Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1636: Innate Spiritual Treasure Red Hydrangea

At this time, several big demons have already found that something is wrong.

You should know that their original layout is almost linked together, because these demon puppets were forcibly integrated into the broken Hongmeng purple energy by the demon ancestor Luohou, so they became the key to invading the Heavenly Dao and almost merged with the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, their control over the Heavenly Dao is definitely not comparable to those ordinary Heaven-controlling Masters. Moreover, if they encounter danger, the Heavenly Dao Law will be the first to sense it and send down an extremely powerful thunder tribulation, which is enough to kill Fang Yang and the others, as well as many cultivators who set up the formation.

In this way, these demon puppets have become existences that cannot be killed or killed. Similarly, even if the saints want to attack them, they will be backfired by the Heavenly Dao Law. In this way, the demon puppets have become a bug-like existence of the Heavenly Dao Law.

So these demons are not worried about the danger of the demon puppets, because these demon puppets are almost unsolvable under the scope of the Heavenly Dao. However, unexpectedly, Fang Yang and his team also played dirty this time, and came up with a Heavenly Dao script-killing, directly kidnapping morals, letting these demon puppets play "disco" in front of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and took the initiative to swear that this was just like a sacrifice, and would not trigger any backlash from the Heavenly Dao.

After all, these demon puppets swore an oath and took the initiative to surrender to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and the Heavenly Dao law procedure was flawless. It can be said that being killed by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian was their subjective will, so the Heavenly Dao could not bring down the law of backlash. In this way, the protective closed loop formed by the originally unbreakable power of the law directly had a gap.

At the same time, one after another of the Hongmeng purple air began to be quickly absorbed by the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion, and Fang Yang's cultivation began to soar. His body became full of purple air and vitality, and even had a sacred feeling beyond the immortals.

"Something is wrong. With so many demon puppets entering, even if a saint fought alone, he would probably be beaten and vomited blood. Why is there still no sign of his formation breaking!" The Lord of Destruction became more and more worried.

However, at this moment, the space tunnel launched by Mu Ling'er with her innate magical power was formed in the void again. Because the power of the world law of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion surged, Fang Yang's cultivation also began to soar, and the power of the formation was like a volcanic eruption.

In this way, the suction of the void tunnel also increased several times. Almost at the same time, the last two demon god images left in the outside world, together with the demon puppet monks inside, were all sucked into the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation.

"What's going on?" The Lord of Greed was a little confused. He seemed to feel a trace of greed from the other party, so he quickly collected the last demon god image and many demon puppets.

"Did they find a way to fight against the demon puppets?" The Lord of Devouring was shocked. He immediately looked up at the sky, but found that the calamity cloud had completely dissipated, and even some faint rainbows appeared, as if the law of heaven was in a state of joy.

"There is nothing wrong with the law of heaven. Daozu and Demonzu are both imprisoned in that mysterious space!" The Lord of Pride shook his head and said arrogantly. "They absolutely cannot fight against these demon puppets. They probably want to learn from Daozu and seal these demon puppets with the power of the formation!"

"Hmph, these ants in the fairy world all follow Daozu's example, but they fail to draw a tiger and end up drawing a dog!" The Lord of Jealousy sneered. In his opinion, Fang Yang and his men were just moths flying into a flame and mantis trying to stop a chariot, and they couldn't delay for long.

"But if they seal the demon puppets, the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation, which has a bluffing name, will be useless. In this case, we will directly let the demon creatures attack the saints and use the lives of all the demon creatures to consume the saints' luck and merits." The Lord of Destruction laughed cruelly and resentfully.

The demon heads nodded, and then stopped caring about the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Formation, but mobilized many demon creatures, transformed into waves of black demon energy, and rushed towards the six saints in the sky like crazy.

At this time, many saints changed their expressions. You should know that even if the Saint Laojun only defended and did not attack, those demons crashed into his defensive light shield and died, which would also reduce their merits and make their cultivation level drop rapidly.

"Brothers, why don't you let me do it!" At this time, the Saint Tongtian was furious. He was originally a saint who was decisive in killing, so how could he bear this breath.

The Saint Tongtian said: "Let me use the supreme sword of killing to kill all the demons. Sacrificing me can also allow you to truly complete the great cause of supporting the heavenly way!"

"Brother, you can't!" Saint Laojun immediately stopped him and said, "These demons borrowed the creatures of the Eternal Demon Abyss, which is almost endless, but the merits we have are finite. Using the finite to shake the infinite is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. At that time, I am afraid that we will sacrifice in vain!"

"Let us do it!" Saint Jieyin and Saint Zhunti said. Then the two of them joined forces, and at this time they actually used the Buddhist Golden Light Demon-Suppressing Secret Method.

You should know that this Buddhist sect was founded by two people in the West, with the help of other saints, and is a sect dedicated to fighting against the devil. The saint used the Buddhist golden light to subdue the devil secret technique, and in an instant, the sky was full of flowers, the Buddhist chants roared, and the heaven and earth shook.

In an instant, the devil's black air like a torrent was resisted, and endless brutal roars came from the black air.

When these devil creatures came into contact with the golden light, they were quickly fixed by the devil-subduing golden light, and then the golden light did not hurt their lives, but began to convert these monsters.

"It works!" said the saint Laojun, nodding.

However, as more and more demon creatures appeared, the barrier formed by the Golden Light Demon Secret Method also encountered stronger and stronger pressure. At this time, some demons began to actively eat the outer wall of the Golden Light Demon Secret Array. When they devoured the golden light, the Buddhist holy power and the source of demons in their bodies immediately had a fierce confrontation.

"Boom...", a demon was blown to pieces.

Other demons seemed to have been reminded and began to eat the golden light barrier frantically. They directly devoured the golden light that saved them, so that the sound of "boom... boom..." explosions was endless.

At this time, the originally thick seven-color merit and virtue light on the bodies of the Saint Jieyin and the Saint Zhunti actually began to weaken visibly.

"Oh no, these demons' self-destruction is actually counted on us!" The Saint Jieyin was pale. They had to retreat under the golden light to avoid consuming the source of merit under the endless self-explosion of demon creatures.

"These demons are so hateful that we can't do it!" The Saint Tongtian was furious at this time.

"These demons can't be killed, maybe this thing can!" Nuwa Saint flipped her hand, and a pink hydrangea with a diameter of more than one foot appeared in her hand. On the hydrangea, there were beads hanging from the necklace, and the rings jingled, emitting pink light.

"The best innate spiritual treasure, the holy vessel of merit and virtue - the red hydrangea!" The saints were delighted.

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