Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 631 Refining the Five Elements Sword Talisman

With layers of restrictions to control the surrendered Shushan people, Fang Yang and his team felt much more at ease. Then, Fang Yang selected dozens of more upright and high-level cultivators from these Shushan surrendered generals as the focus of training.

Fang Yang promised that if they served Yanmu Xianmen for 500 years, they could obtain high-level elixirs refined by Fang Yang. As for the cultivators with insufficient life span, Fang Yang could also provide some elixirs to enhance their life span.

Of course, Fang Yang also added some additional conditions. Any cultivator who successfully advanced to the God Transformation Stage by obtaining Fang Yang's God Transformation Pill must serve Yanmu Xianmen for another thousand years in the future.

Fang Yang's conditions were quite generous. Which cultivator would not want to improve his cultivation and advance to the God Transformation Stage? If he advanced to the God Transformation Stage, he would naturally have thousands of years more life span. It would be a very cost-effective exchange for them to only spend a thousand years to serve.

In this way, the system established by Fang Yang and his team was quickly implemented. Soon, many of the original Shushan Sect's cultivators completed the reorganization, and the Shushan Sect also became the Shushan branch of the Yanmu Xian Sect.

As for the children of some Shushan senior masters, they naturally did not appear among the surrendered people. They still have full confidence in the Shushan Sect of the Spirit Realm, hoping to get help to turn the tables, but they are also afraid that they will be severely punished by the spiritual forces after surrendering.

However, there are only more than ten such cultivators, which will definitely not affect the overall situation. Now the Yanmu Xian Sect has nearly a hundred Yuanying cultivators, and the Shushan Sect's resident naturally belongs to Fang Yang, but many good things have been taken away by the fleeing Shushan cultivators, and those left are those that were not taken away in time.

After Fang Yang dealt with these things, he returned to the small spiritual world to continue his retreat.

Because Fang Yang now has important things to do, which is to complete the sacrifice of the Five Elements Great Sword Talisman.

Fang Yang saw the power of this thing with his own eyes, so he naturally wanted to master its wonderful use as soon as possible. After conquering Shushan, Fang Yang no longer had any worries. The Shushan Sect on Earth also became the ruling place of Yanmu Xianmen, and of course its remaining forces were also taken over.

Because He Dong and the He family were proficient in management, they simply built a new Yanmu Xianmen with corporate institutional management. Nowadays, there are indeed not many human cultivators in Lingluan Mountain, so every year Yanmu Xianmen will accept hundreds of cultivators with high spiritual root qualifications and good character and morality as disciples.

Among them, the outstanding ones can also get the opportunity to practice in the small spiritual world. It is estimated that in less than a few decades, the human cultivators in Lingluan Mountain will be on par with the demon cultivators.

Another year later, Bingfeng Fang Bingbing successfully impacted the late Nascent Soul stage and flew directly out of Qingyuan Xianshan.

When she came to Lingluan Mountain, she was inexplicably attracted by a subconscious bloodline.

Later, she learned from the Bear King that Lingluan Mountain was said to be the place where the ancient divine bird Qingluan lived, which made Fang Bingbing, who was an ice phoenix, feel very emotional.

After that, Fang Bingbing practiced alone in the depths of Lingluan Mountain. At the same time, it seemed to be attracted by a mysterious opportunity, and often went in and out of the vicinity of Lingluan Mountain, as if looking for something.

Although the Five Elements Boy helped Fang Bingbing calculate, there was no clue. Fang Yang knew that this might be an opportunity for her own inheritance, so he did not interfere too much.

Although the Five Elements Boy could not calculate the secret, he also predicted that this was probably an opportunity for Fang Bingbing.

It was just because the secret was secret, and the Five Elements Boy’s current strength in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul was indeed impossible to spy on.

Fang Yang’s several disciples are now practicing very smoothly.

However, they also hope to get some experience, so after Ruo Yunxi’s cultivation reached the Golden Core, Fang Yang allowed her to go out for experience.

If a cultivator does not go through trials and tribulations, and the road to cultivation is too smooth, he will not know the dangers of the road to cultivation.

This will inevitably become a great obstacle to his mentality, thus affecting future success and making it impossible to cultivate to a higher level. While the Yanmu Immortal Sect in the small spiritual world was beginning to be built in full swing, Fang Yang had been in seclusion to offer sacrifices to the Five Elements Great Sword Talisman.

The power of this great sword talisman is extremely strong. Even if Fang Yang killed Qi Fanghu and made it ownerless, Fang Yang still had to take his time to subdue it.

Fortunately, Fang Yang still had the help of the Five Elements Boys, and he could also use the secret method of the Heaven Stealing Atlas to detect the secrets contained in the Five Elements Great Sword Talisman. Although he gained very little each time, he benefited a lot from it over time.

Afterwards, Fang Yang would spend one or two months every year teaching his disciples, one or two months refining pills, and the rest of the days would be spent wholeheartedly offering sacrifices to the Five Elements Great Sword Talisman.

Time flies, and more than 30 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Fang Yang was in a hidden cave, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in his body began to form a mixed force.

These forces were injected into the five-element sword talisman, and instantly lit up red, white, green, yellow and black five-color lights, which represented the power of the five elements. For a time, the spiritual power in the five-color sword talisman surged in.

After Fang Yang's hard work over the years, the five-element power finally formed mutual induction through his own sacrifice. After about a few hours, the five-color true essence began to gradually gather in the sword talisman.

Suddenly, the five-color sword talisman began to be stimulated and gradually grew larger. Fang Yang controlled it to about three meters.

I saw the five-element power flowing on the lightsaber formed by the five-element energy, and each other emitted bursts of light.

"Finally succeeded. After thirty years of sacrifice, I finally mastered most of the power of this five-element sword talisman!" Fang Yang was ecstatic.

He then waved his hand, and the lightsaber suspended in the air shrank instantly, turning into a palm-sized five-color jade talisman that flew into his hand.

"I can already activate the power of this five-element sword talisman! But the true energy required to control this thing is too great, and I can only use it once or twice before I will be exhausted." Fang Yang sighed.

"And I am forcibly refining it with the power of the five elements, and at most I can release most of the power of my total power!" However, this still gives Fang Yang an extremely powerful killer.

You know, when Qi Fanghu used this thing that day, he once promoted the power of the sword talisman to a cultivation level above the Refining Void Stage. It is precisely because of the power of this thing that it will attract the special targeting of the heavenly tribulation.

However, with this thing, Fang Yang can have the strength to fight even if he encounters a cultivator who is much stronger than him. This is because Fang Yang has all five elements and his skills are far beyond the realm that ordinary cultivators of the same level can barely reach. After Fang Yang completed the sacrifice, he found that there was a jade talisman information in the restriction outside the cave.

He waved his hand to collect the item and found that it was sent by the Bear Heavenly King.

After Fang Yang finished reading the message in the jade slip, a trace of joy appeared on his face.

(It's Monday, I wish everyone to be energetic and happy!)

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