Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 18: Broken Ancient Book

"It's really dangerous. It's the legendary obsession. Fortunately, my inner strength is weak, otherwise my energy would flow wildly and my meridians would burst."

Fang Yang was frightened when he thought about it, and the smell of sweat all over his body made him feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was a lotus pond not far away.

At this time, Fang Yang felt like he was being burned because he had become a demon. When he saw the lotus pond, it was like seeing a savior.

Without thinking, he jumped into the lotus pond with a "plop~~" sound.

A cool feeling spread from his skin, making Fang Yang feel refreshed, as if the pores on his body were open and breathing freely.

But Fang Yang suddenly felt that something was wrong, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"Well, this~~Hmm~~~I don't seem to remember. I can swim, right?"

Fang Yang immediately realized that although he grew up in the mountains, his upbringing was very strict and his parents did not allow him to play in the water, so he did not learn to swim.

This time it was also because he had just become possessed and was in a trance. The burning sensation on his body made him extremely uncomfortable, so when he saw the lotus pond, he jumped in without thinking.

After Fang Yang reacted immediately, he started flopping in the water.

"What to do, what to do..." Fang Yang was a little flustered.

Because he practiced martial arts, he found a remote place where almost no one came. For a moment, Fang Yang didn't even have anyone to call for help, and he was very worried.

However, after Fang Yang splashed in the water a few times, he gradually realized that he had not sunk.

He calmed down and thought about it, and found out that he had actually used the moves in "Guiyou Gong" subtly.

These moves look weird on the shore, but they turn out to be very flexible and delicate in the water.

"It turns out that this "Turtle Swim Kung Fu" can only be practiced in water. No wonder the postures are so strange, and many of the movements are unimaginable on land."

Fang Yang suddenly became enlightened.

He also felt that the warmth in his body was increasing with the method of "Guiyou Gong" to develop energy. Obviously, this kung fu also increased the cultivation of internal strength.

And while Fang Yang was practicing the "Turtle Swimming Skill" in the water, a lot of heat suddenly poured out of his acupuncture points.

This heat suddenly filled Fang Yang's meridians, making him suddenly have inexhaustible strength, making him like an arrow leaving the string in the water.

"This kung fu was so slow and embarrassing on land, but now in the water, it's so fast!"

What surprised Fang Yang even more was that by following the breathing method of "Turtle Swimming Gong", Fang Yang was able to hold his breath in the water for a long time.

"This..." Fang Yang said with enlightenment, "Is this the turtle's breath?" Fang Yang felt ecstatic in his heart.

Ever since Fang Yang discovered the secret of "Turtle Swimming Technique", he would go to a remote place in the backyard under the big tree and in the lotus pond to practice "Qi Nourishing Technique" and "Turtle Swimming Technique" every day.

As a result, although Fang Yang's internal strength is still growing very slowly, it is much faster than before.

A few months later, Fang Yang jumped from being among the worst new disciples to being in the middle of the pack.

Although he was far inferior to Ma Dali and the others, Fang Yang was still very happy.

In his opinion, "Finally no need to be at the bottom", this is indeed a good thing.

Through studying in the inner courtyard, he has mastered the knowledge of meridians and learned Western seal script through some martial arts secrets, and has also made very good progress.

One night, another disciple of Master Chen named Zhang Ye came to Fang Yang and said that Master Chen had important instructions.

Fang Yang did not dare to neglect at all, and followed Zhang Ye directly to Beiyuan where Chief Chen was.

Beiyuan, where Chief Chen is located, is an elegant courtyard in which many precious medicinal materials are grown.

As soon as he entered the door, Fang Yang smelled the strong aroma of medicine, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Deacon Chen changed his appearance as a shrewd and capable businessman in the past. Instead, he sat on a futon in the courtyard’s medicine field and meditated.

Seeing Fang Yang coming, he smiled lightly and walked out of the medicine field.

As soon as he waved his hand, Zhang Ye bowed and retreated.

"It's been a year since you came to Baimen. How's your studies going? How's your ancient seal script writing going?"

Chief Chen didn't say anything else, but asked directly about the ancient seal script.

"I have learned a lot, but my tutor said that ancient seal script is so complicated that even he has only scratched the surface. He can only learn a drop in the bucket in a few months. Fortunately, I learned it from my family when I was a child, so I learned more deeply than other disciples. some."

Fang Yang's words are watertight.

In a few sentences, he not only expressed the difficulty of Western Seal Script, but also expressed that he had a higher talent for learning Western Seal Script.

This was also Fang Yang's tentative answer.

After one year, Fang Yang has grown another year, and his mind has gradually matured.

Of course, on the surface, Fang Yang still showed the smile that a child should have, so that Director Chen did not notice the changes in his heart at all.

"Well, that's good!" Director Chen sighed and said, "You have to learn ancient seal characters carefully. I never learned them when I was a teacher, and now there are many obstacles in my practice."

However, Chief Chen seemed to have remembered something and stopped talking.

Director Chen carefully took out a broken ancient book from his arms and said, "Since you said you have learned something, then I will give you a good test as a teacher."

"Do you know what's on the cover of this book?"

Chief Chen asked, pointing to a few ancient seal characters the size of copper coins on the book.

However, although he pointed at the writing, his eyes were staring at Fang Yang, observing Fang Yang's subtle changes.

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