Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1641 Reversing Time and Space

At this time, Fang Yang's power had completely bound the overwhelming demon monks in the world he controlled. However, these monsters had already lost their consciousness. They roared like wild beasts and tried desperately to break free from these restraints.

Seeing this scene, although the Six Demons of Kaitian were dodging the attacks of the saints at this time, they still laughed at Fang Yang with a resentful voice: "How despicable, declaring the saint's oath to a group of zombies, I guess not only can't become a saint, but also will be backfired!"

"If you want to convert my demon sons and grandsons, don't even think about it. I would rather turn them all into zombies than let this bastard take advantage!" The Lord of Arrogance sneered.

"I have achieved the supreme way now, how can I not know the destiny!" Fang Yang smiled slightly, saying, "Time and space, reverse!!!"

As the primordial purple air emanating from Fang Yang directly enveloped the entire space, all the power of the laws began to form an endless river.

And with Fang Yang's blessing, this river of laws actually began to flow in the opposite direction.

"How is it possible... He can actually reverse time and space!" Many demons were so shocked at this time. The other saints were also extremely shocked.

The face of the Saint Laojun changed, and then he showed a sudden smile: "I am afraid that this small world has already merged with him. He is actually the absolute master of this world. With the help of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he may have understood the endless heavenly way, so he can use such a great magical power in the small world he controls!"

As Fang Yang performed the secret technique of reversing time and space, many demon monks who had just been killed by the six old demons with secret methods instantly regained their spiritual wisdom. Just after a mysterious process just now, they have completely escaped the control of the demon way and integrated into Fang Yang's world law.

"Lord Wolf, we are out of the devil's way, we can love each other!"

"Sister Toad, I thought I would never see you again, we can finally be together, never separate!"

"Brother Snail..." "Sister Centipede..." Many "lovers" of the devil's way who had just been cut off by the devil's way monks began to be together happily again, performing one touching drama after another of love and reunion.

However, they no longer have any devil's breath. When the six original devils began to erase their spiritual wisdom, their relationship with the devil's origin had been cut off, and they were just controlled by these devils as puppets. After Fang Yang's salvation and refinement, they finally ushered in a new life.

At one time, thousands of demonic cultivators knelt down in the direction of Fang Yang and shouted sincerely: "Saint, have mercy!"

Fang Yang smiled and said: "You have escaped from the abyss of the Ten Thousand Demons and entered my Qingyuan world. You are no longer the ancestors of the demons. From now on, you are sentient beings in my Qingyuan world!"

Fang Yang's words, with the heavenly law in his mouth, turned directly into runes and merged into the world. Many demonic creatures who came to join him were extremely excited. This means that from today on, they have a new identity and are completely separated from the demonic path.

"We are grateful for the saint's mercy, and are willing to listen to the saint's words, practice the holy path, escape from the sea of ​​suffering forever, and never fall into the demonic path!" Many creatures had supreme enlightenment in their hearts. They kept kowtowed to Fang Yang, and at the same time, they responded to Fang Yang's oath of becoming a saint with their own oaths.

For a time, the world shook, and an inexplicable force began to move around Fang Yang.

It is difficult for a life to be born in a certain place, but from then on, these original demon creatures had a new beginning. They were no longer drawn by the demon power in the abyss of the Ten Thousand Demons, and could choose the meaning of life again from their own heart. And Fang Yang's avenue became their salvation.

For a time, Fang Yang's Qingyuan Immortal Mansion world was shining with holy light, and the laws of the world and the hearts of all beings began to resonate wonderfully. This process frightened the six demons of Kaitian, and also made the saints of Tiandao feel very emotional.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many unexpected things in Fang Yang's sainthood!" Yuanshi Tianzun exclaimed with a smile. "It seems that he has completed the last condition of becoming a saint! With the same heart as heaven and earth!"

Of course, Fang Yang became a saint in the Qingyuan world, not the Tiandao world outside, but a saint is a saint. Although the rules of the world they live in are slightly different, the power increase they have achieved is similar.

Of course, in the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion world controlled by Fang Yang, there are also a large number of demon cultivators, witch cultivators, human cultivators, and many plant spirits.

They don't have to go through the process of reversing time and space, so the power of the law turns into golden petals, falls into their consciousness, and improves their Yuanshen cultivation.

For a time, many plant spirits turned into human forms, and some very old plants directly advanced to immortals. Of course, Fang Yang's original cultivation, Yuzhu, Yuyan, Wuxing Tongzi, Xuanming, Huoyun Haitang, etc., became the five ancestors in charge of plant spirits. Ice Phoenix Fang Bingbing has now advanced to the Golden Immortal and has become a general under the command of the Demon King Qian Duoduo.

At this time, the Buddhist Zizhu, who had been born for hundreds of millions of years, has also turned into a purple monk, with a dazzling golden light of Buddhism on his body, and his cultivation is not inferior to that of the Buddhist Immortal Emperor.

At this time, even the Saints Jie Yin and Zhunti were extremely pleased. You must know that in order to retaliate against Buddhism, the Demon Ancestor Rāhu slaughtered Buddhist monks wantonly. Even the Buddhist Immortal Emperor chosen by the Heavenly Dao had his fortune plundered by them and his position occupied by others, which made Buddhism increasingly withered.

However, at this time, Zizhu achieved the status of the Buddha Emperor in the Qingyuan World, which indeed made the Buddhist lineage continue. This made them happy and they also owed Fang Yang a big favor.

At this time, Fang Yang's sacred light shone brighter and brighter. Soon, three extremely bright flowers of law appeared on his head. Five streams of gas lingered around him, seven colors of light lingered for thousands of miles, and auspicious clouds covered the entire Qingyuan World.

Three flowers gathered at the top of the head, five qi returned to the origin, merits and virtues were shining, and auspicious clouds were thousands of miles long!

Fang Yang, a saint!

At this time, Fang Yang's saintly light shone, and all the creatures illuminated by the holy light were blessed and blessed. One by one, their cultivation was improved, their thoughts were channeled, and they were infinitely happy.

As the masters of the Qingyuan World, the Void Octopus and the Demon Master Kunpeng began to soar in strength after receiving Fang Yang's blessing. They could even transform into entities with the power of merits and virtues. In the Qingyuan World, the power can even reach the level comparable to that of a saint.

At this moment, Master Kunpeng even had an urge to cry, this was what they had dreamed of.

Fang Yang started preaching directly.

"I wish that all sentient beings in the Qingyuan world will be able to marry lovers, that those who work hard will be rewarded by heaven, that those who do good will be rewarded by heaven, and that those who do evil will be punished..."

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