Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 27: Soul Gathering Pill

"What a god of wealth, a broken stove was sold for 40 taels!" The shopkeeper was delighted.

You know, he bought this thing for 4 taels of silver, and the book only cost 35 copper coins.

The shopkeeper felt that he had made a fortune this time.

After Fang Yang returned to the White Fan Gate, he immediately closed the doors and windows and carefully studied the "True Explanation of Dan Fu" he had just received.

"The way of Dan Fu is mysterious and profound. It is the secret of cultivation, the wonder of magic, and the cleverness of heaven and earth..."

Fang Yang read through this ancient book written in ancient seal characters in less than three or four hours.

Fang Yang felt that this "True Explanation of Dan Fu" talked about many basic principles about elixirs and talismans.

"I'm afraid this is a book about the lowest-level and simple elixirs and talismans among cultivators." Fang Yang guessed.

However, this is very useful for Fang Yang, a beginner who knows nothing.

"It turns out that the way of alchemy and talismans are also the key to cultivation."

Fang Yang read these prefaces and understood the so-called immortal masters better.

"I have been practicing hard for more than half a year, but my progress is very slow. It turns out that there are many tricks in cultivation!"

Fang Yang realized that elixir is one of the shortcuts to cultivation.

The elixir made with so-called spiritual objects can increase the speed of cultivation.

Even when breaking through the bottleneck, taking elixir can smoothly pass the bottleneck and improve cultivation.

"And the talisman method is also very magical. You can use special talisman paper to seal the spell on the talisman paper according to certain rules. When you use it in the future, you only need to use the talisman paper, and you don't even need to consume your own true energy."

These superficial knowledge of elixir and talismans has opened Fang Yang's eyes.

In addition, "The True Explanation of Alchemy and Talisman" also records several elixir recipes and the production methods of several low-level talismans.

Although the records are all low-level elixirs, they also require medicinal materials that are decades or hundreds of years old.

Several of them are relatively precious medicinal materials.

The talisman is even more troublesome. It needs the best pure cinnabar as raw material, and the skin of monsters or special talisman paper can be used to condense the spell into the talisman.

Fang Yang found a recipe for "Qi Gathering Pill" from the pill recipe.

For no other reason, most of the medicinal materials in this recipe are relatively ordinary.

There is only one special material, which is the ginseng that needs to be more than 100 years old as the main medicine.

And Fang Yang happened to snatch a 100-year-old ginseng from Luo Liang.

And judging from the temperature, the ginseng is probably 200 to 300 years old.

Fang Yang's friends, Ma Dali and others were assigned to the Changzhen Medicine Hall of Baishanmen. It is naturally easy to buy the remaining alchemy medicinal materials in the pill recipe from them.

But medicinal materials that are more than 100 years old are almost treasures, and you can't buy them even if you want to.

In the next half a month, Fang Yang went to Changzhen Medicine Hall whenever he had time and bought medicinal materials in small quantities and multiple times.

Some medicinal materials were even bought privately from Ma Dali and others, and no one else knew.

Fang Yang only said that he was injured some time ago and wanted to learn medicine making so that he could heal himself in the future.

They all thought that Fang Yang was not good at martial arts and wanted to change his career to make medicine in the future, so they were very supportive.

Therefore, Fang Yang's action this time was not suspected.

In addition, Fang Yang directly asked Sun Zhenzhen, who ran a pharmacy at home, to get some ordinary herbs in the pill formula.

This time, Fang Yang prepared the herbs in ten portions, and at the same time, he also divided the century-old ginseng into ten portions and put them into the medicine bag respectively.

"Finally, I have gathered the ingredients for ten sets of pills! But where to make the pills has become a problem!"

If it is made in the White Fan Gate, whether it succeeds or not, it will probably attract attention. Then Fang Yang's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

It was the first day of the new year again. Fang Yang came to the backyard of a private house in Dafeng City early in the morning. There was a small shop selling mountain products in front of it.

In addition to the rooms for people to live in the back, there is also a small and elegant courtyard in the inner courtyard.

This place is a bit remote, but it is just right for making pills.

This is the mountain goods store run by Mr. Qi, and Tie Niu is here to help Mr. Qi.

It turned out that when Fang Yang returned to Fengcheng, he took out silver and asked Mr. Qi to buy a shop and do some business.

In the future, Mr. Qi will not have to work hard anymore. Mr. Qi was born as an old hunter and knows the mountain products such as animal skins and herbs.

With the support of Fang Yang, the disciple in charge of the White Fan Sect, the ruffians dare not come to cause trouble.

In the past six months, the business of this small shop has been getting better and better.

Today, Mr. Qi and Tie Niu knew that Fang Yang had something important to do here to refine pills, so they were very careful.

They even closed the store on the grounds of repairing the house, fearing that the noise caused by doing business would affect Fang Yang.

The method of refining pills in cultivation is completely different from the method of making medicine in the rivers and lakes.

The method of making medicine in the rivers and lakes is to use slicing, boiling, medicinal soup, and pill making to make powders and pills.

To refine the elixir, a sealed alchemy furnace must be used and the elixir must be refined in the furnace.

The old alchemy furnace that Fang Yang bought was exactly the right one for the alchemy furnace required in the "True Explanation of the Alchemy Fu".

Fang Yang was very glad that he bought the right thing. If he had used an ordinary medicine furnace, it would have been difficult to refine the elixir.

Fang Yang took out a batch of materials and put them into the medicine furnace with the mountain spring water prepared in advance.

He used the jade medicine pestle to mash the medicine box and spring water as required, and only covered the furnace lid after the medicine was evenly mixed.

