Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 2 In troubled times, human life is worthless

"I'll go with you, eight cents of silver, not a cent less!" Fang Yang said firmly.

"But I have to say goodbye to my parents first."

Although Fang Yang was small, he was very determined, and then he began to comfort his parents.

"Brother Yang, please!" Zhang Erhua then showed a flattering smile again.

At this time, hearing Fang Yang's price, the burly man Zhang Bao put his hand in Zhang Erhua's ear and whispered:

"Eight cents of silver, Erhua, you are crazy!"

"Don't other children only have two or three cents of silver? Why do you have to give eight cents?"

"You know shit!"

Zhang Erhua looked at the Fang family who were saying goodbye, and found that he was not noticed, so he was relieved.

"This child of the Fang family can read and understand all books and scriptures. If he can be sold to a rich family in the city as a companion, he will be worth at least ten or twenty taels of silver, and we can directly make more than twenty times more."

Zhang Erhua said in a low voice.

"So that's it!" Zhang Bao suddenly realized. "Why don't they dare to go into the city by themselves?"

"Go by themselves? Do they have any connections? And there are bandits killing people on the way!"

"Bandits?" Zhang Bao was a little worried.

"If there were no bandits killing people on the way to the city, and the patrol soldiers in the city did not allow refugees to enter the city, and killed several people, I am afraid that many mountain people would have gone to the city to seek refuge by themselves." Zhang Erhua whispered.

"Will the bandits target us? Is our trip also dangerous?" Zhang Bao worried.

"Hehe, I secretly inquired clearly. Today is June 14th, the birthday of the city lord. There are cavalry patrolling the city. The bandits dare not come out only today." Zhang Erhua's eyes were full of cunning.

The two whispered to each other, making Fang Yang think that they wanted to change their minds.

Fang Yang broke free from his mother's hand, knelt down and kowtowed to his parents several times, and then got on the donkey cart without looking back.

Zhang Erhua was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly handed a few coins to Fang Yan, took out the written contract, grabbed Fang Yan's hand, and pressed his fingerprint.

Then Zhang Erhua threw half a bag of brown rice over, jumped on the donkey cart and ran all the way, fearing that the Fang family would go back on their word.

Half an hour later, the donkey cart stopped at the entrance of the neighboring village again.

Fang Yang knew the child who came up this time. His name was Wang Tieniu, and he was the child of a tenant in the neighboring village.

Wang Tieniu was only eleven years old, one month younger than Fang Yang.

But he was stronger than Fang Yang, and looked like thirteen or fourteen years old, with quite brute force.

This made Zhang Erhua and Zhang Bao frown.

Although Fang Yang knew Wang Tieniu, he was now being trafficked like an animal, so neither of them was happy to meet each other. They just smiled bitterly and nodded to each other gently.

When the donkey cart was far away from the village road, Zhang Erhua, who was driving the cart, immediately gave Zhang Bao a fierce look.

Zhang Bao nodded, rushed over immediately, and grabbed Wang Tieniu's left leg.

"What do you want to do!" Wang Tieniu didn't react at all to what happened, and screamed in fear.

Zhang Bao grabbed Tieniu's left leg, twisted it suddenly, and then pressed his whole body on it.

Zhang Bao was originally big and strong, and now he pressed his whole body's strength on it, and his strength was even more terrifying.

"Crack..." Tieniu's leg broke.

"Ah..." Then Tieniu screamed, the sound was extremely shrill.

Tieniu's left leg immediately swelled up, and he was unable to move at all. Obviously, his left leg had been broken alive.

Big drops of sweat flowed down Tieniu's forehead, and he kept howling.

"Tieniu, what's wrong?" Fang Yang roared, "What are you doing?"

"Humph, you have been sold to us, your life is ours! We can do whatever we want!"

Zhang Bao said viciously.

Except for Fang Yang, who was relatively calm in the donkey cart, all the children in the cart were scared and cried.

The donkey cart was in chaos.

Fang Yang read a lot of books, and compared with ordinary children, he had some of the temperament of a scholar who was calm in the face of danger.

However, Fang Yang's heart was like a storm when he saw Tie Niu's bones being twisted and broken.

"Humph, this little bull looks very strong. If I don't break his legs, he might run away when I'm not paying attention. Then I'll lose a lot."

Zhang Erhua said with a ferocious look on his face.

"Yes, it's better to break his legs than to let him run away! And it's better to break his legs. Send him to Fengcheng to be a beggar and ask for money honestly!" Zhang Bao also laughed cruelly on the side.

"Hahaha, that's right, beggars with broken legs usually ask for more money, haha!" Zhang Erhua also laughed.

The brutal conversation between the two made Fang Yang feel angry.

"It hurts~~ It hurts~~ Woo woo..." Tie Niu fainted after wailing for a while.

Fang Yang had read some broken medical books at home and knew that if this continued, Tie Niu's legs might be disabled.

"I want to poop!" Fang Yang suddenly yelled before the donkey cart had gone far.

Many children were scared to the point of peeing their pants just now. When Fang Yang said that, they all responded, "I want to poop too~~~"

"I want to poop too!"

"I~~I peed my pants~~~Woo~~"

Zhang Erhua also smelled the stench in the car, so he had no choice but to stop the donkey cart.

"You guys should be honest, otherwise this is the fate of this barbarian boy!" Zhang Erhua said viciously.

Fang Yang got the chance to look around under the car, broke off a few dead branches as thick as his arms, and tore off a few strips of cloth from his rags, and tied Wang Tieniu's broken leg on the car to make a small splint.

"You kid can also treat injuries?" Zhang Erhua looked disdainful.

"I've read medical books. If you don't treat him, if he can't bear it and dies, you won't get a single coin."

Fang Yang retorted, which made the two rogues not stop him.

Zhang Erhua nodded, then took out a few cracked sesame seed cakes and a gourd filled with water from his bag, and handed them over impatiently.

I guess he was also afraid that if someone died, they would lose money.

Along the way, the children were afraid of staying in the dim donkey cart. From time to time, children would have to get off for convenience.

Although the two rogues were very dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do.

But in this way, the speed of the donkey cart will be much slower.

Originally, the two scoundrels wanted to rush to Dafeng City in the evening, but now it was getting late and they had to travel more than a hundred miles.

At this time, there are still more than twenty miles away from Dafeng City.

"Damn it, lazy cows and lazy horses pee a lot. It's dark, and it's not peaceful outside Fengcheng!"

Zhang Bao's face became increasingly ugly.

Gloomy black clouds also gathered in the sky, which was so oppressive that it made people feel depressed.

"Bang~~" Suddenly the donkey cart bumped against a stone, and the wheels of the cart were directly damaged.

"What the hell, what a broken car. Repair it quickly. It looks like it's going to rain." Zhang Bao cursed.

Zhang Bao and Zhang Erhua had to jump out of the car.

"You bastards, get out of the car for me, I want to repair the car." Zhang Erhua yelled.

A group of children were eager to get out of the car and quickly jumped out of the car.

"If you dare to run away from me, I will skin you!" Zhang Erhua threatened, making the children tremble in fear.

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