Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 31 Mysterious Mountain

After walking through a narrow passage of more than 30 feet, Fang Yang found that there was a spacious stone chamber in front of him.

The top of the stone chamber was full of night pearls, making the whole room look like daylight.

The stone chamber was filled with gold and silver, as well as many pearls and gems. The whole room was full of dazzling things.

There were several ancient books in the center of the stone chamber. Fang Yang went forward to take a look and found that they were secret records written by the successive masters of the White Fan Sect.

It recorded the secrets of the White Fan Sect for many years.

For example, where the secret gold mine was found, where there were hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, and where there were spiritual beasts guarding, etc.

Fang Yang flipped through it roughly until he saw the last few pages, and then he was shocked.

These last few pages recorded the secrets of the founder of the White Fan Sect.

It turned out that the founder of the White Fan Sect was the prince of the previous royal family. The previous royal family was richest in the world, so the emperor wanted to build a huge mausoleum.

Later, when digging and building the underground palace, an ancient relic was discovered. There was a powerful seal in the relic, which was difficult for mortals to open.

I don't know who slandered the emperor of the previous dynasty, saying that the things of the ancient immortals were afraid of being contaminated by human blood.

Therefore, the emperor of the previous dynasty, blinded by greed, immediately ordered to break the seal by blood sacrifice.

First, the blood of prisoners from the enemy country was used, and then the blood of criminals from the country.

Finally, the migrant workers who built the imperial mausoleum sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people in three years.

Blood flowed like a river under the underground palace, and the seal of the immortals was constantly polluted by blood and finally broke.

The entire immortal ruins were destroyed.

However, the bloody methods of the emperor of the previous dynasty made the heavens angry and the people resentful, and uprisings broke out in all directions.

The world was in chaos, and the previous dynasty perished immediately.

This turmoil lasted for hundreds of years, and it has not been completely quelled until now.

Among the royal family of the previous dynasty, only the prince at that time, the founder of the White Fan Gate, escaped.

He only brought one item that was said to be brought out of the ruins, hiding his name, and finally drifted to the Qinglong Gate.

He became a martial arts master, but he was afraid that his identity as a prince would be revealed, and he was even more afraid that others would know that he had a treasure.

So he deliberately chose Fengcheng, which was the farthest from the Qinglong Gang and located in a poor and bad place, to open a branch of the Qinglong Gang.

The prince was determined to take revenge, and he used poisonous water to strengthen his body.

Although it made him a master of martial arts, it also caused his meridians to be damaged by poison, so he had no descendants.

He had no choice but to accept two disciples, which was the origin of the two halls of the White Fan Sect.

But unfortunately, he never figured out the slightest clue of the relic treasure in his life, and finally died in depression.

Although the leaders of the White Fan Sect in successive generations had comprehended this ancient relic, no one could see the clue.

And this treasure was gradually forgotten, so the White Fan Sect simply built a Sutra Pavilion.

One is to allow their sect to be passed down, and the other is to protect this very useless treasure passed down from the founder of the White Fan Sect.

Fang Yang found that there was a strange crystal ball placed in the center of the stone chamber.

What's even more amazing is that this sphere is inlaid with a green hill like a miniature bonsai.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the peaks are staggered, the ridges are like blades, and the peaks are like daggers.

Every small mountain road can be seen clearly, it looks lifelike, and the craftsmanship is extraordinary.

"Is this the treasure in the ancient ruins?"

Fang Yang didn't care whether this thing was a treasure or not, he just took it away.

Fang Yang felt that this thing might be what Master Chen wanted desperately, and he could be said to have picked up a bargain.

In addition, Fang Yang also found some gems and jades that were easy to carry from these treasures.

At the same time, he also found several spiritual stones that could help with cultivation among these gems.

Even if Fang Yang didn't want to take too much, he still filled his bag.

After Fang Yang came out of the secret passage and closed the black iron door, he hesitated for a moment.

He then used the fireball technique to weld the black iron door directly, and then left with satisfaction.

Even if the White Gate finds the remains of Master Feng in the future, they will not be able to enter the Black Iron Gate in the future. These secrets may become a suspense in the short term.

A few days later, it was the annual birthday of the ancestor again.

Fang Yang did not rush home, but took out a hundred-year-old ginseng from the secret box of Master Chen.

Then he went to the city to purchase some precious medicinal materials.

Then he went to the backyard of Uncle Qi to plan to refine a few furnaces of elixirs.

This time, there were still ten sets of medicinal materials, and Fang Yang succeeded in five furnaces.

And the amount of elixir in each furnace was also improved, with five furnaces having a total of sixty pills.

After that, Fang Yang set his sights on this strange crystal ball.

Fang Yang had secretly used his true energy to explore it. Except for the light that would be emitted after adding the true energy, there was no movement.

So Fang Yang thought of the ritual practice in the Four Directions Immortal Continent Records.

Because this crystal ball emits a strange light, Fang Yang does not want to shock the world in Fengcheng, and he wants to go home to reunite with his family. After refining the elixir, Fang Yang embarks on the road home.

The Fang family has been renovated and has become a wealthy family.

As soon as he got home, Fang Yang found that his sister Fang Yue has now reached the peak of the first level of Qi training.

It seems that she will soon enter the second level.

This speed is much faster than Fang Yang. If Fang Yang had not taken the risk of taking the snake gall of the red phosphorus python, I am afraid that his current cultivation level would only be around the second level.

"Brother, I want Qian Duoduo~~~" Fang Yue came to meet Fang Yang as soon as he got home.