The alchemy process recorded in "The True Explanation of Alchemy Fu" is very particular.

For example, you cannot touch the medicinal materials with other objects, and even when stirring the medicinal materials, you must use pure jade.

Therefore, this medicine pestle alone cost Fang Yang three hundred taels of silver.

In the process of alchemy, there are repeated hand seals, and you must cooperate with the true energy to guide the heat to form a vortex in the alchemy furnace, so that the elixir can be gradually formed.

Fang Yang had studied the alchemy process for no less than dozens of times in advance, but when he really had to do it in practice, he still seemed a little nervous.

Fang Yang placed the fine charcoal blocks prepared in advance under the alchemy furnace, and then used the true energy to activate the fireball technique.

The true energy fire instantly ignited the charcoal blocks.

The furnace burned for one or two hours. In order to make the firewood burn evenly enough, Fang Yang only dared to add and subtract charcoal blocks little by little.

And if the firepower was insufficient, he would immediately control a fireball technique to replenish it in time.

This not only made Fang Yang highly nervous, but also made him a little tired from constantly performing the fireball technique.

In addition, Fang Yang is also worried about the last step of alchemy, which is also the most critical furnace opening.

This requires grasping the timing of opening the furnace to produce the elixir.

During the process of alchemy, the liquid medicine in the alchemy furnace will automatically condense the elixir gradually.

If the furnace is opened too early, the medicinal power of the liquid medicine has not been fully stimulated, and the elixir has not been completely condensed, which is a semi-finished elixir.

At this time, the elixir has only four or five points of medicinal power, or even two or three points of medicinal power, and the efficacy is seriously insufficient, resulting in waste.

Fang Yang silently recalled in his heart that if the furnace is opened too late, the elixir is more likely to be coked in the furnace and become a waste elixir directly.

Waste elixir contains a lot of impurities and toxins.

This kind of waste elixir cannot be eaten. If eaten, it will not only be of no help to cultivation, but will cause great damage to the body, and usually can only be thrown away with pain.

In order to master the temperature of condensing the elixir out of the furnace, it is necessary to go through a long period of alchemy operation.

After refining for two hours, the time for pill production according to the recipe has come. Fang Yang immediately used his true energy to control the lid of the pill furnace and said, "Open~~~" The lid flew up, and a burnt smell came out of the pill furnace.

"Ah~~~ I failed~~"

Fang Yang shook his head, but he was not discouraged.

He first meditated to restore his true energy, while carefully recalling the process of refining the pill just now, looking for the problem.

After that, Fang Yang went to the backyard of Uncle Qi's shop to refine pills every first and fifteenth day of the month.

At the beginning, five furnaces of pills were wasted in a row.

Either the fire could not be controlled, or the time to open the furnace to produce pills could not be grasped. As a result, a large number of semi-finished products and waste pills were refined, which made Fang Yang heartbroken.

As soon as the pill furnace was opened, a strong smell of burnt smell came out, choking Fang Yang to tears, and he could hardly sit in the room.

One and a half months later, Fang Yang finally succeeded in refining a furnace of elixirs.

When the furnace was opened, a warm and refreshing elixir fragrance filled the whole room.

The fragrance was intoxicating and almost irresistible.

Nine white pills the size of lotus seeds were quietly lying in the furnace.

Finally, three furnaces of pills were refined with ten materials.

The first two furnaces only had nine pills.

The last furnace actually produced twelve pills.

A total of thirty pills.

Although this Juling Pill is a low-level elixir, the smell is already very comfortable.

Fang Yang knew that although these pills were low-level elixirs, they also needed immortal masters to take them.

If a mortal without true energy took them rashly, he would be in great danger because he could not guide the true energy.

The method of taking this pill is very simple, just swallow it directly.

That day, Fang Yang was meditating in a quiet room in the courtyard.

He first adjusted his condition to the best, then took out a pill of Juling Pill and swallowed the whole pill directly.

Then, he began to practice the technique to absorb the medicinal power of the pill.

The last time Fang Yang took the snake gall of the red phosphorus python, if there was no pond, Fang Yang could use the turtle swimming technique to dissolve the powerful and domineering true energy, he would probably have died.

Such experience made Fang Yang extremely sensitive to the spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

In order to be on the safe side, Fang Yang also asked Mr. Qi and others to dig a small pond in the yard in advance.

When taking the Juling Pill, there was no violent reaction like taking snake gall.

There was a warm and peaceful feeling in the abdomen, and the Juling Pill melted very slowly in the abdomen.

Like a trickle, it flows through the body's meridians and finally disappears in the mud pill.

The melting and absorption time of the Juling Pill is very long, and it takes half a day to completely absorb its medicinal power.

But it is smooth and continuous, and will not cause serious impact on the meridians.

After spending four or five hours meditating, Fang Yang finally absorbed and transformed the entire elixir, then he exhaled a long breath, opened his eyes, and suppressed the joy and excitement in his heart.

"Sure enough, the elixir mentioned in "The True Explanation of the Alchemy" is indeed a must-have for cultivators!"

This elixir alone can actually equal his one-month meditation and hard work.

As long as Fang Yang takes one elixir every two or three days, it is estimated that within two months, he can break through to the third level.

Fang Yang sighed in his heart.

Afterwards, after several experiments, Fang Yang crushed the elixir and divided it into several portions for Tie Niu and Old Man Qi to take.

Fang Yang diluted the elixir, and when they took it, Fang Yang was always by their side to protect them.

To prevent them from going astray.

Tie Niu was fine. Although he had no true energy, he was very young and strong. With Fang Yang's help, he not only dissolved the drug power, but also developed internal strength.

As for Mr. Qi, he was in danger.

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