Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 447 Deciding to take action

"... After killing Zhao Santian last time, Master Lai was very happy to successfully obtain the batch of jade. He gave me a check of one million at that time!"

"I deposited the money into my wife's account... hahaha..."

"You understand, but recently my brother-in-law reported me, so I issued him a mental illness certificate first!"

“It’s okay if things stick!”

"If that doesn't work, the only option is to feed him a little cyanide and kill him!"

Fu Shaojie almost turned the entire interrogation room into a personal stand-up comedy performance.

He Dong was in another interrogation room, but the situation was similar to here.

Several people who interrogated Ho Tung were also in despair, allowing Ho Tung to come and go freely from the interrogation room with great arrogance.

"Boss Fang, you are still ruthless!"

He Dong couldn't help laughing when he saw Fang Yang and the others in the interrogation room.

He also found a bench and watched Fu Shaojie's talk show with his legs crossed.

Fu Shaojie started talking non-stop like he was holding a rant.

At this time, Kou Zhenggang's originally dark face became even more ugly.

Li Kai's face also began to change from surprise to fear.

He had also heard of many of the violations of laws and disciplines that Fu Shaojie just mentioned.

However, he knew that Fu Shaojie had great power behind him, so he did not stop him.

He just pretended not to know, and therefore Li Kai did not join in the conspiracy.

"Actually, when I heard that Master Na Lai likes jade so much, I guessed that there might be something weird in it, so I kept some of it!"

"As for where to put it, I don't have to tell you..."

Fu Shaojie continued to feel complacent.

At this time, Kou Zhenggang looked at Fang Yang, who was smiling, and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He heard that Fang Yang and the others were arrested, and was afraid that Fang Yang and the others would be persecuted, so he hurried over to save them.

Unexpectedly, he found that Fang Yang had already taken care of Fu Shaojie.

Moreover, Fu Shaojie even proudly told the crime he had committed.

He didn't need to guess to know that it was Fang Yang's trick, and he became more and more interested in Fang Yang's identity.

"I'll tell you more about my mistresses..."

Fu Shaojie spat and said.


Kou Zhenggang was already very angry.

"Li Kai, have you recorded what he said?" Kou Zhenggang asked through gritted teeth.

"Sir Kou, this...the interrogation room has camera equipment, and everything has been recorded!"

Although Li Kai didn't dare to offend Fu Shaojie before, he still dared to be angry and dare not speak out about Fu Shaojie's various evil deeds.

Of course he would not miss this opportunity to deal with Fu Shaojie at this time.

He ordered people to start recording the whole game at the beginning.

"Li Kai will take Fu Shaojie into my custody and arrest him directly. Give me a few more copies of the video of the questions he explained and keep it secretly to prevent it from being deleted!"

"At the same time, the illegal crime he just mentioned has left a lot of evidence. Many of the evidence have formed a chain of evidence. Don't damage it. Pay attention to extraction and collection!"

"Ask my secretary Xiao Chen to report the relevant situation to the Provincial Inspection Department immediately!"

Kou Zhenggang's face was livid at this time, but he handled things vigorously and resolutely.

"By the way, Xiao Chen, notify all city officials to hold an emergency meeting at two o'clock this afternoon!"

Kou Zhenggang rubbed his temples and said seriously.

"Dr. Fang, Dr. He, for your safety, please come back to the city with me in the car this time!"

Kou Zhenggang knew that Fang Yang and the others were the key, and there was no hostility between the two. The current situation in Pingzhou City was very complicated, and Fang Yang and the others would become the targets of revenge.

Even if Fang Yang and the others can use some Zhuyou techniques, they may not be able to withstand the opponent's sniper rifle.

That's why he wanted to ensure the safety of Fang Yang and others.

"This matter has become so big that I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get out of it!"

Fang Yang said calmly.

From Fu Shaojie's confession just now, Fang Yang already knew a lot of secrets.

For example, the death of Zhao Santian and the Pingzhou Municipal Administrator Wei Shaozhong, the Municipal Justice Secretary Fu Pingshan, and the mysterious Master Lai who has great potential power behind the scenes.

This made Fang Yang and the others worried about Kou Zhenggang's safety.

Li Kai quickly made multiple copies of the video, stored them separately, and took out several storage devices for the copies and handed them to Kou Zhenggang.

Kou Zhenggang's secretary Xiao Chen also immediately sent the video directly to the secret mailbox of the Provincial Inspection Department through the wireless network.

Of course, they were afraid that things might change, so they secretly kept multiple backups online.

Then Fang Yang and Kou Zhenggang walked back to the city.

"Mr. Kou, has your mother recovered from her illness?" Fang Yang asked.

"My mother finally had a good sleep yesterday, and she feels much better after taking your medicine!"

Kou Zhenggang talked about his mother, and the anger on his face eased a little.

"Dr. Fang, I've been thinking about your identity. I wonder if you can tell me something?"

Kou Zhenggang asked directly.

Kou Zhenggang is such a person who doesn't have too many tricks.

He felt that Fang Yang was very interested in his taste and regarded him as one of his own, so he was no longer polite.

"My identity is a bit special, I don't know whether to talk about it or not!"

Fang Yang looked a little embarrassed.