"Brother, I also want Qian Duoduo to play with me~~~" Fang Mu also came up.

When Qian Duoduo in Fang Yang's arms heard Fang Yue's and the others' voices, he immediately jumped out and jumped on Fang Yue.

Now Qian Duoduo has a deep relationship with the Fang family. The little white ferret lay in Fang Yue's arms and let Fang Yue and Fang Mu caress it.

The little guy would wag his tail comfortably from time to time, looking like he was enjoying himself.

After Fang Yang had a small gathering with his family, he left Qian Duoduo with Fang Yue and went up the mountain.

Fang Yang found a clean cave in the mountains and adjusted his condition to the best.

Then he put the crystal ball in front of his eyes and began to use the technique of sacrifice to activate the true energy.

He tried to establish a connection between himself and the crystal ball.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly, and Fang Yang's true energy gradually wrapped the crystal ball.

Fang Yang continued to let the true energy enter it according to the sacrificial refining technique, but soon after, the mysterious crystal ball underwent huge changes and began to swallow Fang Yang's true energy.

"how so?"

Fang Yang was shocked. He felt that he cast the spell exactly according to the ritual training technique, without any mistakes, but the fact was completely beyond Fang Yang's imagination.

The suction of the mysterious crystal ball continues to strengthen, like a black hole that can never be filled, causing Fang Yang's true energy to continue to drain.

In less than half a cup of tea, Fang Yang's true energy was about to bottom out.

Fang Yang did not dare to neglect, and immediately held the two spirit-gathering pills in his mouth, and the real energy transformed in an instant surged forward.

But in less than a cup of tea, the energy was exhausted again, and Fang Yang had to take two more Spirit-Gathering Pills. After repeated repetitions, all thirty Spirit-Gathering Pills were quickly taken.

Fang Yang's meridians also experienced this violent impact and reached their limit.

Fang Yang knew that if he took the elixir forcefully again, he might not be able to bear it.

The meridians may even be broken due to this. Even if you can practice cultivation in the future, it may be difficult to improve your level.

"what to do?"

Fang Yang is facing a life-threatening crisis, and he may not be able to survive for long if he continues to take pills.

But this crystal ball was still sucking its own true energy, and Fang Yang was in a dilemma for a moment.

Fang Yang was driven to despair by this weird treasure.

But in Fang Yang's heart, he has an unbreakable affection for his family, relatives and friends.

"I can't die, I can't die~~~" Fang Yang kept saying to himself.

His strong willpower allowed him to support him, "Sifang Xianzhouzhi once said about the method of blood sacrifice, I'm afraid this is the only way!"

As he spoke, Fang Yang suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and drew out the last of his true energy.

There was a sound of "Pfft~~".

Fang Yang spurted out his blood mixed with true energy. As soon as this blood touched the mysterious crystal ball, it made a detailed sound.

At the same time, Fang Yang felt that the suction force dropped suddenly, and then he fainted due to excessive consumption.

I don't know how long it took before Fang Yang slowly woke up.

Vaguely I just felt that I was in a soft place.

"Huh? Am I not in a cave? Where is this place?"

Fang Yang found that he was stepping on a terraced field. The soil on these terraced fields turned out to be red, orange, and yellow.

"It turns out to be the legendary three-color soil? Aren't these legendary things?"

Fang Yang was shocked, and when he looked up, he was even more surprised. He found that he was in a terraced field at the foot of an unknown mountain.

This mountain was bare and covered with white mist. Fang Yang estimated that the mountain was probably tens of thousands of feet high.

There is a trail that leads up the mountain, and there is a terraced field on the mountainside, which is actually made of five-color soil.

There are two more colors than the terraces at the foot of the mountain.

But there was a flash of light on the road going there, and it was obviously protected by energy.

Fang Yang tried to go over, but was blocked by the spiritual light. Obviously, with Fang Yang's current strength, he was unable to go up.

“I don’t know, what’s so mysterious about this three-color mud and the five-color mud on the mountainside?”

"Why do I feel that the mountain shape here has never been seen before?"

Fang Yang felt that the mountain in front of him was very strange, but he had seen it somewhere.

"Could it be that~~could it be~~ah, isn't this the bonsai-like mountain peak in the crystal ball? How did it become so big?"

Fang Yang screamed.

"Am I actually in that mountain peak?"

Fang Yang was stunned by the sight in front of him.

"It turns out that this is only in this mountain, nowhere in the depths of the clouds!"

Fang Yang discovered that the world he lived in was centered on this mysterious mountain.

Beyond the mountains is a gray void.

The sky was full of turbulent lightning, and only the mountain side was bright.

The mountains are covered with green moss, and gurgling streams flow from the top of the mountain.

"It seems that the land here is very fertile and has spring water. It would be a waste not to use it for farming."

Fang Yang was born in a farm family and naturally knew the value of land.

"Haha, I'm still worried about the waste of the land here. I think I should worry more about myself."

Fang Yang laughed to himself.

Then I began to think carefully about this sudden change.

"I'm afraid I triggered this ancient relic when I was practicing. I didn't expect that this treasure would become a world of its own."

Fang Yang took a closer look and found that this mountain had been reclaimed with many terraces.

There seemed to be traces of planting, but now it looked deserted.

On a rock with a protruding mountain peak, Fang Yang could see several ancient seal characters through the moss.

"Qingyuan Immortal Mountain can grow all things." Fang Yang read these words after looking at them for a long time.

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