Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 617: Shushan's Defeat

Only then did many monks realize that the head of Shushan, who usually called them around, could no longer be contacted.

Apparently he escaped for his life while they were drawing fire.

"Yi Chang really misunderstood me!!!" A monk shouted in pain.

For a time, many monks finally realized the ruthlessness and senselessness of Shushan Sect, and felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

"Those who surrender will live, those who do not surrender will be reincarnated!"

Fang Yang's voice came from the sky like thunder.

"I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

Many Nascent Soul monks made begging sounds for mercy, but they were no longer fierce at all.

A Dou Da jade talisman carefully refined by He Dong fell into the formation, and a coercive voice sounded again: "Those who surrender will place their souls on the jade talisman and will never betray, otherwise their souls will be destroyed!"

"We are willing to..."

"I don't want to perish..."

"We sincerely surrender and will never rebel or rebel..."

These monks had already been strangled to death by the large formation just now.

They understood that if they did not surrender, their soul would be destroyed.

The higher the cultivation level of these monks, the more worried they are about falling.

Immediately, one after another Yuanshen quickly fell into the jade talisman...

In this battle, Shushan was completely defeated - more than twenty Yuanying monks were killed in Shushan, and more than sixty Yuanying monks surrendered.

The entire elite of the Shushan Sect was almost completely lost.

And Yi Changzhen and the others finally took advantage of the crowd to attract firepower, activated the Liangyi Formation and Shushan Secret Technique with all their strength, and escaped from the Zhoutian Star Formation.

But they were also seriously injured. After they escaped back to Shushan, they immediately activated the Liangyi Dust Formation.

Moreover, all Shushan monks no longer dare to take a step out of Shushan. Shushan, which was originally one of the great powers, has completely declined.

With this power, Fang Yang directly established the Yanmu Immortal Sect as a branch of the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom.

Suddenly it became a mysterious sect on par with Kunlun and Buddhism.

After this battle, the name of the Yanmu Immortal Sect was called out for the first time.

At this time, the Kunlun Sect also announced the discovery of the remains of the Nanhai Sect, a branch of the ancient Kunlun.

And it has been in business for more than half a year.

Shushan was caught off guard, and even if he wanted to stop it, he was already powerless.

In this way, a new cultivation pattern was established, and the glory of Shushan Sect became history.

In Lingluan Mountain in the Xiaoling Realm, Fang Yang and the younger disciples of the He family have become accustomed to this place that is like a fairyland on earth.

Of course there are many Buddhist monks here.

After discussing with Ten Thousand Demons Valley, they finally got the opportunity to promote Buddhism in the small spirit world.

Buddhism originally taught that all living beings have Buddha nature, and it can gradually spread its message to the small spiritual world, which is also a great improvement for the demon clan, which originally relied on killing as its law.

After the Shushan Sect was defeated, Fang Yang and the others did not stay long and returned directly to the Little Spirit Realm.

Although the Shushan sect in the lower realm cannot make any big waves now, Qifang Hu in the small spirit realm is a time bomb that may explode at any time.

Last time, Qi Fanghu was too confident and tried to break through, but he almost succeeded.

If Fang Yang and the others hadn't had some changes, maybe the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons would have been completely slaughtered by him.

If Qi Fanghu had used sneak attacks and assassinations at that time, he might not have been able to recover even if Fang Yang was around.

"After the last damage, Qi Fanghu will definitely come up with some dirty tricks!"

In the main hall of Ten Thousand Demons Valley, Fang Yang expressed his thoughts.

"Last time he was defeated by our joint efforts because of his self-righteousness. It will definitely not be so easy to deal with him next time. We must be prepared first to avoid being defeated individually."

"Brother Fang, you taught the Zhoutian Star Formation this time as a joint mountain protection battle for our Ten Thousand Demon Valley and Lingluan Mountain. This formation is extremely powerful. I broke into it the day before yesterday and almost couldn't get out. "

"I think with this formation in place, we should be able to sit back and relax!"

Xiong Tianwang had personally experienced the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation and admired the mystery of this formation.

"King Xiong, we can't be careless!" Fang Yang shook his head and said.

"The Zhoutian Star Formation requires at least 365 monks in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul to exert its greatest effect. When we encircled and suppressed the monks of the Shushan Sect this time, we only managed to gather more than 120 monks."

"The power is at most 30%. If you want to be foolproof, you must improve your strength."

"In addition, we must prevent Qi Fanghu from using dirty tricks. If he uses some secret method to escape our detection and catch us off guard, we will be in trouble!"

Fang Yang was thoughtful and analyzed very deeply.

"Yes, although we are protected by the formation, when the opponent will come, in what form, and whether we can predict the enemy's opportunity, this is a big problem!"

"Although the formation has special mysteries, there are also many loopholes that can be exploited!" He Dong nodded and expressed his worries.

"So I want to ask your Majesty to ask for someone to help!" Fang Yang asked confidently.

"Haha, brother Fang, just ask, as long as we can help, we in Ten Thousand Demon Valley will do our best!"

"Last time, we in Ten Thousand Demon Valley were almost massacred by that lunatic named Qi. This guy is too strong and we have to guard against him!" King Xiong said.

"I need you to send Lai Sanshou!" Fang Yang said his choice.

At the same time, he looked at the Five Elements boy beside him.

This time, the Five Elements Boy had calculated for a while, although it was still vague, but he had roughly calculated the hiding place of Qi Fanghu.

Therefore, Fang Yang already had a plan in mind.

Later, Fang Yang started more plans.

He refined a lot of powerful pills for his disciples to take.

Of course, he also prepared a lot of pills for some demon cultivators who were preparing to advance to the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul.

Help them quickly improve their cultivation.

As long as the cultivators who meet the cultivation requirements are stabilized, they will immediately be allowed to practice the art of formation under He Dong.

In this way, an assembly line for the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul was born.

Batches of demon cultivators advanced and then practiced the Zhoutian Star Array.

This also allowed the formation to continue to improve.

Of course, the medicinal power of the pills Fang Yang used for the demon cultivators was several times stronger than that of ordinary human cultivators.

This was a change made in consideration of the strong physique of the demons.

If humans took such pills, they would probably have exploded long ago, but the demons were able to persist.

Although the small spiritual world is full of spiritual energy, the demon race must open their spiritual intelligence if they want to transform from demon beasts to demon cultivators.

This requires not only time but also opportunity for the demon race.

Some demon cultivators may have high blood concentration, but if they do not open their spiritual intelligence, they are just higher-level demon beasts. Only those who open their spiritual intelligence can be considered demon cultivators.

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