Although he also felt that Kou Zhenggang was an upright man, his identity was too mysterious, and even Kou Zhenggang might not believe it.

While Fang Yang was thinking about it, He Dong who was standing beside him smiled and said, "Sir Kou, our status is indeed very special, it's hard to say!"

"Don't worry, the driver and Xiao Chen are both people I trust, and they will never reveal a word!"

Kou Zhenggang said firmly.

Although he knew that Fang Yang was definitely on his side.

But Fang Yang's reluctance to reveal his identity made him even more worried.

At this time, Fang Yang had an idea and reached into his pocket. He secretly used his true energy to take out two special service certificates from the Wushan Sect's Gong Gang's storage bag.

This is exactly what Gong Gang and Jiang Biehai got.

When Kou Zheng first saw the special situation certificate, he took it and looked at it several times using several methods to confirm its authenticity.

This kind of special intelligence certificate is usually carried by special intelligence personnel of the state secret department when they perform special tasks.

There is no information on it, not even a name or photo.

As the chief officer, Kou Zhenggang is also considered a high-level official, so he also knows some of the rules of the country's special intelligence department.

This proves that there is only authenticity and no information, just like the tiger charm tokens in ancient times.

"It's true! It turns out that you two are from the special intelligence department. That's disrespectful!"

Kou Zhenggang felt completely relieved at this time.

"If you need any help, just ask. According to the regulations, I should fully meet your needs and help you complete your special mission!"

"Sir Kou, since our identities have been revealed, I won't be polite!"

"We need a new identity certificate. At the same time, we need to configure two optical-brain mobile phones with the new identity, and nothing else!"

Fang Yang smiled.

These days, Fang Yang and the others have understood that optical cell phones have almost become a necessity for urbanites.

You can directly transfer money and make payments, etc., and you can also get a lot of information through your optical phone.

This was one of the reasons why Fang Yang and the others did not dare to go down the mountain at will.

"Of course, I will arrange for my close associates from the Security Department to help you do this. It should be done in an hour!" Kou Zhenggang nodded.

I just need you to register it with the Security Department, but the situation is urgent now, and Fu Pingshan and the others have taken control of the Security Department's system. I'll just make a stopgap and let them prepare it and send it over first! "

Of course Kou Zhenggang knew the current situation, so he made a decision quickly.

"Thank you, Chief Kou!" Fang Yang nodded and said.

"Sir Kou, judging from the current situation, Master Lai is probably also a member of the country's special intelligence department. Chief Kou must also know something about the special intelligence department!"

"I do know quite well that people in the country's special intelligence department all have special abilities or special functions, and there are also people who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth!"

"I heard that many of these people are related to legendary ancient sects. These sects are extremely powerful and can even determine the change of dynasties!"

"However, starting from hundreds of years ago, these sects gradually faded out of the stage of history. However, a hundred years ago, the legendary spiritual energy revived. They found some spokesmen and began not to interfere in the change of political power."

"But the people they sent, even the outer disciples, are very powerful!"

Fang Yang and the others were slightly surprised by Kou Zhenggang's words.

Because ordinary people, even local leaders, cannot know that much.

Kou Zhenggang obviously saw Fang Yang's surprise, and said with a slow smile, "I was born in a military family, and my father once held an important position in Tianlong Guard, so I know more than the average person. It's a pity that my father passed away early."

"It seems that Master Lai is such a person." Fang Yang said with a smile.

"But no matter who it is, who bends the law for personal gain, seeks wealth and harm, or sells his official position, he should be severely punished! No matter who is behind them, I will never forgive them lightly!"

"If you two are worried, please finish your work and leave Pingzhou as soon as possible after getting the optical computer phone!"

"Hehehe... Commander Kou, with your words, we might as well risk our lives to accompany the gentleman!"

"It doesn't matter what his background is, the worst I can do is go back to the mountain and live in seclusion!" Fang Yang laughed and made his position clear at the same time.

Kou Zhenggang has always admired Fang Yang's character, and now he was even more excited.

"Doctor Fang, if it weren't for the special situation now, I would treat you to a drink!"

Kou Zhenggang said boldly.

Fang Yang and the others' original intention was to do more merit, but now they didn't expect to encounter such things.

They could ignore it, but the other party actually attacked them, which completely angered Fang Yang.

So Fang Yang simply took the initiative to help Kou Zhenggang deal with Master Lai and others.

"Let's go eat first. By the time the meal is over, I guess your identity certificates and optical cell phones will be ready."

Kou Zhenggang ordered: "Xiao Chen sent the heads of Mr. Fang and Mr. He directly to the optical brain. We will handle this special matter. Identity certificates should be ready soon!"

Sure enough, Kou Zhenggang, the chief officer, spoke, and within one meal, the identity certificates and optical cell phones that Fang Yang and the others asked for were delivered to them.

After that, they went directly to the city hall.

When the car drove to the city hall, Fang Yang instantly felt something unusual in his breath.

"Be careful of an ambush!"

Although Fang Yang's skills have diminished, his spiritual senses are still very keen.

He immediately felt the prying eyes of a cultivator.

As soon as he said this, Kou Zhenggang's driver immediately took out his Aurora pistol and prepared it.

(Happy New Year's Day!!! During the holiday, I will continue to update, please give me more support! Thank you!)

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