with a smile, and looked at Fang Yang and the others with a bit more kindness, obviously considering Fang Yang and the others as the inheritors of Taotong.

"But fortunately, we have set up a ban on the Kunlun world. Even if the prehistoric world is broken, we can still protect the original Kunlun fairyland!" Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile.

It is precisely because of the protection of the saints that the ancient prehistoric world was broken in one war after another. Although the fairyland where the ancient Kunlun Mountain is located has become a mortal realm, it has also escaped the great catastrophes of heaven and earth and survived, becoming the small world where He Dong's hometown Blue Star Earth is located in the future.

Moreover, with the protection of the saints' secret method, people from the outside world with high cultivation will be sealed if they rashly enter. In this way, Fang Yang used the seal of the earth to directly turn the immortals and demons who were chasing him into low-level cultivators, and then killed them all.

With the Kunlun Jade Talisman in charge, He Dong and Fang Yang jointly threw out the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation Map and the Zhuxian Formation Map. Of course, these are imitations repaired after obtaining some fragments of ancient inheritance.

Seeing Fang Yang and He Dong start to set up the formation, the attention of the Three Pure Ones was attracted. They cleverly combined two famous killing arrays from the prehistoric era.

"Although the arrays used by these younger generations were only repaired after birth, they also used a lot of clever array methods to make these killing arrays merge with each other, and their power was greatly improved!" Tongtian Saint smiled and praised.

"This array combines the Ten Thousand Immortals Array and the Immortal Sword Array, and is used to deal with many demons as the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Array!" Western Jieyin Saint also smiled and said.

"Thank you for the name, Saint!" He Dong was also smart, and immediately controlled the array with a jade talisman while bowing to the sky.

Seeing this, Jieyin Saint was not stingy, and immediately waved a golden light to bless the array, instantly making the array more powerful.

"However, if you want to set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Array, you need a lot of treasures. I wonder if they have this foundation." Yuanshi Tianzun smiled.

At this time, Zhang Lin on the side took out a large pile of gourds. He used his magic power to instantly fly out treasures from multiple gourds. What about the small Fantian seal, the small flying knife of the immortals, the small Pangu banner... Seeing the appearance of the ancient prehistoric magic weapons one by one, the saints could not help but be aroused by long-standing thoughts.

"I didn't expect these younger generations to be able to imitate so many prehistoric treasures!" Yuanshi Tianzun also looked appreciative when he saw the many treasures refined by Zhang Lin. You must know that Zhang Lin's treasure refining skills came from the "Guangcheng Treasure Scroll", and his fundamental mental methods for refining weapons all came from Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples. Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun instantly discovered the clues.

"These younger generations are really good, but if you want to activate this Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation, I'm afraid the manpower required will not be less!" Tongtian Saint sighed. You must know that he relied on his disciples to make the power of the formation reach its extreme. It should be known that the Jiejiao at the time was known as the Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to the Court, which is evident from this.

At this time, He Dong also summoned the Four Saints of Jiulong Island. They had also used the water of the Nine-Colored Immortal Pond in the Immortal Mansion and the Xirang to refine their bodies, and their cultivation had been restored to the level of Daluo Jinxian.

As soon as the four of them appeared, they saw the saints in the sky in the distance. They were disciples of Jiejiao, and they immediately knelt down with great excitement and bowed three times to the Saint Tongtian. Then they bowed to other saints, and finally rushed into the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation arranged by Fang Yang and others.

When the four saints of Jiulong Island guarded the four directions, the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation suddenly began to stabilize. At the same time, various magic weapons were suspended at the key points of each formation. For a while, there were bursts of golden light, thunder and fire, and a huge and magnificent formation gradually emerged.

Afterwards, Nuo Po began to use the witch clan's secret method, shaking his body and very tiny drops of blood soon emerged from his pores. After these drops of blood fell to the ground, they instantly turned into Nuo Po's war witch clones. In just a few breaths, many witch clan war witches appeared in the sky.

Then, these war witches rushed into the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation.

"With so many witch clan war witches, the power of the formation has increased greatly!" Nuwa Saint nodded and said.

At this moment, Fang Yang smiled. He frowned, and clones began to rush out of the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion world.

Fang Qiang, Fang Dacheng, Fang Yi, Fang Er, Fang San... One by one, the clones exuded golden light of merit, and at the same time protected their bodies with the power of the rules of the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion world. Most of them have reached the level of Golden Immortal.

You know, Fang Yang had a plan of "One Person's Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" at the beginning, and wanted to use the Nine-Colored Immortal Pond of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion to copy his clones so that he could control the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation alone. Therefore, Fang Yang started the clone plan over the years.

Especially after Fang Yang followed Nuwa's clones and obtained a lot of merit power, he began to refine these clones into merit gold bodies. After obtaining a large amount of eternal star spirit liquid in the void abyss, the strength of these clones also increased rapidly.

Now, Fang Yang already has thousands of clones. Although there is still some gap from the "one person's ten thousand immortals formation" plan, with the cooperation of Nuo Po's many war witches, the plan of this formation has come to fruition.

As Fang Yang's many clones entered the formation, the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation suddenly shone brightly, and its power increased several times, forming a huge golden cloud in the sky.

In the cloud, there was the Lingxiao Palace of the former Heavenly Court, the phantom of the ancient ancestor witch, and the grand occasion of the ancient Jiejiao's ten thousand immortals. For a time, the saints praised the mystery of this formation, and many sky masters were moved by this scene.

Then, the golden cloud where the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation was located went directly to the side of the demon creatures. The golden light quickly enveloped many demonic creatures that rushed over, and quickly turned them into ashes. Its power was terrifying.

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